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Copyright This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written permission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party, nor used for any unauthorized purpose. The software and hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.
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In case any errors are detected, the reader is kindly requested to notify the manufacturer. Other than under explicit contractual commitments, in no event shall ABB be responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this manual or the application of the equipment.
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(EMC Directive 2004/108/EC) and concerning electrical equipment for use within specified voltage limits (Low-voltage directive 2006/95/EC). This conformity is the result of tests conducted by ABB in accordance with the product standards EN 50263 and EN 60255-26 for the EMC directive, and with the product standards EN 60255-1 and EN 60255-27 for the low voltage directive.
Transformer bay in a high impedance earthed network, connected to single busbar switchyard........40 Functionality table................40 Section 3 REQ650 setting examples..........43 Setting example for a line bay with backup protection unit REQ650 A01..................43 Calculating settings for analogue TRM inputs 4I 1I 5U....45...
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Table of contents Preprocessing blocks (SMAI)............45 Calculating settings for global base values for setting function GBSVAL..................46 Calculating settings for instantaneous phase overcurrent protection 3-phase output PHPIOC ..........46 Calculating settings for four step phase overcurrent protection 3-phase output I> OC4PTOC ........47 Calculating general settings...........
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Table of contents Section 5 Local human-machine interface........77 Local HMI..................77 Display..................77 LEDs....................79 Keypad..................79 Local HMI functionality..............80 Protection and alarm indication..........80 Parameter management ............82 Front communication..............82 Section 6 Current protection............85 Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection 3-phase output PHPIOC ...................85 Identification................
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Table of contents Setting guidelines..............113 Four step residual overcurrent protection, zero, negative sequence direction EF4PTOC ............115 Identification................116 Application................. 116 Setting guidelines..............118 Settings for steps 1 and 4 ............118 Common settings for all steps..........120 2nd harmonic restrain............121 Sensitive directional residual overcurrent and power protection SDEPSDE ..................
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Table of contents Setting guidelines..............145 Directional underpower protection GUPPDUP......149 Identification................. 149 Setting guidelines..............149 Negative sequence based overcurrent function DNSPTOC ..152 Identification................152 Application................. 152 Setting guidelines..............152 Section 7 Voltage protection............155 Two step undervoltage protection UV2PTUV ........155 Identification................
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Table of contents Identification................168 Application................. 168 Setting guidelines..............169 Rate-of-change frequency protection SAPFRC ......169 Identification................170 Application................. 170 Setting guidelines..............170 Section 9 Secondary system supervision........173 Current circuit supervision CCSRDIF ..........173 Identification................173 Application................. 173 Setting guidelines..............173 Fuse failure supervision SDDRFUF..........
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Table of contents Identification ................197 Application................. 197 Auto-reclosing operation OFF and ON.........200 Start auto-reclosing and conditions for start of a reclosing cycle..................200 Start auto-reclosing from CB open information....200 Blocking of the autorecloser..........201 Control of the auto-reclosing open time ......201 Long trip signal..............
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Table of contents Permanent fault and reclosing unsuccessful signal..... 219 Lock-out initiation..............219 Automatic continuation of the reclosing sequence....221 Thermal overload protection holding the auto-reclosing function back................ 221 Setting guidelines..............221 Configuration................ 221 Recommendations for input signals........221 STBRREC- Auto-recloser parameter settings......225 Apparatus control ................
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Table of contents Setting guidelines..............243 Automation bits AUTOBITS............243 Identification................243 Application................. 243 Setting guidelines..............244 Section 11 Logic................245 Tripping logic common 3-phase output SMPPTRC .......245 Identification................245 Application................. 245 Three-phase tripping ............245 Lock-out................246 Blocking of the function block..........246 Setting guidelines..............
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Table of contents Setting guidelines..............256 Integer to boolean 16 conversion with logic node representation IB16FCVB..................256 Identification................256 Application................. 256 Settings..................256 Elapsed time integrator with limit transgression and overflow supervision TEIGGIO..............257 Identification................257 Application................. 257 Setting guidelines..............257 Section 12 Monitoring..............259 IEC61850 generic communication I/O functions SPGGIO.....
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Table of contents Binary input signals.............. 274 Analog input signals............. 274 Sub-function parameters............275 Consideration............... 275 Measured value expander block MVEXP........276 Identification................276 Application................. 276 Setting guidelines..............277 Station battery supervision SPVNZBAT......... 277 Identification................277 Application................. 277 Insulation gas monitoring function SSIMG........278 Identification................
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Table of contents Self supervision with internal event list ..........297 Identification................297 Application................. 297 Time synchronization..............298 Identification................298 Application................. 298 Setting guidelines..............299 Parameter setting group handling..........301 Identification................301 Application................. 301 Setting guidelines..............302 Test mode functionality TESTMODE..........302 Identification................302 Application.................
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Table of contents Identification................311 Application................. 311 Authorization handling in the IED......... 312 Authority status ATHSTAT............. 313 Identification................313 Application................. 313 Denial of service................314 Identification................314 Application................. 314 Setting guidelines..............314 Section 16 Requirements............... 315 Current transformer requirements..........315 Current transformer classification..........315 Conditions..................316 Fault current................
Section 1 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Introduction Section 1 Introduction This manual The application manual contains application descriptions and setting guidelines sorted per function. The manual can be used to find out when and for what purpose a typical protection function can be used. The manual can also provides assistance for calculating settings.
Section 1 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Introduction Product documentation 1.3.1 Product documentation set Engineering manual Installation manual Commissioning manual Operation manual Application manual Technical manual Communication protocol manual IEC07000220-3-en.vsd IEC07000220 V3 EN Figure 1: The intended use of manuals throughout the product lifecycle The engineering manual contains instructions on how to engineer the IEDs using the various tools available within the PCM600 software.
Document revision history Document revision/date History -/March 2013 First release A/October 2016 Minor corrections made 1.3.3 Related documents Documents related to REQ650 Identity number Application manual 1MRK 505 291-UEN Technical manual 1MRK 505 292-UEN Commissioning manual 1MRK 505 293-UEN Product Guide...
Section 1 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Introduction 1.4.2 Document conventions • Abbreviations and acronyms in this manual are spelled out in the glossary. The glossary also contains definitions of important terms. • Push button navigation in the LHMI menu structure is presented by using the push button icons.
Application Section 2 Application REQ650 application The Breaker protection IED provides a standalone solution for applications, where the functions related to the breaker is not preferred or suitable to be integrated into the main protection function that is, the line distance protection for a line. The advanced automatic reclosing, synchronizing, synchrocheck and energizing check functions of the IED provides an optimized stand alone product.
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TCS SCBR SPVN ZBAT DRP RDRE S SIMG IEC61850 IEC10000321-3-en.vsd IEC10000321 V3 EN Figure 2: Typical application example of the REQ650 A01 used as backup protection in a single busbar single breaker arrangement when three- phase trip is required Application manual...
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TCS SCBR SPVN ZBAT DRP RDRE S SIMG IEC61850 IEC61850 IEC10000322-2-en.vsd IEC10000322 V2 EN Figure 3: Typical application example of the REQ650 A11 used as backup protection in a single busbar single breaker arrangement when single-phase trip is required Application manual...
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TCS SCBR SPVN ZBAT DRP RDRE S SIMG IEC61850 IEC61850 IEC10000323-3-en.vsd IEC10000323 V3 EN Figure 4: Typical application example of the REQ650 B11 used as backup protection in double busbar single breaker arrangement when single- phase trip is required Application manual...
Section 2 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Application IEC 61850 or ANSI Function description Breaker Function name SAPTUF Underfrequency function 0–2 SAPTOF Overfrequency function 0–2 SAPFRC Rate-of-change frequency protection 0–2 2.2.2 Control and monitoring functions IEC 61850 or Function ANSI Function description Breaker name Control...
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Section 2 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Application IEC 61850 or Function ANSI Function description Breaker name CBC1 Circuit breaker control for 1CB Secondary system supervision CCSRDIF Current circuit supervision 0–1 SDDRFUF Fuse failure supervision 0–1 TCSSCBR Breaker close/trip circuit monitoring Logic SMPPTRC Tripping logic, common 3–phase output...
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Section 2 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Application IEC 61850 or Function ANSI Function description Breaker name IB16FCVB Integer to Boolean 16 conversion with logic node representation TEIGGIO Elapsed time integrator with limit transgression and overflow supervision Monitoring CVMMXN Measurements CMMXU Phase current measurement VMMXU Phase-phase voltage measurement...
Section 2 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Application IEC 61850 or Function ANSI Function description Breaker name I103AR Function status auto-recloser for IEC60870-5-103 I103EF Function status earth-fault for IEC60870-5-103 I103FLTPROT Function status fault protection for IEC60870-5-103 I103IED IED status for IEC60870-5-103 I103SUPERV Supervison status for IEC60870-5-103 I103USRDEF...
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Section 2 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Application IEC 61850 or Function ANSI Function description Breaker name MST2TCP DNP3.0 for TCP/IP communication protocol MST3TCP DNP3.0 for TCP/IP communication protocol MST4TCP DNP3.0 for TCP/IP communication protocol RS485GEN RS485 OPTICALPROT Operation selection for optical serial RS485PROT Operation selection for RS485 DNPFREC...
2.3.1 Adaptation to different applications REQ650 is an IED with pre-defined configuration to be used as a backup for the main protection giving redundant protection and simple control functions. It is possible to use the IED in a wide range of applications. This is done by selecting a functionality from the comprehensive function library in the IED.
Figure 5: Line bay in a solidly earthed network REQ650 has a number of back-up protection functions. In addition to this, three-phase trip and autoreclosing is available for REQ650 (A01) and single-phase trip and autoreclosing is available for REQ650 (A11).
Figure 6: Line bay in a high impedance earthed network REQ650 has a number of back-up protection functions. In addition to this, three-phase trip and autoreclosing is available for REQ650 A01 and single-phase trip and autoreclosing is available for REQ650 A11.
