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A39558 R-777B O/M Russian
Herjdjlcndj gj ärcgkefnfwbb b htwtgns
VTHS GHTLJCNJHJÖZJCNB .......................................... 1
JCJ>ST ERFPFZBY ........................................................... 2
BZCNHERWBY GJ ECNFZJDRT ....................................... 3
J>OBQ DBL GTXB .............................................................. 3
Lbcgktq gfztkb eghfdktzby ............................................. 4
Ctzcjhzfy gfztkm eghfdktzby .......................................... 5
Ghbvths bzlbrfwbb heccrbü ckjd ................................. 6
Zfuhtd gtxb <tp ghjlernjd d ztq ................................... 7
Ecnfzjdrf xfcjd .................................................................. 8
JCJ>ST ERFPFZBY ................................................................ 9
Gjktpzst cjdtns ................................................................ 9
Ghbujnjdktzbt ghb gjvjob nfqvthf .......................... 10
>scnhjt ghbujnjdktzbt ................................................... 11
R777B cover
Vtlktzzjt ghbujnjdktzbt .............................................. 12
FDNJVFNBXTCRBT JGTHFWBB ................................... 15
Gbwwf .................................................................................. 16
Heccrjt Vtz+ .................................................................... 18
Fdnj-uhbkm .......................................................................... 20
Hfpjuhtd ............................................................................... 22
Ghbujnjdktzbt hbcf ......................................................... 23
>k+lf zf gfhe ................................................................... 25
Fdnjvfnbxtcrjt ghbujnjdktzbt ..................................... 28
Ghjcnfy hfpvjhjprf ......................................................... 30
LHEUBT ELJ>ZST AEZRWBB ....................................... 32
Cbuzfkbpfwby ..................................................................... 34
EÜJL PF GTXM* ............................................................... 36
GTHTL NTV RFR DSPDFNM VFCNTHF ....................... 37
NTÜZBXTCRBT ÜFHFRNTHBCNBRB ............................ 37
03.6.9, 4:23 PM


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Sharp R-777H

  • Page 1: Table Of Contents

    R-777H Herjdjlcndj gj ärcgkefnfwbb b htwtgns CJLTHÖFZBT BZAJHVFWBY J CTHNBABRFWBB GHJLERWBB Vtlktzzjt ghbujnjdktzbt ..........12 UFHFZNBQZSQ NFKJZ ZF BPLTKBT SHARP Gtxm jczfotzf nhtvy htöbvfvb ”UHBKM“ ....13 VTHS GHTLJCNJHJÖZJCNB .......... 1 Ghbujnjdktzbt c bcgjkmpjdfzbtv aezrwbb JCJ>ST ERFPFZBY ............2 ”UHBKM+CDX“ ..............14 BZCNHERWBY GJ ECNFZJDRT ........
  • Page 2 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian R777B Ru 03.6.9, 9:18 PM...
  • Page 3: Bzajhvfwby J Cthnbabrfwbb Ghjlerwbb

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian BZAJHVFWBY J CTHNBABRFWBB GHJLERWBB VBRHJDJKZJDFY GTXM C UHBKTV VT10 VJLTKM R-777Z IFHG cthnbabwbhjdfzf jhufzjv gj cthnbabrfwbb <snjdjq äktrnhjzbrb “NTCN>ÄN“ (Htubcnhfwbjzzsq zjvth d Ujchttcnht — HJCC RU.0001.11ME10) VJLTKM R-777Z IFHG Gj <tpjgfczjcnb — UJCN H VÄR 335-2-25-97 cjjndtncndetn nht<jdfzbyv UJCN H VÄR 60335-2-6-00 zjhvfnbdzsü...
  • Page 4 перечисленных ниже, если рекомендованные режимы эксплуатации изделия, изложенные в инструкции по эксплуатации, полностью соблюдены. сли аше изделие SHARP нуждается в гарантийном обслуживании, обращайтесь в один из пециализированных ервисных ентров, информация о которых приведена на внутренней стороне талона. астоящая гарантия предусматривает замену дефектных узлов и деталей и выполнение ремонтных работ...
  • Page 5 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Авторизованные сервисные центры ород азвание Адрес елефон осква - ехнический центр 123290, елепихинская наб., 18 (095) 797-34-34 осква Алина- идеопроф- ервис 115470, агатинская наб., 40/1, стр. 5 (095) 118-01-56, 118-19-90 осква Алина- идеопроф- ервис 109172, ул. ольшие аменщики, 19 (095) 912-90-13, 912-76-23 осква...
  • Page 6 454081, ул. Артиллерийская, 102 (3512) 72-72-28, 72-56-01 нформацию об авторизованных сервисных центрах в других регионах и о сервисных центрах наших торговых партнеров, ы можете узнать у фирмы, продавшей ам товар, на интернет-странице http://www.sharp.ru или по бесплатному междугороднему телефону 8-800-200-7427. R777B en Russia page...
  • Page 7 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Уважаемый окупатель! о избежание излишних проблем просим ас внимательно ознакомиться с информацией, содержащейся в гарантийном талоне и инструкции по эксплуатации. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- астоящим Я подтверждаю, что приобрел данное изделие А пригодным к эксплуатации, в полном комплекте и с русской инструкцией по эксплуатации. О...
  • Page 8 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian R777B en Russia page 03.4.25, 11:07 PM...
  • Page 9: Vths Ghtljcnjhjözjcnb

