Click the Next button.
The wizard goes on to the next step.
To check how the resized images look on the screen, click the Preview button.
Choose what you want to do with the compressed image files, and then click the
Finish button.
This closes the wizard and automatically creates an image file for sending with an
If the Start e-mail program option is selected as the next step in 5. above, your E-
mail application will automatically start when the compression is completed,
allowing you to edit an E-mail message. The images processed by ZoomBrowser
EX will be automatically attached to the E-mail.
If the Save images in a folder option is selected as the next step in 5. above, the
Select Directory dialog box will be displayed. Specify the destination folder to save
the image files and save them as new files.
For details of the operation, click the Help button in the E-mail wizard dialog box.
Processing Image for Sending by E-mail