Figure 7: Line bay in a solidly earthed network REQ650 has a number of back-up protection functions. In addition to this, three-phase trip and autoreclosing is available for REQ650 A01 and single-phase trip and autoreclosing is available for REQ650 B11.
Figure 8: Line bay in a high impedance earthed network REQ650 has a number of back-up protection functions. In addition to this, three-phase trip and autoreclosing is available for REQ650 A01 and single-phase trip and autoreclosing is available for REQ650 B11.
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Section 2 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Application Table 5: Recommended functions in the different application examples Function Application 1 Application 2 Application 3 Application 4 Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection,3-phase output PHPIOC , three-phase trip (A01) Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection, phase segregated output, 3-phase output SPTPIOC , three- phase/single-phase trip (A11/B11) Four step phase overcurrent protection, 3-phase output...
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Section 2 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Application Function Application 1 Application 2 Application 3 Application 4 Overfrequency protection SAPTOF (instance 2) Application Application Application Application dependent dependent dependent dependent Rate of change of frequency SAPFRC (instance 1) Application Application Application Application dependent dependent...
Section 2 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Application 2.3.7 Transformer bay in a solidly earthed network, connected to single busbar switchyard REQ650 (A01) Alt. IEC10000138-1-en.vsd IEC10000138 V1 EN Figure 9: Transformer bay in a solidly earthed system Application manual...
Section 2 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Application 2.3.8 Transformer bay in a solidly earthed network, connected to double busbar switchyard Bus 2 Bus 1 REQ650 (B11) IEC10000139-1-en.vsd IEC10000139 V1 EN Figure 10: Transformer bay in a solidly earthed system Application manual...
Section 2 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Application 2.3.9 Transformer bay in a high impedance earthed network, connected to single busbar switchyard IEC10000140 V1 EN Figure 11: Transformer bay in a high impedance earthed system 2.3.10 Functionality table The proposal for functionality choice for the different application cases are shown in table 9.
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Section 2 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Application Table 9: Recommended functions in the different application examples Function Application 5 Application 6 Application 7 Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection PHPIOC , three-phase Four step phase overcurrent protection OC4PTOC , three-phase Instantaneous residual overcurrent protection EFPIOC Four step residual overcurrent protection EF4PTOC Sensitive directional residual overcurrent and power protetcion SDEPSDE...
Setting example for a line bay with backup protection unit REQ650 A01 The application example has a 145 kV line bay with backup protection unit REQ650 A01. The main protection of the line is a distance protection unit, not covered in this setting example.
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Section 3 1MRK 505 291-UEN A REQ650 setting examples Item Data Low positive sequence source j3.2 ohm (about 6000 MVA) impedance High zero sequence source j8 ohm impedance Low zero sequence source j5 ohm impedance High positive sequence source j10 ohm (about 1900 MVA)
Section 3 1MRK 505 291-UEN A REQ650 setting examples All fault clearance is done by means of three-phase tripping of the circuit breaker. 3.1.1 Calculating settings for analogue TRM inputs 4I 1I 5U The transformer module (TRM) has the capability of 4 current inputs (tapped to 1 or 5 A), 1 current input (tapped 0.1 or 0.5 A) and 5 voltage inputs.
Section 3 1MRK 505 291-UEN A REQ650 setting examples 3.1.3 Calculating settings for global base values for setting function GBSVAL Each function uses primary base values for reference of settings. The base values are defined in Global base values for settings function. It is possible to include six Global base values for settings GBASVAL functions: Global base 1 –...
Section 3 1MRK 505 291-UEN A REQ650 setting examples 3.1.5 Calculating settings for four step phase overcurrent protection 3-phase output I> OC4PTOC The purpose of the delayed phase overcurrent protection is: • Backup protection for short circuits on the whole line length •...
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Section 3 1MRK 505 291-UEN A REQ650 setting examples × × Ð ° 2.6 85 10 2.5 17.5 line EQUATION2342 V1 EN : High REQ650 (A01) Ph – ph short circuit IEC10000147-1-en.vsd IEC10000147 V1 EN Figure 13: Fault for step 1 setting In case of a three-phase short circuit in zone 1 reach in the shortest line from the remote busbar as shown in figure 14, the current to the protection is I = 1.5 kA.
Section 3 1MRK 505 291-UEN A REQ650 setting examples : Low REQ650 (A01) Line protection zone 1 reach Three-phase short circuit IEC10000148-1-en.vsd IEC10000148 V1 EN Figure 14: Fault for step 1 setting Recommended current setting is therefore 2000 A. Set DirMode1 to Forward.
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Section 3 1MRK 505 291-UEN A REQ650 setting examples REQ650 (A01) Ph – ph short circuit : High IEC10000149-1-en.vsd IEC10000149 V1 EN Figure 15: Fault for step 2 setting In case of a three-phase short circuit in zone 1 reach in the shortest line from the busbar as shown in figure 16, the current to the protection is I = 1.8 kA.
Section 3 1MRK 505 291-UEN A REQ650 setting examples Three phase short circuit Line protection zone 1 reach REQ650 (A01) : Low IEC10000150-1-en.vsd IEC10000150 V1 EN Figure 16: Fault for step 2 setting Recommended current setting is therefore 2000 A.
Section 3 1MRK 505 291-UEN A REQ650 setting examples For the time delay characteristic, definite time is used in this network. Set I3> to 80% of IBase (800 A primary current). Set t3 to 1.2 s. The time delay is set longer than zone 3 (0.8 s) of the distance protection in the system.
Section 3 1MRK 505 291-UEN A REQ650 setting examples 3.1.7 Calculating settings for four step residual overcurrent protection 3I0> EF4PTOC The purpose of the delayed residual overcurrent protection is: • Backup protection for earth faults on the whole line length •...
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Section 3 1MRK 505 291-UEN A REQ650 setting examples : High REQ650 (A01) Phase – earth fault IEC10000151-2-en.vsd IEC10000151 V2 EN Figure 17: Fault for step 1 setting In case of a single phase earth-fault in zone 1 reach in the shortest line from the remote busbar, as shown in figure 18, the current to the protection is I = 1.1 kA.
Section 3 1MRK 505 291-UEN A REQ650 setting examples : Low REQ650 (A01) Line protection zone 1 reach Phase-earth fault IEC10000152-1-en.vsd IEC10000152 V1 EN Figure 18: Fault for step 1 setting Proposed current setting is therefore 1200 A. Set DirMode1 to Forward.
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Section 3 1MRK 505 291-UEN A REQ650 setting examples REQ650 (A01) Ph – ea fault : High IEC10000153-1-en.vsd IEC10000153 V1 EN Figure 19: Fault for step 2 setting In case of a single-phase earth-fault in zone 1 reach in the shortest line from the remote busbar, as shown in figure 20, the current to the protection is I = 1.0 kA.
Section 3 1MRK 505 291-UEN A REQ650 setting examples Earth fault Line protection zone 1 reach REQ650 (A01) : Low IEC10000154-1-en.vsd IEC10000154 V1 EN Figure 20: Fault for step 2 setting Proposed current setting is therefore 1200 A. Set DirMode2 to Reverse.
Section 3 1MRK 505 291-UEN A REQ650 setting examples 3.1.8 Calculating settings for breaker failure protection 3-phase activation and output CCRBRF Breaker failure protection, 3-phase activation and output can use either contact function in the circuit breaker or current measurement to detect correct breaker function.
Section 3 1MRK 505 291-UEN A REQ650 setting examples Protection operate time Normal t cbopen The fault Retrip delay t1 after re-trip cbopen occurs BFPreset Margin Minimum back-up trip delay t2 Critical fault clearance time for stability Time Trip and Start CCRBRF IEC05000479_2_en.vsd...
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Section 3 1MRK 505 291-UEN A REQ650 setting examples The current detected shall be active if all phase currents are higher than the setting. Set CurrUnsymLevel to 80%. Pole discordance is detected if the magnitude of the lowest phase current is lower than the fraction CurrUnsymLevel (%) of the highest phase current.
Section 4 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Analog inputs Section 4 Analog inputs Introduction Analog input channels in the IED must be set properly in order to get correct measurement results and correct protection operations. For power measuring and all directional and differential functions the directions of the input currents must be defined in order to reflect the way the current transformers are installed/connected in the field ( primary and secondary connections ).
Section 4 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Analog inputs current flows. Although the phase angle difference between the different phases is firm, the whole system appears to be rotating when the measurement functions are observed. 4.2.2 Relationships between setting parameter Base Current, CT rated primary current and minimum pickup of a protection Note that for all line protection applications the parameter Base Current (i.e.
Section 4 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Analog inputs A positive value of current, power, and so on (forward) means that the quantity has a direction towards the object. - A negative value of current, power, and so on (reverse) means a direction away from the object. See figure 22. Definition of direction Definition of direction for directional functions...
Section 4 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Analog inputs Line Transformer Line Reverse Forward Definition of direction for directional functions Transformer Line protection protection Setting of current input: Setting of current input: Setting of current input: Set parameter Set parameter Set parameter CTStarPoint with CTStarPoint with CTStarPoint with...
Section 4 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Analog inputs Reverse Forward Definition of direction for directional functions Transformer Line protection protection Setting of current input: Setting of current input: Setting of current input: Set parameter Set parameter Set parameter CTStarPoint with CTStarPoint with CTStarPoint with Transformer as...
Section 4 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Analog inputs (H2) (H1) S1 (X1) S2 (X2) S2 (X2) S1 (X1) (H2) (H1) en06000641.vsd IEC06000641 V1 EN Figure 25: Commonly used markings of CT terminals Where: is symbol and terminal marking used in this document. Terminals marked with a dot indicates the primary and secondary winding terminals with the same (that is, positive) polarity b) and c) are equivalent symbols and terminal marking used by IEC (ANSI) standard for CTs.
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Section 4 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Analog inputs CT 600/5 SMAI2 BLOCK AI3P Star Connected REVROT ^GRP2L1 ^GRP2L2 ^GRP2L3 ^GRP2N IEC13000002-4-en.vsdx Protected Object IEC13000002 V4 EN Figure 26: Star connected three-phase CT set with star point towards the protected object Where: The drawing shows how to connect three individual phase currents from a star connected three-phase CT set to the three CT inputs of the IED.