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian VTHS GHTLJCNJHJÖZJCNB DFÖZST GHFDBKF >TPJGFCZJCNB : DZBVFNTKMZJ GHJXNBNT B CJÜHFZBNT LKY LFKMZTQIBÜ CGHFDJR. Ghb bcgjkmpjdfzbb aezrwbq ”UHBKM“, ”UHBKM+CDX“, ”GBWWF“, ”HECCRJT VTZ*“ b ”FDNJ-UHBKM“ gjdjhjnzsq cnjkbr, gjlcnfdrf, ldthwf, dztizbq rjhgec b ëvrjcnm gtxb zfuhtdf+ncy. Dj bp<töfzbt jöjuf gjkmpeqntcm herfdbwfvb.
  • Page 10: Jcj>St Erfpfzby

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian JCJ>ST ERFPFZBY Xnj ztj<üjlbvj ltkfnm Xtuj ltkfnm ztkmpy * Ghjrfksdfnm ötknrb b <tkrb ybw, f nfröt * Dfhbnm yqwf d crjhkegt — lky Yqwf, cjcbcrb, jhtüb, ctvtzf, hfrjdbzs ecnhbw gthtl ghbujnjdktzbtv. Ntv ghtljndhfotzby ”dphsdf“, jdjob, cfvsv ds bp<töbnt ”dphsdf“. rjnjhsq vjötn gjdhtlbnm gtxm * Ghjnsrfnm rjöehe rfhnjatky, y<kjr, aherns b...
  • Page 11: Bzcnherwby Gj Ecnfzjdrt

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian BZCNHERWBY GJ ECNFZJDRT 1. Elfkbnt dct egfrjdjxzst vfnthbfks bp gtxb. E<tlbntcm d njv, xnj gtxm zt bvttn gjdhtöltzbq, f bvtzzj: ldthwf zt gthtrjitzf, ghjrkflrf zf ldthwt zt bvttn gjdhtöltzbq, f zf dzenhtzzbü gjdthüzjcnyü gtxb b zf ldthwt jncencnde+n dvynbzs. Tckb Ds j<zfheöbkb jlzj bp änbü gjdhtöltzbq, zt gjkmpeqntcm gtxm+ lj ntü...
  • Page 12: Hf>Jnf C Ctzcjhzjq Gfztkm* Eghfdktzby

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian HF>JNF C CTZCJHZJQ GFZTKM* EGHFDKTZBY Hf<jnf c ctzcjhzjq gfztkm+ eghfdktzby jceotcndkytncy zföfnbtv cjjndtncnde+otq rzjgrb, hfcgjkjötzzjq zf gfztkb eghfdktzby. Pderjdjq cbuzfk ghb zföfnbb zf rzjgre cdbltntkmcndetn j <tpjib<jxzjv ddjlt. Pderjdjq cbuzfk lkbntkmzjcnm+ ghb<kbpbntkmzj 2 ctrezls hfplftncy nfröt d rjzwt wbrkf ghbujnjdktzby. Rhjvt njuj, rjulf nht<etncy dsgjkztzbt cktle+otuj ifuf ghbujnjdktzby, pdexbn 4-rhfnzsq pderjdjq cbuzfk.
  • Page 13: Ctzcjhzfy Gfztkm Eghfdktzby

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Ctzcjhzfy gfztkm eghfdktzby RZJGRF RZJGRF ”GBWWF“ ”FDNJVFNBXTCRJT Zföfnbtv zf äne rzjgre GHBUJNJDKTZBT“ j<tcgtxbdftncy ds<jh vtz+ Zföfnbtv zf äne rzjgre bp 3 dfhbfznjd gbwws. jceotcndkytncy ds<jh vtz+ bp 4 hfcghjcnhfztzzsü <k+l. RZJGRF ”HECCRJT VTZ*“ RZJGRF ”FDNJ-UHBKM“ Zföfnbtv zf äne rzjgre Zföfnbtv zf äne rzjgre jceotcndkytncy ds<jh 5 jceotcndkytncy ds<jh vtz+...
  • Page 14: Ghbvths Bzlbrfwbb Heccrbü

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Ghbvths bzlbrfwbb heccrbü <erd Ghbvths bzlbrfwbb heccrbü ckjd R777B Ru P01- 03.6.9, 4:28 PM...
  • Page 15: Gthtl Hf

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Gthtl hf<jnjq * Änf gtxm ecnfzjdktzf c gjvjom+ HERJDJLCNDF GJ ÄRCGKEFNFWBB. Bzcnherwbb gjydky+ncy zf lbcgktt lky gjvjob ghb ddjlt ghjuhfvv. D änjv herjdjlcndt bzcnherwbb ghbdjlyncy d cjrhfotzzjv dblt. Zfxfkj hf<jns Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Rzjgrf Rzjgrf Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby...
  • Page 16: Ecnfzjdrf Xfcjd

