Read flash memory error:
Calibration data stored in data flash is corrupted.
OUI sends a SYST_OFF command to power board and
indicates error message F25. Error message will be set until
the OUI is switched off by user.
No error indication again.
Ad calibration running error:
OUI tries to start a smart program while the calibration of the
SB measurement device (ADE7753) is running which is not
OUI sends a SYST_OFF command to power board and
indicates error message F26. Error message will be set until
the OUI is switched off by user.
No error indication again.
Error Unknown:
UI sends a SYST_OFF command to power board and
indicates error message F27. Error message will be set as
long as the UI is switched off by user.
No error indication again.
Smart communication alarm:
When a smart function is running, OUI receives periodically
messages from the SB. The OUI has to create an F28-alarm
if it doesn't receive such a message for longer than 2
minutes. This alarm is created by the OUI itself.
Error indication F28 after 2 min. Error information is indicated
as long as the OUI is switched off by user. The error
information can be reset from OUI if the communication is ok
F28 is only shown by running Smart Function, Smart_Status
(Checking, Ambient, Heat-up1, Heat-up2).
ADC Board error:
This failure cannot occur during OFF_STATE or STAND_BY
(because APD relay disconnects SB from mains). It occurred
only if a Smart Function is running until Smart_Status
(Baking) message. If SB recognizes hang-on of ADC unit (no
changes of measured values), then SB sends alarm
massage to OUI (ERROR_ADC_UNIT).
Error indication F29 immediate. OUI sends a SYST_OFF
command to OC and indicates error message F29 or a pop
up information. Error information is indicated as long as the
OUI is switched off by user.
F29 is only shown by running Smart Function, Smart_Status
(Checking, Ambient, Heat-up1, Heat-up2).
Technical Support - BSP
Smart board (SB) fault.
Smart board (SB) fault.
Smart board (SB) fault.
Smart board (SB) fault.
1. ADC Board (ADC) fault.
2. Smart board (SB) fault.
599 73 09-98 Rev. 02