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Section 4 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Analog inputs These three connections are the links between the three current inputs and the three input channels of the preprocessing function block 4). Depending on the type of functions, which need this current information, more than one preprocessing block might be connected in parallel to the same three physical CT inputs.
Section 4 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Analog inputs SMAI2 BLOCK AI3P REVROT ^GRP2L1 ^GRP2L2 CT 800/1 ^GRP2L3 Star Connected ^GRP2N AI N Protected Object IEC11000026-4-en.vsdx IEC11000026 V4 EN Figure 27: Star connected three-phase CT set with its star point away from the protected object In the example in figure 27 case everything is done in a similar way as in the above...
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Section 4 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Analog inputs Protected Object SMAI2 BLOCK AI3P REVROT ^GRP2L1 ^GRP2L2 ^GRP2L3 ^GRP2N IEC11000029-4-en.vsdx IEC11000029 V4 EN Figure 28: Connections for single-phase CT input Where: shows how to connect single-phase CT input in the IED. is TRM where these current inputs are located.
Section 4 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Analog inputs 4.2.4 Setting of voltage channels As the IED uses primary system quantities the main VT ratios must be known to the IED. This is done by setting the two parameters VTsec and VTprim for each voltage channel.
Section 4 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Analog inputs It shall be noted that depending on national standard and utility practices the rated secondary voltage of a VT has typically one of the following values: • 100 V • 110 V •...
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Section 4 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Analog inputs SMAI2 BLOCK AI3P REVROT ^GRP2L1 ^GRP2L2 ^GRP2L3 ^GRP2N #Not used IEC06000599-4-en.vsdx IEC06000599 V4 EN Figure 30: A Three phase-to-earth connected VT Where: shows how to connect three secondary phase-to-earth voltages to three VT inputs on the is the TRM where these three voltage inputs are located.
Section 4 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Analog inputs are three connections made in Signal Matrix Tool (SMT), which connect these three voltage inputs to first three input channels of the preprocessing function block 5). Depending on the type of functions which need this voltage information, more then one preprocessing block might be connected in parallel to these three VT inputs.
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Section 4 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Analog inputs 13.8 SMAI_20 IEC11000032-1-en.vsd IEC11000032 V1 EN Figure 31: A Phase-to-phase connected VT Where: shows how to connect the secondary side of a phase-to-phase VT to the VT inputs on the IED is the TRM or AIM where this voltage input is located. The following setting values shall be entered: VTprim =13.8 kV VTsec =120 V...
Section 5 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Local human-machine interface Section 5 Local human-machine interface Local HMI IEC12000175 V1 EN Figure 32: Local human-machine interface The LHMI of the IED contains the following elements: • Display (LCD) • Buttons • LED indicators •...
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Section 5 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Local human-machine interface IEC13000063-1-en.vsd IEC13000063 V1 EN Figure 33: Display layout 1 Path 2 Content 3 Status 4 Scroll bar (appears when needed) The function button panel shows on request what actions are possible with the function buttons.
Section 5 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Local human-machine interface The alarm LED panel shows on request the alarm text labels for the alarm LEDs. Three alarm LED pages are available. GUID-D20BB1F1-FDF7-49AD-9980-F91A38B2107D V1 EN Figure 35: Alarm LED panel The function button and alarm LED panels are not visible at the same time. Each panel is shown by pressing one of the function buttons or the Multipage button.
Section 5 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Local human-machine interface IEC11000247 V2 EN Figure 36: LHMI keypad with object control, navigation and command push- buttons and RJ-45 communication port 1...5 Function button Close Open Escape Left Down Right User Log on Enter Remote/Local Uplink LED...
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Section 5 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Local human-machine interface The start and trip LEDs are configured via the disturbance recorder. The yellow and red status LEDs are configured in the disturbance recorder function, DRPRDRE, by connecting a start or trip signal from the actual function to a BxRBDR binary input function block using the PCM600 and configure the setting to Off, Start or Trip for that particular signal.
Section 5 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Local human-machine interface Table 14: Alarm indications LED state Description Normal operation. All activation signals are off. • Follow-S sequence: The activation signal is on. • LatchedColl-S sequence: The activation signal is on, or it is off but the indication has not been acknowledged.
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Section 5 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Local human-machine interface GUID-D71BA06D-3769-4ACB-8A32-5D02EA473326 V1 EN Figure 37: RJ-45 communication port and green indicator LED 1 RJ-45 connector 2 Green indicator LED When a computer is connected to the IED front port with a crossed-over cable, the IED's DHCP server for the front interface assigns an IP address to the computer if DHCPServer = On.
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection 6.1.3 Setting guidelines The parameters for instantaneous phase overcurrent protection 3-phase output PHPIOC are set via the local HMI or PCM600. This protection function must operate only in a selective way. So check all system and transient conditions that could cause its unwanted operation.
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Then a fault in A has to be applied and the through fault current I has to be calculated, figure 39. In order to get the maximum through fault current, the minimum value for and the maximum value for Z have to be considered.
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Fault IEC09000024-1-en.vsd IEC09000024 V1 EN Figure 40: Fault current: I >>= × IBase (Equation 5) EQUATION1147 V3 EN Meshed network with parallel line In case of parallel lines, the influence of the induced current from the parallel line to the protected line has to be considered.
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Line 1 Fault Line 2 IEC09000025-1-en.vsd IEC09000025 V1 EN Figure 41: Two parallel lines. Influence from parallel line to the through fault current: I The minimum theoretical current setting for the overcurrent protection function (Imin) will be: ³...
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection phase segregated output SPTPIOC 6.2.1 Identification Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Instantaneous phase overcurrent SPTPIOC protection, phase segregated output 3I>> SYMBOL-Z V1 EN 6.2.2 Application Long transmission lines often transfer great quantities of electric power from...
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Detailed network studies can determine the operating conditions under which the highest possible fault current is expected on the line . In most cases, this current appears during three-phase fault conditions. But also examine single-phase-to-earth and two-phase-to-earth conditions.
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Fault IEC10000276-1-en.vsd IEC10000276 V1 EN Figure 43: Through fault current from B to A: I The IED must not trip for any of the two through fault currents. Hence the minimum theoretical current setting (Imin) will be: ³...
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection The IED setting value IP>> is given in percentage of the primary base current value, IBase. The value for IP>> is given from this formula: >>= × IBase (Equation 11) EQUATION1147 V3 EN Meshed network with parallel line In case of parallel lines, the influence of the induced current from the parallel line to...
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Where I and I have been described in the previous paragraph. Considering the safety margins mentioned previously, the minimum setting Is as given in equation below: Is ³1.3·Imin (Equation 13) EQUATION83 V2 EN The protection function can be used for the specific application only if this setting value is equal or less than the maximum phase fault current that the IED has to clear.
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection If VT inputs are not available or not connected, setting parameter DirModex (x = step 1, 2, 3 or 4) shall be left to default value Non- directionalor set to Off. In many applications several steps with different current pick up levels and time delays are needed.
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection MeasType: Selection of discrete Fourier filtered (DFT) or true RMS filtered (RMS) signals. RMS is used when the harmonic contents are to be considered, for example in applications with shunt capacitors. Operation: The protection can be set to Off or On 2ndHarmStab: Operate level of 2nd harmonic current restrain set in % of the fundamental current.
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Settings for steps 1 to 4 n means step 1 and 4. x means step 1, 2, 3 and 4. DirModex: The directional mode of step x. Possible settings are Off/Non-directional/ Forward/Reverse.
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection tnMin: Minimum operate time for all inverse time characteristics. At high currents the inverse time characteristic might give a very short operation time. By setting this parameter the operation time of the step can never be shorter than the setting. Setting range: 0.000 - 60.000s in steps of 0.001s.
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection 2ndHarmStab: The rate of 2nd harmonic current content for activation of the 2nd harmonic restrain signal, to block chosen steps. The setting is given in % of the fundamental frequency residual current. The setting range is 5 - 100% in steps of 1%. The default setting is 20% and can be used if a deeper investigation shows that no other value is needed..
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Im ax ³ × Ipu 1.2 (Equation 15) EQUATION1262 V2 EN where: is a safety factor is the resetting ratio of the protection Imax is the maximum load current The maximum load current on the line has to be estimated. There is also a demand that all faults, within the zone that the protection shall cover, must be detected by the phase overcurrent protection.
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection ³ × × high (Equation 18) EQUATION1265 V1 EN where: is a safety factor is a factor that takes care of the transient overreach due to the DC component of the fault current and can be considered to be less than 1.1 Iscmax is the largest fault current at a fault at the most remote point of the primary protection zone.
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection To assure selectivity between different protections, in the radial network, there have to be a minimum time difference Dt between the time delays of two protections. The minimum time difference can be determined for different cases. To determine the shortest possible time difference, the operation time of protections, breaker opening time and protection resetting time must be known.
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Feeder I> I> Time axis The fault Protection Breaker at Protection occurs B1 trips B1 opens A1 resets en05000205.vsd IEC05000205 V1 EN Figure 50: Sequence of events during fault where: is when the fault occurs is when the trip signal from the overcurrent protection at IED B1 is sent to the circuit breaker.
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection current of the phase overcurrent protection. The inrush current has a large second harmonic content. This can be used to avoid the unwanted operation of the protection. Therefore, OC4SPTOC (51/67) function has a possibility of a second harmonic restrain if the level of this harmonic current reaches a value above a set percentage of the fundamental current.
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection IEC09000636_1_vsd IEC09000636 V1 EN Figure 51: Directional function characteristic 1. RCA = Relay characteristic angle 55° 2. ROA = Relay operating angle 80° 3. Reverse 4. Forward Settings for steps 1 to 4 n: means step 1 and 4.
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Characteristn: Selection of time characteristic for step n. Definite time delay and different types of inverse time characteristics are available according to Table 16 Step 2 and 3 are always definite time delayed. Table 16: Inverse time characteristics Curve name...