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Ecnfzjdrf xfcjd Xfcs gjrfpsdf+n dhtvy d 12-xfcjdjv htöbvt. * Xnj<s ddtcnb dhtvy 11:34 (enhf bkb dtxthf). Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Rzjgrf Rzjgrf Rzjgrf Rzjgrf Rzjgrf Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Lbcgktq Zfövbnt rzjgre ”XFCS“. Njxrb zfxbzf+n vbufnm. Ddtlbnt ghfdbkmzjt dhtvy gentv gjcktljdfntkmzjuj zföfnby wbahjdsü...
  • Page 17: Jcj>St Erfpfzby

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian JCJ>ST ERFPFZBY Gjktpzst cjdtns Ghfdbkmzjt hfcgjkjötzbt ghjlernf Hfcgjkfufqnt ghjlern zf nfhtkrt zfb<jktt njkcnjq xfcnm+ ddthü. Ujnjdmnt ghjlern vbzbvfkmzj erfpfzzjt dhtvy. Cktlbnt pf dhtvtztv ghbujnjdktzby Edtkbxbdfqnt dhtvy ghbujnjdktzby d ckexft ztj<üjlbvjcnb. Cbkmzj gthtöfhtzzsq ghjlern vjötn pflsvbnmcy bkb pfujhtnmcy. Zfrhsdfqnt ghjlerns Ds<thbnt ghtlkfuftvst chtlcndf: cgtwbfkmzsq <evfözsq gfrtn dj dhtvy ghbujnjdktzby...
  • Page 18: Ghbujnjdktzbt Ghb Gjvjob Nfqvthf

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Ghbujnjdktzbt ghb gjvjob nfqvthf Änj aezrwby ghbujnjdktzby dhexze+. Czfxfkf zeözj ddjlbnm dhtvy ghbujnjdktzby, pfntv - ehjdtzm vjozjcnb. Bvttncy djpvjözjcnm ddjlf dhtvtzb lj 99 vbzen 99 ctrezl. Tcnm gynm hfpkbxzsü ehjdztq vjozjcnb: – – – – – – –...
  • Page 19: Ghbujnjdktzbt Gentv Pflfzby Gjcktljdfntkmzjcntq

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Ghbujnjdktzbt gentv pflfzby gjcktljdfntkmzjcntq Ecnhjqcndj gtxb gjpdjkytn pflfzbt lj nhtü gjcktljdfntkmzjcntq ghbujnjdktzby c djpvjözjcnm+ fdnjvfnbxtcrjuj gthtrk+xtzby c jlzjuj ehjdzy vjozjcnb zf lheujq. J<hfnbnt dzbvfzbt zf nj, xnj gthtl ddjljv gjcktljdfntkmzjcnb ghbujnjdktzby zeözj ddtcnb ehjdtzm vjozjcnb. * Ghtlgjkjöbv, Ds üjnbnt ujnjdbnm <k+lj 10 vbzen ghb chtlztv ehjdzt vjozjcnb, f pfntv 5 vbzen ghb dscjrjv ehjdzt vjozjcnb.
  • Page 20: Vtlktzzjt Ghbujnjdktzbt

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Vtlktzzjt ghbujnjdktzbt Aezrwby ”VTLKTZZJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT“ ghtlzfpzfxtzf lky ghjlernjd, rjnjhst ujnjdyncy ljkmit j<sxzjuj, zfghbvth, neitzst <k+lf, cegs, öblrbt rbnfqcrbt ltcthns. Aezrwby ”VTLKTZZJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT“ bvttn ldf htöbvf: ”VTLKTZZJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT — CBKMZJT“ b "VTLKTZZJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT — CKF>JT". Ghb htuekbhjdfzbb dhtvtzb dhexze+ vfrcbvfkmzjt dhtvy ghbujnjdktzby — 2 xfcf rfr ghb cbkmzjv, nfr b ghb ckf<jv htöbvt.
  • Page 21: Gtxm Jczfotzf Nhtvy Htöbvfvb "Uhbkm

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Gtxm jczfotzf nhtvy htöbvfvb ”UHBKM“ Lky ds<jhf htöbvf, ghb rjnjhjv bcgjkmpetncy dthüzbq zfuhtdfntkmzsq äktvtzn, zfövbnt zf rzjgre ”UHBKM“ jlbz hfp. Lky ds<jhf htöbvf, ghb rjnjhjv bcgjkmpetncy zbözbq zfuhtdfntkmzsq äktvtzn, zfövbnt zf rzjgre ”UHBKM“ ldf hfpf. Lky ds<jhf htöbvf, ghb rjnjhjv bcgjkmpe+ncy j<f zfuhtdfntkmzsü äktvtznf, zfövbnt zf rzjgre ”UHBKM“ nhb hfpf.
  • Page 22: Ghbujnjdktzbt C Bcgjkmpjdfzbtv Aezrwbb "Uhbkm+Cdx

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Ghbujnjdktzbt c bcgjkmpjdfzbtv aezrwbb ”UHBKM+CDX“ Vbrhjdjkzjdfy gtxm c uhbktv jczfotzf xtnshmvy ujnjdsvb htöbvfvb ”UHBKM+CDX“, xnj j<ktuxftn ghbujnjdktzbt c bcgjkmpjdfzbtv j<jbü zfuhtdfntkmzsü äktvtznjd b vbrhjdjkzjdjuj bpkextzby. Zeözsq htöbv ds<bhftncy zföfnbtv zf rzjgre ”UHBKM+CDX“. Ghb bcgjkmpjdfzbb aezrwbb ”UHBKM+CDX“ hfpjuhtd gtxb zt zeötz. Ujnjdfy ghjuhfvvf Xbckj zföfnbq zf vjozjcnm...
  • Page 23: Fdnjvfnbxtcrbt Jgthfwbb

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian FDNJVFNBXTCRBT JGTHFWBB Pfvtxfzby jnzjcbntkmzj fdnjvfnbxtcrbü jgthfwbq 1. Tckb ghb zföfnbb zf rzjgre ”>SCNHJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT/GECR“ drk+xtzzst d ghjuhfvve rjkbxtcndj bkb dtc ghjlernjd <jkmit bkb vtzmit, xtv htrjvtzletncy d herjdjlcndfü gj vtz+, zf lbcgktt gjydbncy cjj<otzbt JIB>RF. Lky c<hjcf zfövbnt zf rzjgre ”CNJG/C>HJC“ b ddtlbnt ghjuhfvve gjdnjhzj. 2.
  • Page 24: Gbwwf

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Gbwwf 1. Pfvjhjötzzfy Aezrwby ”GBWWF“ j<tcgtxbdftn fdnjvfnbxtcrbq 2. Cdtöfy (njzrfy) hfcxtn htöbvf b dhtvtzb ghbujnjdktzby. 3. Cdtöfy (njkcnfy) * Ghtlgjkjöbv, ds üjnbnt ghbujnjdbnm gbwwe bp 0,5 ru pfvjhjötzzjq gbwws (1 gbwwe). Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Rzjgrf Rzjgrf Rzjgrf...
  • Page 25 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian HTWTGNS LJVFIZTQ GBWWS [Bzuhtlbtzns](1 gjhwby) Ntcnj: verf ............150 u djlf (ntgkfy) ........90 vk lhjööb ............7 u cfüfh ............1 x. k cjkm ........... 1/2 x. k. jkbdrjdjt vfckj ........ 2 x. k. Zfxbzrf: rjzcthdbhjdfzzst njvfns ....
  • Page 26: Heccrjt Vtz

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Heccrjt Vtz+ 1. Ybxzbwf c <trjzjv Aezrwby ”HECCRJT VTZ*“ dsgjkzbn 2. Dfhtzsq rfhnjatkm/g+ht fdnjvfnbxtcrbq hfcxtn htöbvf ghbujnjdktzby b 3. Gtkmvtzb dhtvtzb ghbujnjdktzby lky 5 gthtxbcktzzsü <k+l. 4. Dfhtzbrb Cj<k+lfqnt gjlhj<zst erfpfzby Herjdjlcndf gj 5. >kbzs vtz+ ”Heccrjt Vtz+“. * Ghtlgjkjöbv, xnj Ds üjnbnt ghbujnjdbnm 1,0 ru dfhtzjuj rfhnjatky: Jgthfwby Jgthfwby...
  • Page 27 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Herjdjlcndj gj vtz+ ”Heccrjt Vtz+“ @ @ @ @ @ Zfxfkmzfy Zfxfkmzfy Zfxfkmzfy Zfxfkmzfy Zfxfkmzfy Ljgecnbvsq dtc Ljgecnbvsq dtc Ljgecnbvsq dtc Ljgecnbvsq dtc Ljgecnbvsq dtc Vtz+ Vtz+ Vtz+ Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Vtz+ Vtz+ vtz+ vtz+ vtz+ vtz+...
  • Page 28: Fdnj-Uhbkm

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Fdnj-uhbkm 1. Rehbzst jrjhjxrf uhelrb/abkt Aezrwby ”FDNJ-UHBKM“ j<tcgtxbdftn fdnjvfnbxtcrbq 2. Cntqr hfcxtn htöbvf b dhtvtzb ghbujnjdktzby. 3. Hs<f uhbkm Cj<k+lfqnt gjlhj<zst erfpfzby Herjdjlcndf gj vtz+ 4. Öfhtzst gtkmvtzb ”FDNJ-UHBKM“. 5. Öfhtzsq rfhnjatkm * Ghtlgjkjöbv, xnj Ds üjnbnt ghbujnjdbnm 0,6 ru cntqrjd:– Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby...
  • Page 29 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Herjdjlcndj gj vtz+ ”FDNJ-UHBKM“ @ @ @ @ @ Zfxfkmzfy Zfxfkmzfy Zfxfkmzfy Zfxfkmzfy Zfxfkmzfy Ljgecnbvsq dtc Ljgecnbvsq dtc Ljgecnbvsq dtc Ljgecnbvsq dtc Ljgecnbvsq dtc Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Vtz+ Vtz+ Vtz+ Vtz+ Vtz+ Jgthfwby Jgthfwby vtz+ vtz+ vtz+ vtz+ vtz+...
  • Page 30: Hfpjuhtd

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Hfpjuhtd 1. >k+lj Zföfnbtv zf äne rzjgre j<tcgtxbdftncy hfpjuhtd 2. Ceg vyczsü b n. g. <k+l, cegjd, zfgbnrjd b ükt<f. 3. Zfgbnjr Gjlhj<zjcnb cvjnhbnt d ”Herjdjlcndt gj vtz+ 4. Ükt< hfpjuhtdf“. * Ghtlgjkjöbv, ds üjnbnt hfpjuhtnm 2 xfirb cegf: Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby...
  • Page 31: Ghbujnjdktzbt Hbcf