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Operate time tnMin IMinn Current IEC09000164-2 IEC09000164 V2 EN Figure 52: Minimum operating current and operation time for inverse time characteristics In order to fully comply with curves definition setting parameter tnMin shall be set to the value which is equal to the operate time of the selected inverse curve for measured current of twenty times the set current pickup value.
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Current I Line phase current Operating current Reset current The IED does not reset Time t IEC10000274-1-en.vsd IEC10000274 V1 EN Figure 53: Operating and reset current for an overcurrent protection The lowest setting value can be written according to equation 15. Im ax ³...
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Im ax × £ £ × 0.7 Isc min (Equation 22) EQUATION1264 V2 EN The high current function of the overcurrent protection, which only has a short delay of the operation, must be given a current setting so that the protection is selective to other protection in the power system.
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection IEC10000273-1-en.vsd IEC10000273 V1 EN Figure 54: Fault time with maintained selectivity To assure selectivity between different protections, in the radial network, there have to be a minimum time difference ∆t between the time delays of two protections. The minimum time difference can be determined for different cases.
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Feeder I> I> Time axis The fault Protection Breaker at Protection occurs B1 trips B1 opens A1 resets IEC10000279-1-en.vsd IEC10000279 V1 EN Figure 55: Sequence of events during fault where: • t=0 is when the fault occurs. •...
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Instantaneous residual overcurrent protection EFPIOC 6.5.1 Identification Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Instantaneous residual overcurrent EFPIOC protection IN>> IEF V1 EN 6.5.2 Application In many applications, when fault current is limited to a defined value by the object impedance, an instantaneous earth-fault protection can provide fast and selective tripping.
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Fault IEC09000022-1-en.vsd IEC09000022 V1 EN Figure 56: Through fault current from A to B: I Fault IEC09000023-1-en.vsd IEC09000023 V1 EN Figure 57: Through fault current from B to A: I The function shall not operate for any of the calculated currents to the protection. The minimum theoretical current setting (Imin) will be: ³...
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Line 1 Fault Line 2 IEC09000025-1-en.vsd IEC09000025 V1 EN Figure 58: Two parallel lines. Influence from parallel line to the through fault current: I The minimum theoretical current setting (Imin) will in this case be: ³...
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection 6.6.1 Identification Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Four step residual overcurrent EF4PTOC 51N/67N protection, zero or negative sequence direction IEC11000263 V1 EN 6.6.2 Application The four step residual overcurrent protection, zero or negative sequence direction EF4PTOC is used in several applications in the power system.
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Choice of time characteristics: There are several types of time characteristics available such as definite time delay and different types of inverse time characteristics. The selectivity between different overcurrent protections is normally enabled by co-ordination between the operate time of the different protections.
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection 6.6.3 Setting guidelines When inverse time overcurrent characteristic is selected, the operate time of the stage will be the sum of the inverse time delay and the set definite time delay. Thus, if only the inverse time delay is required, it is important to set the definite time delay for that stage to zero.
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection shortest possible time difference, the operation time of protections, breaker opening time and protection resetting time must be known. These time delays can vary significantly between different protective equipment. The following time delays can be estimated: Protection operate time: 15-60 ms...
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection In order to fully comply with curves definition the setting parameter txMin shall be set to the value which is equal to the operate time of the selected IEC inverse curve for measured current of twenty times the set current pickup value.
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Current polarizing is useful when the local source is strong and a high sensitivity is required. In such cases the polarizing voltage (3U ) can be below 1% and it is then necessary to use current polarizing or dual polarizing.
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Sensitive directional residual overcurrent and power protection SDEPSDE 6.7.1 Identification Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Sensitive directional residual over SDEPSDE current and power protection 6.7.2 Application In networks with high impedance earthing, the phase-to-earth fault current is significantly smaller than the short circuit currents.
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection When should the sensitive directional residual overcurrent protection be used and when should the sensitive directional residual power protection be used? Consider the following facts: • Sensitive directional residual overcurrent protection gives possibility for better sensitivity.
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection earth-fault current larger than what normal high impedance gives but smaller than the phase-to-phase short circuit current. In a high impedance system the fault current is assumed to be limited by the system zero sequence shunt impedance to earth and the fault resistance only.
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection × jX 3R (Equation 32) EQUATION1946 V1 EN Where is the resistance of the neutral point resistor In many systems there is also a neutral point reactor (Petersen coil) connected to one or more transformer neutral points.
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Source impedance (pos. seq) (pos. seq) (zero seq) Substation A (pos. seq) lineAB,1 (zero seq) lineAB,0 Substation B (pos. seq) lineBC,1 (zero seq) lineBC,0 Phase to earth fault en06000654.vsd IEC06000654 V1 EN Figure 62: Equivalent of power system for calculation of setting The residual fault current can be written:...
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection The residual power, measured by the sensitive earth-fault protections in A and B will × (Equation 37) EQUATION1951 V1 EN × (Equation 38) EQUATION1952 V1 EN The residual power is a complex quantity. The protection will have a maximum sensitivity in the characteristic angle RCA.
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection RCADir ROADir ϕ = ang(3I ) ang(3U − − 3I cos ⋅ ϕ IEC06000648-3-en.vsd IEC06000648 V3 EN Figure 63: Characteristic for RCADir equal to 0° The characteristic is for RCADir equal to -90° is shown in figure 64. ...
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection RCADir = 0º ROADir = 80º Operate area IEC06000652-3-en.vsd IEC06000652 V3 EN Figure 65: Characteristic for RCADir = 0° and ROADir = 80° DirMode is set Forward or Reverse to set the direction of the trip function from the directional residual current function.
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection SN> is the operate power level for the directional function when OpMode is set 3I03U0Cosfi. The setting is given in % of SBase. The setting should be based on calculation of the active or capacitive earth-fault residual power at required sensitivity of the protection.
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection IEC Long Time Inverse IEC Definite time ASEA RI RXIDG (logarithmic) The different characteristics are described in Technical Manual. tINNonDir is the definite time delay for the non directional earth-fault current protection, given in s. OpUN>...
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection In stressed situations in the power system it can be required to overload lines and cables for a limited time. This should be done without risks. The thermal overload protection provides information that makes a temporary overloading of cables and lines possible.
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Similar values are stated for overhead lines. A suitable setting can be about 15°C (59°F) below the trip value. ReclTemp: Temperature where lockout signal LOCKOUT from the protection is released. When the thermal overload protection trips a lock-out signal is activated. This signal is intended to block switch in of the protected circuit as long as the conductor temperature is high.
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection 6.9.3 Setting guidelines The parameters for Breaker failure protection 3-phase activation and output CCRBRF are set via the local HMI or PCM600. The following settings can be done for the breaker failure protection. GlobalBaseSel: Selects the global base value group used by the function to define (IBase), (UBase) and (SBase).
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection failure. 1 out of 3 means that at least one current of the three-phase currents shall be high to indicate breaker failure. 1 out of 4 means that at least one current of the three- phase currents or the residual current shall be high to indicate breaker failure.
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection It is often required that the total fault clearance time shall be less than a given critical time. This time is often dependent of the ability to maintain transient stability in case of a fault close to a power plant.
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection It is from practical and economical reason not feasible to duplicate the circuit breaker for the protected component. Instead a breaker failure protection is used. The Breaker failure protection, phase segregated activation and output (CSPRBRF ) issues a back-up trip command to adjacent circuit breakers in case of failure to trip of the “normal”...
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Table 19: Dependencies between parameters RetripMode and FunctionMode RetripMode FunctionMode Description Retrip Off The re-trip function is not activated CB Pos Chec k Current A phase current must be larger than the operate level to allow re-trip Contact Re-trip is done when circuit...
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection t1: Time delay of the re-trip. The setting can be given within the range 0 – 60 s in steps of 0.001 s. Typical setting is 0 – 50 ms. t2: Time delay of the back-up trip. The choice of this setting is made as short as possible at the same time as unwanted operation must be avoided.
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection 6.11 Stub protection STBPTOC 6.11.1 Identification Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Stub protection STBPTOC 50STB 3I>STUB SYMBOL-T V1 EN 6.11.2 Application Stub protection STBPTOC is a simple phase overcurrent protection, fed from the two current transformer groups feeding the object taken out of service.
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection GlobalBaseSel: Selects the global base value group used by the function to define (IBase), (UBase) and (SBase). Operation: Off/On I>: Current level for the Stub protection, set in % of IBase. This parameter should be set so that all faults on the stub can be detected.
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection 6.12.3 Setting guidelines The parameters for the Pole discordance protection CCRPLD are set via the local HMI or PCM600. The following settings can be done for the pole discordance protection. GlobalBaseSel: Selects the global base value group used by the function to define (IBase), (UBase) and (SBase).
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection 6.13.3 Setting guidelines GlobalBaseSel: Selects the global base value group used by the function to define (IBase), (UBase) and (SBase). Broken conductor check BRCPTOC must be set to detect open phase/s (series faults) with different loads on the line.
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection reverse power protection. There are several contingencies that may cause reverse power: break of a main steam pipe, damage to one or more blades in the steam turbine or inadvertent closing of the main stop valves. In the last case, it is highly desirable to have a reliable reverse power protection.
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection than 5%. It is necessary to obtain information from the engine manufacturer and to measure the reverse power during commissioning. Gas turbines usually do not require reverse power protection. Figure illustrates the reverse power protection with underpower protection and with overpower protection.
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Mode: The voltage and current used for the power measurement. The setting possibilities are shown in table 20. For reverse power applications PosSeq or Arone modes are strongly recommended. Table 20: Complex power calculation Set value Mode Formula used for complex power calculation...
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Operate Power1(2) Angle1(2) en06000440.vsd IEC06000440 V1 EN Figure 70: Overpower mode The setting Power1(2) gives the power component pick up value in the Angle1(2) direction. The setting is given in p.u. of the generator rated power, see equation 54. Minimum recommended setting is 1.0% of S .