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Ghbujnjdktzbt hbcf Zföfnbt zf äne rzjgre bcgjkmpetncy lky 1. Hbc ghbujnjdktzby 2 hfcghjcnhfztzzsü <k+l bp hbcf. 2. Rfif Gjlhj<zjcnb cvjnhbnt d ”Herjdjlcndt gj ghbujnjdktzb+ hbcf“. * Ghtlgjkjöbv, ds üjnbnt ghbujnjdbnm 2 gjhwbb hbcf. Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Rzjgrf...
  • Page 32 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Herjdjlcndj gj ghbujnjdktzb+ hbcf @ @ @ @ @ Vtz+ Vtz+ Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Vtz+ Vtz+ Vtz+ vtz+ vtz+ vtz+ vtz+ vtz+ • Ghjvsdfnm hbc, gjrf djlf zt cnfztn xbcnjq. • Gjvtcnbnm hbc c djljq d uke<jre+ Rjkbxtcndj gjhwbq Djlf rfcnh+k+ (ghbvthzj 2-kbnhjde+) b...
  • Page 33: K+Lf Zf Gfhe

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian >k+lf zf gfhe Zföfnbt zf äne rzjgre bcgjkmpetncy lky 1. Hs<f ghbujnjdktzby 2 hfcghjcnhfztzzsü <k+l zf gfhe. 2. Vycj Gjlhj<zjcnb cvjnhbnt d ”Herjdjlcndj gj ghbujnjdktzb+ <k+l zf gfhe“. * Ghtlgjkjöbv, ds üjnbnt ghbujnjdbnm 3 gjhwbb hs<s. Rzjgrf Rzjgrf Lbcgktq...
  • Page 34 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Herjdjlcndj gj ghbujnjdktzb+ <k+lf zf gfhe @ @ @ @ @ Zfxfkmzfy Zfxfkmzfy Zfxfkmzfy Zfxfkmzfy Zfxfkmzfy Ljgecnbvsq dtc Ljgecnbvsq dtc Ljgecnbvsq dtc Ljgecnbvsq dtc Ljgecnbvsq dtc Vtz+ Vtz+ Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Vtz+ Vtz+ Vtz+ vtz+ vtz+ ntvgthfnehf...
  • Page 35 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian HTWTGNS LKY >K*L ZF GFHE HTWTGNS LKY >K*L ZF GFHE HTWTGNS LKY >K*L ZF GFHE HTWTGNS LKY >K*L ZF GFHE HTWTGNS LKY >K*L ZF GFHE (Vycj) Vtlfkmjzs bp ujdylbzs [ Bzuhtlbtzns ] [ Cgjcj< ghbujnjdktzby ] 330 u ujdyömtuj afhif 1.
  • Page 36: Fdnjvfnbxtcrjt Ghbujnjdktzbt

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Fdnjvfnbxtcrjt ghbujnjdktzbt Aezrwby ”FDNJVFNBXTCRJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT“ 1. Cdtöbt jdjob j<tcgtxbdftn fdnjvfnbxtcrbq hfcxtn ehjdzy vjozjcnb 2. Pfvjhjötzzst jdjob b dhtvtzb ghbujnjdktzby. Änf aezrwby bvttn vtz+ 3. Rfhnjatkm d vezlbht bp 4 dbljd <k+l. Lky ds<jhf dblf zeözj zföbvfnm 4.
  • Page 37 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Herjdjlcndj gj vtz+ fdnjvfnbxtcrjuj ghbujnjdktzby @ @ @ @ @ Zfxfkmzfy Zfxfkmzfy Zfxfkmzfy Zfxfkmzfy Zfxfkmzfy Ljgecnbvsq dtc Ljgecnbvsq dtc Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Vtz+ Vtz+ Vtz+ Vtz+ Vtz+ Ljgecnbvsq dtc Ljgecnbvsq dtc Ljgecnbvsq dtc Jgthfwby Jgthfwby vtz+ vtz+ vtz+ vtz+...
  • Page 38: Ghjcnfy Hfpvjhjprf

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Ghjcnfy hfpvjhjprf Htöbv ”GHJCNFY HFPVJHJPRF“ gjpdjkbn Dfv hfpvjhjpbnm vycj, ddtly tuj dtc. * Ghtlgjkjöbv, ds üjnbnt hfpvjhjpbnm recjxrb wsgktzrf dtcjv 1,0 ru. (Dtc gjlktöbn jrheuktzb+ lj 0,1 ru.) Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Jgthfwby Lbcgktq...
  • Page 39 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Herjdjlcndj gj ghjcnjq hfpvjhjprt Ghjlern Ljgecnbvsq Dtc Gjhyljr ltqcndbq Recjxrb wsgktzrf 0.1 - 2.0 ru Recjxrb wsgktzrf/ • Pfrhsnm jnrhsnst rjcnjxrb ajkmujq. wsgktzjr/gnbwf • Gjkjöbnm recjxrb wsgktzrf zf gjlcnfdre lky hfpvjhf- öbdfzby. • Gjckt jcnfzjdrb gtxb dszenm hfpvjhjötzzst recrb, jcnfkmzst gthtdthzenm b j<thzenm ajkmujq bü...
  • Page 40: Lheubt Elj>Zst Aezrwbb