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Angle1(2 ) = 180 Operate Power 1(2) IEC06000557-2-en.vsd IEC06000557 V2 EN Figure 71: For reverse power the set angle should be 180° in the overpower function TripDelay1(2) is set in seconds to give the time delay for trip of the stage after pick up. The possibility to have low pass filtering of the measured power can be made as shown in the formula: = ×...
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection 6.14.3 Directional underpower protection GUPPDUP Identification Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Directional underpower protection GUPPDUP P < SYMBOL-LL V2 EN Setting guidelines GlobalBaseSel: Selects the global base value group used by the function to define (IBase), (UBase) and (SBase).
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection Set value Mode Formula used for complex power calculation = × × (Equation 62) EQUATION1703 V1 EN = × × (Equation 63) EQUATION1704 V1 EN = × × (Equation 64) EQUATION1705 V1 EN The function has two stages that can be set independently.
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection × × UBase IBase (Equation 65) EQUATION1708 V1 EN The setting Angle1(2) gives the characteristic angle giving maximum sensitivity of the power protection function. The setting is given in degrees. For active power the set angle should be 0°...
Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection The value of k=0.98 or even k=0.99 is recommended in generator low forward power applications as the trip delay is normally quite long. This filtering will improve accuracy of the power function. 6.15 Negative sequence based overcurrent function DNSPTOC...
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Section 6 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Current protection • setting RCADir to value +65 degrees, that is, the negative sequence current typically lags the inverted negative sequence voltage for this angle during the fault • setting ROADir to value 90 degrees •...
Section 7 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Voltage protection Section 7 Voltage protection Two step undervoltage protection UV2PTUV 7.1.1 Identification Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Two step undervoltage protection UV2PTUV 3U< SYMBOL-R-2U-GREATER-THAN V2 EN 7.1.2 Application Two-step undervoltage protection function (UV2PTUV) is applicable in all...
Section 7 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Voltage protection UV2PTUV prevents sensitive equipment from running under conditions that could cause their overheating and thus shorten their life time expectancy. In many cases, it is a useful function in circuits for local or remote automation processes in the power system.
Section 7 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Voltage protection Settings for Two step undervoltage protection The following settings can be done for two step undervoltage protection (UV2PTUV). GlobalBaseSel: Selects the global base value group used by the function to define (IBase), (UBase) and (SBase).
Section 7 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Voltage protection t1Min longer than the operation time for other protections such unselective tripping can be avoided. k1: Time multiplier for inverse time characteristic. This parameter is used for coordination between different inverse time delayed undervoltage protections. The function must be externally blocked when the protected object is disconnected.
Section 7 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Voltage protection falling down to a crossing overhead line, transformer flash over fault from the high voltage winding to the low voltage winding and so on). Malfunctioning of a voltage regulator or wrong settings under manual control (symmetrical voltage decrease).
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Section 7 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Voltage protection High impedance earthed systems In high impedance earthed systems, earth-faults cause a voltage increase in the non- faulty phases. OV2PTOV can be used to detect such faults. The setting must be above the highest occurring "normal"...
Section 7 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Voltage protection to prevent damages to the protected object. The speed might be important for example in case of protection of transformer that might be overexcited. The time delay must be co-ordinated with other automated actions in the system. t1Min: Minimum operating time for inverse time characteristic for step 1, given in s.
Section 7 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Voltage protection 7.3.3 Setting guidelines All the voltage conditions in the system where ROV2PTOV performs its functions should be considered. The same also applies to the associated equipment, its voltage and time characteristic. There is a very wide application area where general single input or residual overvoltage functions are used.
Section 7 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Voltage protection IEC07000190 V1 EN Figure 74: Earth fault in Non-effectively earthed systems Direct earthed system In direct earthed systems, an earth fault on one phase indicates a voltage collapse in that phase. The two healthy phases will have normal phase-to-earth voltages. The residual sum will have the same value as the remaining phase-to-earth voltage.
Section 7 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Voltage protection IEC07000189 V1 EN Figure 75: Earth fault in Direct earthed system Settings for Two step residual overvoltage protection GlobalBaseSel: Selects the global base value group used by the function to define (IBase), (UBase) and (SBase).
Section 7 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Voltage protection Characteristic1: This parameter gives the type of time delay to be used. The setting can be, Definite time or Inverse curve A or Inverse curve B or Inverse curve C. The choice is highly dependent of the protection application. Un>: Set overvoltage operate value for step n (n=step 1 and 2), given as % of residual voltage corresponding to global set parameter UBase: >...
Section 7 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Voltage protection to the circuit breaker is not required, LOVPTUV is used for signallization only through an output contact or through the event recording function. 7.4.3 Setting guidelines Loss of voltage check (LOVPTUV) is in principle independent of the protection functions.
Section 8 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Frequency protection Section 8 Frequency protection Underfrequency protection SAPTUF 8.1.1 Identification Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Underfrequency protection SAPTUF f < SYMBOL-P V1 EN 8.1.2 Application Underfrequency protection SAPTUF is applicable in all situations, where reliable detection of low fundamental power system frequency is needed.
Section 8 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Frequency protection to protect equipment against damage due to low frequency, such as generators, transformers, and motors. Overexcitation is also related to low frequency to protect a power system, or a part of a power system, against breakdown, by shedding load, in generation deficit situations.
Section 8 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Frequency protection between the actual generation and the load demand. High fundamental frequency in a power system indicates that the available generation is too large compared to the power demanded by the load connected to the power grid. SAPTOF detects such situations and provides an output signal, suitable for generator shedding, HVDC-set- point change and so on.
Section 8 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Frequency protection 8.3.1 Identification Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Rate-of-change frequency protection SAPFRC df/dt > < SYMBOL-N V1 EN 8.3.2 Application Rate-of-change frequency protection (SAPFRC), is applicable in all situations, where reliable detection of change of the fundamental power system voltage frequency is needed.
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Section 8 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Frequency protection SAPFRCSTART value is set in Hz/s. All voltage magnitude related settings are made as a percentage of a settable base voltage, which normally is set to the primary nominal voltage level (phase-phase) of the power system or the high voltage equipment under consideration.
Section 9 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Secondary system supervision Section 9 Secondary system supervision Current circuit supervision CCSRDIF 9.1.1 Identification Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Current circuit supervision CCSRDIF 9.1.2 Application Open or short circuited current transformer cores can cause unwanted operation of many protection functions such as differential, earth-fault current and negative- sequence current functions.
Section 9 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Secondary system supervision Current circuit supervision CCSRDIF compares the residual current from a three- phase set of current transformer cores with the neutral point current on a separate input taken from another set of cores on the same current transformer. The minimum operate current, IMinOp, must be set as a minimum to twice the residual current in the supervised CT circuits under normal service conditions and rated primary current.
Section 9 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Secondary system supervision The negative sequence detection algorithm, based on the negative-sequence measuring quantities, a high value of voltage 3U without the presence of the negative-sequence current 3I , is recommended for use in isolated or high-impedance earthed networks.
Section 9 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Secondary system supervision when closing the local breaker when the line is already energized from the other end. When the remote breaker closes the voltage will return except in the phase that has a persistent fuse fail.
Section 9 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Secondary system supervision < × IBase (Equation 73) EQUATION1520 V3 EN where: is the maximal negative sequence current during normal operating conditions, plus a margin of 10...20% IBase is the setting of base current for the function Zero sequence based The relay setting value 3U0>...
Section 9 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Secondary system supervision normal switching conditions in the network. The delta current and delta voltage function shall always be used together with either the negative or zero sequence algorithm. If USetprim is the primary voltage for operation of dU/dt and ISetprim the primary current for operation of dI/dt, the setting of DU>...
Section 9 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Secondary system supervision 9.3.2 Application TCSSCBR detects faults in the electrical control circuit of the circuit breaker. The function can supervise both open and closed coil circuits. This kind of supervision is necessary to find out the vitality of the control circuits continuously. Trip circuit supervision generates a current of approximately 1.0 mA through the supervised circuit.
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Section 9 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Secondary system supervision IS: Constant current generator. Current level ~ 1,0 mA (I V: Transient Voltage Suppressor Breakdown Voltage 380 to 400 VDC TCS1 TCSSCBR TCS_STATE ALARM CBPOS_open BLOCK IEC13000026-2-en.vsd GUID-6B09F9C7-86D0-4A7A-8E08-8E37CAE53249 V3 EN Figure 77: Operating principle of the trip-circuit supervision without an external resistor.
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Section 9 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Secondary system supervision Several trip-circuit supervision functions parallel in circuit Not only the trip circuit often have parallel trip contacts, it is also possible that the circuit has multiple TCS circuits in parallel. Each TCS circuit causes its own supervising current to flow through the monitored coil and the actual coil current is a sum of all TCS currents.
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Section 9 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Secondary system supervision Table 22: Values recommended for the external resistor R Operating voltage U Shunt resistor R 48 V DC 10 kΩ, 5 W 60 V DC 22 kΩ, 5 W 110 V DC 33 kΩ, 5 W 220 V DC 68 kΩ, 5 W...
Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control frequencies must also be within a range of +/- 5 Hz from the rated frequency. When the synchronizing option is included also for autoreclose there is no reason to have different frequency setting for the manual and automatic reclosing and the frequency difference values for synchronism check should be kept low.
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control The need for a check of synchronization increases if the meshed system decreases since the risk of the two networks being out of synchronization at manual or automatic closing is greater. The synchrocheck function measures the conditions across the circuit breaker and compares them to set limits.
Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control Bus voltage SynchroCheck U-Bus > 80 % of Fuse fail GblBaseSelBus U-Line > 80 % of GblBaseSelLine Line Line voltage reference UDiffSC < 0.02 – 0.50 p.u. voltage PhaseDiffM < 5 - 90 degrees Fuse fail PhaseDiffA <...
Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control Bus voltage Line voltage EnergizingCheck U-Bus (live) > 80% of GblBaseSelBus U-Line (live) > 80% of GblBaseSelLine U-Bus (dead) < 40% of GblBaseSelBus U-Line (dead) < 40% of GblBaseSelLine U-Bus and U-Line < 115% of GblBaseSelBus and/or GblBaseSelLine IEC08000022-3-en.vsd IEC08000022 V3 EN...
(B16I). If the PSTO input is used, connected to the Local-Remote switch on the local HMI, the choice can also be from the station HMI system, typically ABB Microscada through IEC 61850–8–1 communication. The connection example for selection of the manual energizing mode is shown in figure 82.
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control X:SESRSYN has been divided into four different setting groups: General, Synchronizing, Synchrocheck and Energizing check. General settings Operation: The operation mode can be set On or Off. The setting Off disables the whole function. GblBaseSelBus and GblBaseSelLine These configuration settings are used for selecting one of six GBASVAL functions;...
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control • a. different phase-neutral voltages are selected (for example UL1 for bus and UL2 for line); • b. one available voltage is phase-phase and the other one is phase-neutral (for example UL1L2 for bus and UL1 for line). The set value is added to the measured line phase angle.
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control Note! The FreqDiffMin shall be set to the same value as FreqDiffM respective FreqDiffA for SESRSYN irrespective of whether the functions are used for manual operation, autoreclosing or both. FreqDiffMax The setting FreqDiffMax is the maximum slip frequency at which synchronizing is accepted.
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control With the setting On, the function is in service and the output signal depends on the input conditions. UDiffSC Setting for voltage difference between line and bus in p.u. This setting in p.u is defined as (measured U-Bus/UBase for bus according to GblBaseSelBus) - (measured U-Line/ UBase for line according to GblBaseSelLine).
Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control group, and the bus voltage is above 80% of the bus base voltage UBase, according to the setting GblBaseSelBus. • DBLL, Dead Bus Live Line, the bus voltage is below 40% of the bus base voltage UBase, according to the setting GblBaseSelBus about the Global Base Value group, and the line voltage is above 80% of the line base voltage UBase, according to the setting GblBaseSelLine.
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control of the line breakers. The dead time selected should be long enough to ensure a high probability of arc de-ionization and successful reclosing. For individual line breakers, auto-reclosing equipment or functions, the auto- reclosing open time is used to determine line “dead time”.
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control end. If auto-reclosing functions are included in duplicated line protection, which means two auto-reclosing functions per CB, one should take measures to avoid uncoordinated reclosing commands. In 1 1/2 breaker, double-breaker and ring bus arrangements, two CBs per line end are operated.
Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control A permanent fault will cause the line protection to trip again when it recloses in an attempt to clear the fault. The auto-reclosing function allows a number of parameters to be adjusted. Examples: •...
Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control auto-reclosing start pulse is generated and latched in the function, subject to the usual checks. Then the reclosing sequence continues as usual. One needs to connect signals from manual tripping and other functions, which shall prevent reclosing, to the input INHIBIT.
Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control When issuing a CB closing command a “reclaim” timer tReclaim is started. If no tripping takes place during that time the auto-reclosing function resets to the “Ready” state and the signal ACTIVE resets. If the first reclosing shot fails, 2nd to 5th reclosing shots will follow, if selected.
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control hardwired, or carried out by means of communication. There are also different alternatives regarding what shall generate Lock-out. Examples of questions are: • Shall back-up time delayed trip give Lock-out (normally yes) • Shall Lock-out be generated when closing onto a fault (mostly) •...
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control Recommendations for input signals Please see examples in figure 89. ON and OFF These inputs can be connected to binary inputs or to a communication interface block for external control. START It should be connected to the trip output protection function, which starts the autorecloser for 3-phase operation (SMBRREC) function.
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control TRSOTF This is the signal “Trip by Switch Onto Fault”. It is usually connected to the “switch onto fault” output of line protection if multi-shot Auto-Reclose attempts are used. The input will start the shots 2-5. For single shot applications the input is set to FALSE. THOLHOLD Signal “Thermal overload protection holding back Auto-Reclosing”.
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control ACTIVE Indicates that SMBRREC is active, from start until end of Reclaim time. INPROGR Indicates that a sequence is in progress, from start until reclosing command. UNSUCCL Indicates unsuccessful reclosing. CLOSECB Connect to a binary output for circuit-breaker closing command. READY Indicates that SMBRREC function is ready for a new and complete reclosing sequence.
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control pollution etc. can influence the required dead time. Some users apply Delayed Auto- Reclosing (DAR) with delays of 10s or more. The delay of reclosing shot 2 and possible later shots are usually set at 30s or more. A check that the CB duty cycle can manage the selected setting must be done.
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control tCBClosedMin A typical setting is 5.0 s. If the CB has not been closed for at least this minimum time, a reclosing start will not be accepted. CBAuxContType , CB auxiliary contact type It shall be set to correspond to the CB auxiliary contact used.
Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control AutoCont and tAutoContWait , Automatic continuation to the next shot if the CB is not closed within the set time The normal setting is AutoCont = Off. The tAutoContWait is the length of time SMBRREC waits to see if the breaker is closed when AutoCont is set to On.
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control Line protection Operate time Operate time Closed Circuit breaker Open Break time Closing time Break time Fault duration Fault duration STBRREC open time for breaker Set STBRREC open time Reclaim time Auto-reclosing function IEC10000223_1_en.vsd IEC10000223 V1 EN Figure 90:...
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control residual current protections (earth fault protection) with the single pole tripping and the auto-reclosing function. Attention shall also be paid to “pole discrepancy” (pole discordance) that arises when circuit breakers are provided with single pole operating devices.
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control Automatic-reclosing should not be attempted when closing a CB and energizing a line onto a fault (SOTF), except when multiple-shots are used where shots 2 etc. will be started at SOTF. Likewise a CB in a multi-breaker bus bar arrangement which was not closed when a fault occurred should not be closed by operation of the Auto-Reclosing function.
Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control • number of auto-reclosing shots • auto-reclosing program • auto-reclosing open times (dead time) for each shot. Auto-reclosing operation Off and On Operation of the automatic reclosing can be set OFF and ON by a setting parameter and by external control.
Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control Blocking of the autorecloser Auto-Reclose attempts are expected to take place only in the event of transient faults on the own line. The Auto-Recloser must be blocked for the following conditions: • Tripping from Delayed Distance protection zones •...
Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control The decision is also made in the tripping function block (TR) where the setting 3Ph, 1/3Ph is selected. FirstShot=3ph (normal setting for a single 3 phase shot) 3-phase reclosing, one to five shots according to setting NoOfShots. The output three- phase trip PREP3P is always set (high).
Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control NoOfShots parameter). During 3-phase trip (TR2P low and TR3P high) the auto- reclosing will be blocked and no reclosing takes place. FirstShot=1ph + 1*3ph 1-phase or 3-phase reclosing in the first shot At 1-phase trip, the operation is as described above.
Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control Reclosing reclaim timer The reclaim timer tReclaim defines the time it takes from issue of the reclosing command, until the reclosing function resets. Should a new trip occur during this time, it is treated as a continuation of the first fault. The reclaim timer is started when the CB closing command is given.
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control • Shall back-up time delayed trip give Lock-out (normally yes) • Shall Lock-out be generated when closing onto a fault (mostly) • Shall Lock-out generated when the Auto-Recloser was OFF at the fault •...
Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control Automatic continuation of the reclosing sequence The auto-reclosing function can be programmed to proceed to the following reclosing shots (if selected) even if the start signals are not received from the protection functions, but the breaker is still not closed.
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control is often a combination of signals from external IEDs via the IO and internal functions. An OR gate is then used for the combination. CBPOS and CBREADY These should be connected to binary inputs to pick-up information from the CB. The CBPOS input is interpreted as CB Closed, if parameter CBAuxContType is set NormOpen, which is the default setting.
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control BLOCKOFF Used to Unblock the Auto-Reclosing function when it has gone to Block due to activating input BLKON or by an unsuccessful Auto-Reclose attempt if the setting BlockByUnsucCl is set to On. Input is normally set to FALSE. RESET Used to Reset the Auto-Recloser to start condition.
Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control PREP3P Prepare three-phase trip is usually connected to the trip block to force a coming trip to be a three-phase one. If the function cannot make a single- or two-phase reclosing, the tripping should be three-phase. WFMASTER Wait from master is used in high priority units to hold back reclosing of the low priority unit during sequential reclosing.
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control by national regulations. For multiple shots the setting of shots 2-5 must be longer than the circuit breaker duty cycle time. Extended t1 and tExtended t1 Extended auto-reclosing open time for shot 1. The communication link in a permissive (not strict) line protection scheme, for instance a power line carrier (PLC) link, may not always be available.
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control tCBClosedMin A typical setting is 5.0 s. If the CB has not been closed for at least this minimum time, a reclosing start will not be accepted. CBAuxContType , CB auxiliary contact type It shall be set to correspond to the CB auxiliary contact used.
Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control AutoCont and tAutoContWait , Automatic continuation to the next shot if the CB is not closed within the set time The normal setting is AutoCont = Off. The tAutoContWait is the length of time STBRREC waits to see if the breaker is closed when AutoCont is set to On.
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control Station HMI Station bus Local Local Local Apparatus Apparatus Apparatus Control Control Control breakers disconnectors earthing switches IEC08000227.vsd IEC08000227 V1 EN Figure 94: Overview of the apparatus control functions Features in the apparatus control function: •...
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control • Bay control QCBAY • Local remote LOCREM • Local remote control LOCREMCTRL SCSWI, SXCBR, QCBAY and SXSWI are logical nodes according to IEC 61850. The signal flow between these function blocks appears in figure 95. The function Logical node Interlocking (SCILO) in the figure is the logical node for interlocking.
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control Accepted originator categories for PSTO If the requested command is accepted due to the authority allocation control, the respective value will change. Otherwise the attribute blocked-by-switcing-hierarky is set in the cause signal. If the PSTO value is changed under a command, then the command is reset.
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control • A request initiates to reserve other bays to prevent simultaneous operation. • Actual position inputs for interlocking information are read and evaluated if the operation is permitted. • The synchrocheck/synchronizing conditions are read and checked, and performs operation upon positive response.
Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control IEC13000016-1-en.vsd IEC13000016 V1 EN Figure 96: APC - Local remote function block 10.4.3 Interaction between modules A typical bay with apparatus control function consists of a combination of logical nodes or functions that are described here: •...
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Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control • The Autorecloser (SMBRREC) consists of the facilities to automatically close a tripped breaker with respect to a number of configurable conditions. • The logical node Interlocking (SCILO) provides the information to SCSWI whether it is permitted to operate due to the switchyard topology.
Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control Switch controller (SCSWI) The parameter CtlModel specifies the type of control model according to IEC 61850. For normal control of circuit breakers, disconnectors and earthing switches the control model is set to SBO Enh (Select-Before-Operate) with enhanced security. When the operation shall be performed in one step, the model direct control with normal security is used.
Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control Earthing switches are allowed to connect and disconnect earthing of isolated points. Due to capacitive or inductive coupling there may be some voltage (for example < 40% of rated voltage) before earthing and some current (for example < 100A) after earthing of a line.
Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control 10.5.5 Interlocking for bus-section breaker A1A2_BS 10.5.6 Interlocking for bus-section disconnector A1A2_DC 10.5.7 Interlocking for bus-coupler bay ABC_BC 10.5.8 Interlocking for 1 1/2 CB BH 10.5.9 Interlocking for double CB bay DB 10.5.10 Interlocking for line bay ABC_LINE 10.5.11 Interlocking for transformer bay AB_TRAFO...
Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control SLGGIO can be activated both from the local HMI and from external sources (switches), via the IED binary inputs. It also allows the operation from remote (like the station computer). SWPOSN is an integer value output, giving the actual output number.
Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control 10.7.2 Application Selector mini switch (VSGGIO) function is a multipurpose function used in the configuration tool in PCM600 for a variety of applications, as a general purpose switch. VSGGIO can be used for both acquiring an external switch position (through the IPOS1 and the IPOS2 inputs) and represent it through the single line diagram symbols (or use it in the configuration through the outputs POS1 and POS2) as well as, a command function (controlled by the PSTO input), giving switching commands...
Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control 10.8 IEC61850 generic communication I/O functions DPGGIO 10.8.1 Identification Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number IEC 61850 generic communication I/O DPGGIO functions 10.8.2 Application The IEC61850 generic communication I/O functions (DPGGIO) function block is used to send three logical outputs to other systems or equipment in the substation.
Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control positions, the only functional position usable with the SPC8GGIO function block is REMOTE. 10.9.3 Setting guidelines The parameters for the single point generic control 8 signals (SPC8GGIO) function are set via the local HMI or PCM600. Operation: turning the function operation On/Off.
Section 10 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Control 10.10.3 Setting guidelines AUTOBITS function block has one setting, (Operation: On/Off) enabling or disabling the function. These names will be seen in the DNP communication configuration tool in PCM600. Application manual...
Section 11 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Logic Section 11 Logic 11.1 Tripping logic common 3-phase output SMPPTRC 11.1.1 Identification Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Tripping logic common 3-phase output SMPPTRC I->O SYMBOL-K V1 EN 11.1.2 Application All trip signals from the different protection functions shall be routed through the trip...
Section 11 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Logic IEC11000054-1-en.vsd IEC11000054 V1 EN Figure 99: Tripping logic common 3-phase output SMPPTRC is used for a simple three-phase tripping application Lock-out This function block is provided with possibilities to initiate lock-out. The lock-out can be set to only activate the block closing output CLLKOUT or initiate the block closing output and also maintain the trip signal (latched trip).
Section 11 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Logic Operation: Sets the mode of operation. Off switches the function off. The normal selection is On. TripLockout: Sets the scheme for lock-out. Off only activates the lock-out output. On activates the lock-out output and latches the output TRIP. The normal selection is Off.
Section 11 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Logic transferred on the line during the dead time that arises before reclosing. Single phase tripping during single phase faults must be combined with single pole reclosing. Single- and/or three-phase tripping The single-/three-phase tripping will give single-phase tripping for single-phase faults and three-phase tripping for multi-phase fault.
Section 11 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Logic IEC11000055-1-en.vsd IEC11000055 V1 EN Figure 100: The tripping logic phase segregated output SPTPTRC used for single-phase tripping application Lock out This function block is provided with possibilities to initiate lock-out. The lock-out can be set to only activate the block closing output CLLKOUT or initiate the block closing output and also maintain the trip signal (latched trip).
Section 11 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Logic Sets the mode of operation. Off switches the tripping off. The normal selection is On. TripLockout Sets the scheme for lock-out. Off only activates lock-out output. On activates the lock- out output and latching output contacts. The normal selection is Off. AutoLock Sets the scheme for lock-out.
Section 11 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Logic OnDelay: Used to prevent output signals to be given for spurious inputs. Normally set to 0 or a low value. Used only for ModeOutputx: Steady. OffDelay: Defines a minimum on time for the outputs. When used for direct tripping of circuit breaker(s) the off delay time shall be set to approximately 0.150 seconds in order to obtain a satisfactory minimum duration of the trip pulse to the circuit breaker trip coils.
Section 11 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Logic IEC09000695_2_en.vsd IEC09000695 V2 EN Figure 101: Example designation, serial execution number and cycle time for logic function The execution of different function blocks within the same cycle is determined by the order of their serial execution numbers. Always remember this when connecting two or more logical function blocks in series.
Section 11 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Logic Example for use of GRP_OFF signal in FXDSIGN The Restricted earth fault function REFPDIF can be used both for auto-transformers and normal transformers. When used for auto-transformers, information from both windings parts, together with the neutral point current, needs to be available to the function.
Section 11 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Logic 11.6.2 Application Boolean 16 to integer conversion function B16I is used to transform a set of 16 binary (logical) signals into an integer. It can be used – for example, to connect logical output signals from a function (like distance protection) to integer inputs from another function (like line differential protection).
Section 11 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Logic 11.8.2 Application Integer to boolean 16 conversion function (IB16A) is used to transform an integer into a set of 16 binary (logical) signals. It can be used – for example, to connect integer output signals from one function to binary (logical) inputs to another function.
Section 11 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Logic 11.10 Elapsed time integrator with limit transgression and overflow supervision TEIGGIO 11.10.1 Identification Function Description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device identification identification number Elapsed time integrator TEIGGIO 11.10.2 Application The function TEIGGIO is used for user defined logics and it can also be used for different purposes internally in the IED .
Section 12 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Monitoring Section 12 Monitoring 12.1 IEC61850 generic communication I/O functions SPGGIO 12.1.1 Identification Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number IEC 61850 generic communication I/O SPGGIO functions 12.1.2 Application IEC 61850–8–1 generic communication I/O functions (SPGGIO) function is used to send one single logical output to other systems or equipment in the substation.
Section 12 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Monitoring 12.2.3 Setting guidelines The function does not have any parameters available in Local HMI or Protection and Control IED Manager (PCM600). 12.3 IEC61850 generic communication I/O functions MVGGIO 12.3.1 Identification Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification...
Section 12 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Monitoring 12.4 Measurements 12.4.1 Identification Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Measurements CVMMXN P, Q, S, I, U, f SYMBOL-RR V1 EN Phase current measurement CMMXU SYMBOL-SS V1 EN Phase-phase voltage measurement VMMXU SYMBOL-UU V1 EN...
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Section 12 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Monitoring proper direction orientation for distance or directional overcurrent protection function. The available measured values of an IED are depending on the actual hardware (TRM) and the logic configuration made in PCM600. All measured values can be supervised with four settable limits that is, low-low limit, low limit, high limit and high-high limit.
Section 12 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Monitoring The measuring functions CMSQI and VMSQI provide sequence component quantities: • I: sequence currents (positive, zero, negative sequence, amplitude and angle) • U: sequence voltages (positive, zero and negative sequence, amplitude and angle). The CVMMXN function calculates three-phase power quantities by using fundamental frequency phasors (DFT values) of the measured current respectively voltage signals.
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Section 12 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Monitoring Parameters IBase, Ubase and SBase have been implemented as a settings instead of a parameters, which means that if the values of the parameters are changed there will be no restart of the application. As restart is required to activate new parameters values, the IED must be restarted in some way.
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Section 12 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Monitoring Limits are directly set in applicable measuring unit, V, A , and so on, for all measureing functions, except CVMMXN where limits are set in % of the base quantity. XHiHiLim: High-high limit. XHiLim: High limit.
Section 12 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Monitoring IEC05000652 V2 EN Figure 104: Calibration curves 12.4.4 Setting examples Three setting examples, in connection to Measurement function (CVMMXN), are provided: • Measurement function (CVMMXN) application for a 110kV OHL • Measurement function (CVMMXN) application on the secondary side of a transformer •...
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Section 12 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Monitoring 110kV Busbar 600/1 A 110 0,1 110kV OHL IEC09000039-2-en.vsd IEC09000039-1-EN V2 EN Figure 105: Single line diagram for 110kV OHL application In order to monitor, supervise and calibrate the active and reactive power as indicated in figure it is necessary to do the following: Set correctly CT and VT data and phase angle reference channel PhaseAngleRef...
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Section 12 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Monitoring Table 27: Settings parameters for level supervision Setting Short Description Selected Comments value PMin Minimum value -100 Minimum expected load PMax Minimum value Maximum expected load PZeroDb Zero point clamping in 0.001% of 3000 Set zero point clamping to 45 MW range...
Section 12 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Monitoring 12.5 Event counter CNTGGIO 12.5.1 Identification Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Event counter CNTGGIO S00946 V1 EN 12.5.2 Application Event counter (CNTGGIO) has six counters which are used for storing the number of times each counter has been activated.
Section 12 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Monitoring If applicable, the counter can be set to stop or rollover to zero and continue counting after reaching the maximum count value. The steady overflow output flag indicates the next count after reaching the maximum count value. It is also possible to set the counter to rollover and indicate the overflow as a pulse, which lasts up to the first count after rolling over to zero.