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian LHEUBT ELJ>ZST AEZRWBB Aezrwby ”Cghfdrf“ ”Aezrwby ”Cghfdrf“ bvttn 5 hfpkbxzsü ghjuhfvv (drk+xfy aezrwb+ ljgjkzbntkmzjq gjlcrfprb d htöbvt fdnjvfnbxccrbü jgthfwbq)“ (1) Fdnjgecr Fdnjgecr Fdnjgecr Fdnjgecr Fdnjgecr Aezrwby ”Fdnjgecr“ gjpdjkytn dscnfdbnm gtxm zf fdnjvfnbxtcrbq gecr. * Ghtlgjkjöbv, ds üjnbnt ghbujnjdbnm pfgtrfzre pf 20 vbzen zf ehjdzt ”CHTLZBQ“ b zfxfnm ghbujnjdktzbt d 4 xfcf 30 vbzen dtxthf.
  • Page 41 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian (2) Pfobnf jn ltntq Pfobnf jn ltntq Pfobnf jn ltntq Pfobnf jn ltntq Pfobnf jn ltntq Ckexfqzsq gecr gtxb ghb jncencndbb d rfvtht ghjlernjd vjötn ghbdtcnb r tt gjdhtöltzb+. Lky ghtljndhfotzby nfrbü ckexftd gtxm jczfotzf aezrwbtq ”pfobnf jn ltntq“, rjnjhe+ vjözj dscnfdbnm zf dhtvy ztbcgjkmpjdfzby gtxb.
  • Page 42: Cbuzfkbpfwby

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian (3) Ltvjzcnhfwbjzzsq htöbv Ltvjzcnhfwbjzzsq htöbv Ltvjzcnhfwbjzzsq htöbv Ltvjzcnhfwbjzzsq htöbv Ltvjzcnhfwbjzzsq htöbv Änjn htöbv hfccxbnfz, d jczjdzjv, zf bcgjkmpjdfzbt hjpzbxzsvb njhujdwfvb, f nfröt gjpdjkytn hfpdbdfnm zfdsrb hf<jns c rzjgrfvb. * Lky drk+xtzby ltvjzcnhfwbjzzjuj htöbvf. Lky drk+xtzby ltvjzcnhfwbjzzjuj htöbvf. Lky drk+xtzby ltvjzcnhfwbjzzjuj htöbvf.
  • Page 43: Aezrwby "Vtzmit-

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Multi Cook Aezrwby ”vtzmit—<jkmit“ Lky njuj, xnj<s htuekbhjdfnm bü d cjjndtncndbb c kbxzsvb ghtlgjxntzbyvb, cktletn gjkmpjdfnmcy aezrwbtq ”<jkmit“ b ”vtzmit“, rjnjhfy gjpdjkytn cjjndtncndtzzj edtkbxbdfnm b evtzmifnm dhtvy ghbujnjdktzby. Rzjgrb ”>JKMIT“ b ”VTZMIT“ vjuen bcgjkmpjdfnmcy lky ecnfzjdrb dhtvtzb ghbujnjdktzby d cktle+obü...
  • Page 44: Eüjl Pf Gtxm

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian EÜJL PF GTXM* Gthtl ntv, rfr ghbcnegbnm r jxbcnrt gtxb, jncjtlbzbnt izeh gbnfzby b, gj djpvjözjcnb, jcnfdmnt ldthwe jnrhsnjq c ntv, xnj<s zf änj dhtvy bcrk+xbnm djpvjözjcnm drk+xtzby gtxb. Gthtl ntv, rfr ghbcnegbnm r xbcnrt, e<tlbntcm, xnj ldthwf gtxb, zfheözsq rjhgec, tvrjcnm gtxb, dtznbkywbjzzst jndthcnby, gjdjhjnzsq cnjkbr, gjlcnfdrf gjl gjdjhjnzsq cnjkbr zt ujhyxbt.
  • Page 45: Gthtl Ntv Rfr Dspdfnm Vfcnthf

    A39558 R-777B O/M Russian GTHTL NTV RFR DSPDFNM VFCNTHF Ghjdtlbnt cktle+oe+ ghjdthre: 1. Ujhbn kb lbcgktq£ Tckb <sk jndtn "ZTN" ghjdthmnt Dfie cntzze+ hjptnre b gkfdrbq ghtljühfzbntkm d Dfitv hfcghtltkbntkmzjv <kjrt. Tckb b cntzzfy hjptnrf, b gkfdrbq ghtljühfzbntkm bcghfdzs, J>HFNBNTCM D WTZNH NTÜZBXTCRJUJ J>CKEÖBDFZBY ABHVS IFHG.
  • Page 46 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian R777B Ru 03.6.9, 9:18 PM...
  • Page 47 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian R777B Ru 03.6.9, 9:18 PM...
  • Page 48 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian SHARP CORPORATION OSAKA, JAPAN TINSRA004WRRZ-Z31 R777B Ru P27- 03.6.9, 4:34 PM...
  • Page 49 6. Do not try to adjust or repair the oven yourself. It is hazardous for anyone other than a qualified service technician trained by SHARP to carry out any service or repair operation. Especially those which involve the removal of a cover which gives protection against exposure to microwave energy are very hazardous.
  • Page 50 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian SPECIAL NOTES DON’T Eggs, fruits, * Puncture egg yolks and whites and * Cook eggs in shells to prevent nuts, seeds, oysters before cooking to prevent "explosion". which may damage the vegetables, "explosion". oven or injure yourself. sausages and * Pierce skins of potatoes, apples, * Reheat whole eggs.
  • Page 51 If there is any damage, please do not operate the oven until it has been checked by a SERVICE CENTRE APPROVED BY SHARP and repaired, if necessary. 2. Accessories provided...
  • Page 52 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian OPERATION OF TOUCH CONTROL PANEL The operation of the oven is controlled by pressing the appropriate pads arranged on the surface of the control panel. An entry signal tone should be heard each time you press the control panel to make a correct entry. In addition the oven will beep for approximately 2 seconds at the end of the cooking cycle, or 4 times when a cooking procedure is required.
  • Page 53 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Touch Control Panel Layout AUTO COOK PAD PIZZA PAD Press to select 4 popular Press to select 3 pizza menus. menus. AUTO GRILL PAD RUSSIAN MENU PAD Press to select 5 popular Press to select 5 popular grill menus.
  • Page 54 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Before Operating * This oven is preset with the OPERATION GUIDE. To assist you in programming your oven, the operation guide will appear in the display. In this manual, the display of operation guide is abbreviated. Getting Started Step Procedure...
  • Page 55 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Clock Setting This is a 12 hour clock. * To enter the present time of day 11:34 (AM or PM). Step Procedure Pad Order Display Press the CLOCK pad once. The dots (:) will flash on and off.
  • Page 56 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian MANUAL OPERATIONS Microwave Cooking Techniques Arrange food carefully Place thickest areas toward outside of dish. Cook for the shortest amount of time indicated and add more time Watch cooking time as needed. Food severely overcooked can smoke or ignite. Check recipe for suggestions: paper towels, microwave plastic wrap or a lid.
  • Page 57 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Microwave Time Cooking This is a manual cooking feature, first enter the cooking time then the power level. You can programme up to 99 minutes, 99 seconds. There are five different power levels. – – – – –...
  • Page 58 Instant Cook™ For your convenience Sharp’s Instant Cook allows you to easily cook for one minute on HIGH power. Step Procedure Pad Order Display Press the INSTANT COOK/START pad.
  • Page 59 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Slow Cook The SLOW COOK setting is designed for foods which cook longer time. For example, stewing, braising, boiling soup or chinese desserts of liquid type. The SLOW COOK setting provides two choices: SLOW COOK HIGH or SLOW COOK LOW. The maximum cooking time is 2 hours for each choice when cook manually.
  • Page 60 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Grill Cooking Your oven has three grill cooking modes. Select the desired grill mode by pressing the GRILL pad. For the top heater mode, press the GRILL pad once. For the bottom heater mode, press the GRILL pad twice. For the top and bottom heaters mode, press the GRILL pad three times.
  • Page 61 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Grill Mix Cooking Your Grill Microwave Oven has four preprogrammed settings that make it easy to cook with both grill heaters and microwave. Select the desired mix setting by pressing the GRILL MIX pad. It is not necessary to preheat for the mix cooking.
  • Page 62 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian AUTOMATIC OPERATIONS Notes for Automatic Operations 1. ERROR will be displayed if: more or less than the quantity or weight of foods suggested in each MENU GUIDE is programmed when the INSTANT COOK/START pad is pressed. To clear, press the STOP/CLEAR pad and reprogramme.
  • Page 63 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Pizza 1. Frozen PIZZA will automatically compute the cooking mode 2. Fresh (Thin) and cooking time. 3. Fresh (Thick) * Suppose you want to cook 0.5 kg of frozen pizza (1 pizza). Step Procedure Pad Order Display Press the PIZZA pad until the desired menu number is displayed (for Frozen...
  • Page 64 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian HOMEMADE PIZZA RECIPES [Ingredients](1 portion) Dough: Flour ......... 150 g Water (lukewarm) ....90 ml Yeast ..........7 g Sugar ......... 1 tsp Salt .......... 1/2 tsp Olive Oil ........2 tsp Toppings: Canned Tomatoes ..... 50 g Tomate Paste ......
  • Page 65 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Russian Menu 1.Bacon Fried Egg RUSSIAN MENU will automatically compute the 2.Boiled Potato cooking mode and cooking time for the 5 listed 3.Pelmeny boiled menus. 4.Vareniki Boiled Follow the details provided in Russian Menu Menu 5.Blyny Guide.
  • Page 66 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Russian Menu Menu Guide Initial Menu Quantity Procedure Menu Temperature 5˚C 2-6pieces (egg) • Grease turntable with oil. Bacon Fried Egg • Place 30g bacon per 1egg on the turntable,uncovered. Do not use very thin bacon. For thin bacon,fold RM-1 in half.
  • Page 67 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Auto Grill 1. Chicken Legs/Breasts/Fillets AUTO GRILL will automatically compute the 2. Steak cooking mode and cooking time for the 5 listed 3. Grilled Fish menus. 4. Pelmeny Fried Follow the details provided in Auto Grill Menu Guide.
  • Page 68 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Auto Grill Menu Guide Initial Menu Procedure Menu Quantity Temperature 0.2 - 1.3 kg • Season chicken legs/breasts/fillets with salt, 5˚C Chicken Legs/ pepper & paprika and brush with oil. Breasts/Fillets • Place the best side down on low rack, cook uncovered.
  • Page 69 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Reheat 1. Dish Press to select 4 popular reheat menus. 2. Soup Follow the details provided in Reheat Menu Guide. 3. Beverage 4. Bread * Suppose you want to reheat 2 cups of Soup: — Procedure Pad Order Display Step...
  • Page 70 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Rice Cook Press to select 2 popular rice menus. 1. Rice Follow the detailes provided in Rice Cook Menu 2. Porridge Guide. * Suppose you want to cook 2 serves of Rice: — Procedure Pad Order Display Step Press the RICE MENU pad until the desired...
  • Page 71 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Rice Cook Menu Guide Menu Menu Procedure • Wash rice until water runs clear. Rice • Place rice and water into a deep cas- serole (about 2 ) and soak for 30 Serving (s) Rice Water mins.
  • Page 72 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Steam Menu Press to select 2 popular steam menus. 1. Fish Follow the detailes provided in Steam Menu Menu 2. Meat Guide. * Suppose you want to cook 3 serves of Fish: — Procedure Pad Order Display Step Press the STEAM MENU pad until the...
  • Page 73 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Steam Menu Menu Guide Initial Menu Quantity Menu Procedure Temperature 1 - 3 serves 8-12°C • Wash fish thoroughly and remove Fish scales. Whole fish eg: Sea Bream • Make a few cuts on the skin of fish, Pomfret Fish fillet pierce the eyes of fish.
  • Page 74 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian STEAM MENU RECIPES (Meat) Beef Patty [ Ingredients ] [ Method ] 330 g Ground beef 1. Marinate the ground beef and preserved vegetables with 50 g Preserved Vegitables seasonings and mix well. Press into patty shape. 1 Salted Egg Yolk 2.
  • Page 75 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Auto Cook AUTO COOK will automatically compute 1. Fresh Vegetable the power level and cooking time. AUTO 2. Frozen Vegetable COOK has 4 menus. To select a menu, press 3. Jacket Potato the AUTO COOK pad until the menu of your 4.
  • Page 76 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Auto Cook Menu Guide Initial Menu Quantity Procedure Menu Temperature • Wash vegetables, then remove excess 20-25˚C 0.1 - 1.0 kg Fresh Vegetables water. Room Broccoli (florets) • Cut & trim the vegetables info florets, temperature Lettuce (shreds) shreds or strips.
  • Page 77 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Easy Defrost The Easy Defrost feature allows you to defrost meats by entering weight. * Suppose you want to defrost 1.0 kg of Chicken Pieces. (Round off to nearest 0.1 kg) Procedure Pad Order Display Step Press the EASY DEFROST pad .
  • Page 78 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Easy Defrost Menu Guide QUANTITY MENU PROCEDURE (MIN. – MAX.) (Chicken Pieces) 0.1 - 2.0 kg Chicken Pieces/Chicken/Poultry • Shield the exposed bone with foil. • Place chicken pieces on the defrost rack. • When oven has stopped, remove defrosted pieces, turn over and shield the warm portions.
  • Page 79 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian OTHER CONVENIENT FEATURES Help Feature The HELP feature has 5 different programs. (1) Auto Start The Auto Start feature allows you to set your oven to start automatically. * Suppose you want to start cooking a casserole for 20 minutes on MEDIUM at 4:30 in the afternoon. (Check that the correct time of day is displayed.) Step Procedure...
  • Page 80 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian (2) Child Lock If the oven is accidentally started with no food or liquid in the cavity, the life of the oven can be reduced. To prevent accidents like this, your oven has a "Child Lock" feature that you can set when the oven is not in use.
  • Page 81 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian (3) Demonstration Mode This feature is mainly for use by retail outlets, and also allows you to practice key operations. * To demonstrate. After step 1 for Auto Start. Step Procedure Pad Order Display Press the number 3 pad. HELP Press the INSTANT COOK/START pad.
  • Page 82 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian Multi Cook Less/More Setting To adjust the cooking time to your individual preference -use the "more" or "less" feature to either add (more) or reduce (less) cooking time. The LESS/MORE pads can be used to adjust the cooking time of the following features –...
  • Page 83 A39558 R-777B O/M Russian CARE AND CLEANING Disconnect the power supply cord before cleaning or leave the door open to inactivate the oven during cleaning. Before cleaning, make sure the oven door, outer cabinet, oven cavity, air vent openings, turntable, turntable support racks and bottom heater are not hot.
  • Page 84 If both the wall socket and the fuse are functioning properly, CONTACT YOUR NEAREST SERVICE CENTER APPROVED BY SHARP. NOTE: 1. If time in the display is counting down rapidly, check Demonstration Mode. (Please see E-33 for detail.) 2.

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