Section 12 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Monitoring Disturbance report DRPRDRE, always included in the IED, acquires sampled data of all selected analog and binary signals connected to the function blocks that is, • maximum 30 external analog signals, • 10 internal derived analog signals, and •...
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Section 12 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Monitoring A1-4RADR Disturbance Report A4RADR DRPRDRE Analog signals Trip value rec B1-6RBDR Disturbance recorder Binary signals B6RBDR Event list Event recorder Indications IEC09000337-2-en.vsd IEC09000337 V2 EN Figure 106: Disturbance report functions and related function blocks For Disturbance report function there are a number of settings which also influences the sub-functions.
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Section 12 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Monitoring • Disturbance reports are not stored. • LED information (yellow - start, red - trip) is not stored or changed. Operation = On: • Disturbance reports are stored, disturbance data can be read from the local HMI and from a PC using PCM600.
Section 12 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Monitoring Post retrigger (PostRetrig) can be set to On or Off. Makes it possible to choose performance of Disturbance report function if a new trig signal appears in the post- fault window. PostRetrig = Off The function is insensitive for new trig signals during post fault time.
Section 12 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Monitoring If OperationM = On, waveform (samples) will also be recorded and reported in graph. NomValueM: Nominal value for input M. OverTrigOpM, UnderTrigOpM: Over or Under trig operation, Disturbance report may trig for high/low level of analog input M (On) or not (Off). OverTrigLeM, UnderTrigLeM: Over or under trig level, Trig high/low level relative nominal value for analog input M in percent of nominal value.
Section 12 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Monitoring handled if the recording functions do not have proper settings. The goal is to optimize the settings in each IED to be able to capture just valuable disturbances and to maximize the number that is possible to save in the IED. The recording time should not be longer than necessary (PostFaultrecT and TimeLimit).
Section 12 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Monitoring 12.8.3 Setting guidelines The function does not have any parameters available in Local HMI or Protection and Control IED Manager (PCM600). GlobalBaseSel: Selects the global base value group used by the function to define (IBase), (UBase) and (SBase).
Section 12 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Monitoring 12.10 Insulation gas monitoring function SSIMG 12.10.1 Identification Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Insulation gas monitoring function SSIMG 12.10.2 Application Insulation gas monitoring function (SSIMG) is used for monitoring the circuit breaker condition.
Section 12 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Monitoring Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Circuit breaker condition monitoring SSCBR 12.12.2 Application SSCBR includes different metering and monitoring subfunctions. Circuit breaker status Circuit breaker status monitors the position of the circuit breaker, that is, whether the breaker is in an open, closed or intermediate position.
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Section 12 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Monitoring Remaining life of the breaker Every time the breaker operates, the life of the circuit breaker reduces due to wearing. The wearing in the breaker depends on the tripping current, and the remaining life of the breaker is estimated from the circuit breaker trip curve provided by the manufacturer.
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Section 12 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Monitoring The directional coefficient is calculated according to the formula: = − Directional Coef . 2 2609 (Equation 79) A070794 V2 EN Rated operating current = 630 A Rated fault current = 16 kA Op number rated = 30000...
Section 13 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Metering Section 13 Metering 13.1 Pulse counter PCGGIO 13.1.1 Identification Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Pulse counter PCGGIO S00947 V1 EN 13.1.2 Application Pulse counter (PCGGIO) function counts externally generated binary pulses, for instance pulses coming from an external energy meter, for calculation of energy consumption values.
Section 13 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Metering input channels on the binary input output module (BIO) have individual settings for debounce time, oscillation count and oscillation time. The values can be changed in the local HMI and PCM600 under Main menu/Configuration/I/O modules The debunce time should be set to the same value for all channels on the board The setting isindividual for all input channels on the binary input...
Section 13 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Metering The energy values can be read through communication in MWh and MVarh in monitoring tool of PCM600 and/or alternatively the values can be presented on the local HMI. The local HMI graphical display is configured with PCM600 Graphical display editor tool (GDE) with a measuring value which is selected to the active and reactive component as preferred.
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Section 13 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Metering ERFAccPlsQty and ERRAccPlsQty: gives the MVarh value in each pulse. It should be selected together with the setting of the Pulse counter (PCGGIO) settings to give the correct total pulse value. For the advanced user there are a number of settings for direction, zero clamping, max limit, and so on.
Section 14 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Station communication Section 14 Station communication 14.1 IEC61850-8-1 communication protocol 14.1.1 Identification Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number IEC 61850-8-1 communication protocol IEC 61850-8-1 14.1.2 Application IEC 61850-8-1 communication protocol allows vertical communication to HSI clients and allows horizontal communication between two or more intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) from one or several vendors to exchange information and to use it in the performance of their functions and for correct co-operation.
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Section 14 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Station communication Engineering Station HSI Workstation Gateway Base System Printer KIOSK 3 KIOSK 1 KIOSK 2 IEC09000135_en.v IEC09000135 V1 EN Figure 109: Example of a communication system with IEC 61850–8–1 Figure 110 shows the GOOSE peer-to-peer communication. Station HSI MicroSCADA Gateway...
Section 14 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Station communication Horizontal communication via GOOSE GOOSE messages are sent in horizontal communication between the IEDs. The information, which is exchanged, is used for station wide interlocking, breaker failure protection, busbar voltage selection and so on. The simplified principle is shown in Figure 111 and can be described as follows.
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Section 14 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Station communication IEC08000174.vsd IEC08000174 V1 EN Figure 112: SMT: GOOSE marshalling with SMT GOOSE receive function blocks extract process information, received by the data set, into single attribute information that can be used within the application configuration. Crosses in the SMT matrix connect received values to the respective function block signal in SMT, see Figure 113...
Section 14 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Station communication IEC11000056-1-en.vsd IEC11000056 V1 EN Figure 113: SMT: GOOSE receive function block with converted signals 14.1.3 Setting guidelines There are two settings related to the IEC 61850–8–1 protocol: Operation User can set IEC 61850 communication to On or Off. GOOSE has to be set to the Ethernet link where GOOSE traffic shall be send and received.
Section 14 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Station communication 14.3 IEC 60870-5-103 communication protocol IEC 60870-5-103 is an unbalanced (master-slave) protocol for coded-bit serial communication exchanging information with a control system, and with a data transfer rate up to 19200 bit/s. In IEC terminology, a primary station is a master and a secondary station is a slave.
Section 14 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Station communication Station Control System Redundancy Supervision Data Data Switch A Switch B Data Data COM03 PRPSTATUS IEC13000003-1-en.vsd IEC13000003 V1 EN Figure 114: Redundant station bus 14.6 Setting guidelines The redundant station bus communication is configured using the local HMI, Main Menu/Configuration/Communication/TCP-IP configuation/ETHLAN1_AB The settings can be viewed and OperationMode can be set in the Parameter Setting tool in PCM600 under IED Configuration/Communication/TCP-IP...
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Section 14 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Station communication The ETHLAN1_AB in the Parameter Setting tool is relevant only when the COM03 module is present. IEC13000009-1-en.vsd IEC13000009 V1 EN Figure 115: PRP1 Configured in the Parameter Setting tool IEC13000010-1-en.vsd IEC13000010 V1 EN Figure 116: Lock/Unlock parameter Application manual...
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Section 14 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Station communication IEC13000008-1-en.vsd IEC13000008 V1 EN Figure 117: PST screen: OperationMode is set to PRP(A+B) Application manual...
Section 15 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Basic IED functions The internal events are time tagged with a resolution of 1 ms and stored in a list. The list can store up to 40 events. The list is based on the FIFO principle, that is, when it is full, the oldest event is overwritten.
Section 15 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Basic IED functions time base for the IEDs in a protection and control system. This makes comparison and analysis of events and disturbance data between all IEDs in the power system possible. Time-tagging of internal events and disturbances are an excellent help when evaluating faults.
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Section 15 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Basic IED functions • • SNTP • IRIG-B The parameter SyncMaster defines if the IED is a master, or not a master for time synchronization in a system of IEDs connected in a communication network (IEC61850-8-1).
Section 15 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Basic IED functions IEDTimeSkew. But in LinMasTime it applies the time changes occurred between two synchronised messages. • IEDTimeSkew: The IED measures the offset in between its own time and the master time and applies the same offset for the messages sent. •...
Section 15 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Basic IED functions 15.3.3 Setting guidelines The setting ActiveSetGrp, is used to select which parameter group to be active. The active group can also be selected with configured input to the function block ACTVGRP. The parameter MaxNoSetGrp defines the maximum number of setting groups in use to switch between.
Section 15 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Basic IED functions 15.5 Change lock CHNGLCK 15.5.1 Identification Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Change lock function CHNGLCK 15.5.2 Application Change lock function CHNGLCK is used to block further changes to the IED configuration once the commissioning is complete.
1MRK 505 291-UEN A Basic IED functions permanently issue a logical one to the CHNGLCK input. If such a situation would occur in spite of these precautions, then please contact the local ABB representative for remedial action. 15.5.3 Setting guidelines The Change lock function CHNGLCK does not have any parameters available in the local HMI or PCM600.
OrderingNo: the structure of the OrderingNo is as follows, for example, 1MRK008526-BA. This alphanumeric string has no specific meaning except, that it is used for internal identification purposes within ABB. • ProductionDate: states the production date in the “YYYY-MM_DD” format.
Section 15 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Basic IED functions 15.8 Primary system values PRIMVAL 15.8.1 Identification Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Primary system values PRIMVAL 15.8.2 Application The rated system frequency and phasor rotation are set under Main menu/ Configuration/ Power system/ Primary values/PRIMVAL in the local HMI and PCM600 parameter setting tree.
Section 15 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Basic IED functions 15.9.3 Setting guidelines The parameters for the signal matrix for analog inputs (SMAI) functions are set via the local HMI or via the PCM600. Every SMAI function block can receive four analog signals (three phases and one neutral value), either voltage or current.
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Section 15 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Basic IED functions Settings DFTRefExtOut and DFTReference shall be set to default value InternalDFTRef if no VT inputs are available. Even if the user sets the AnalogInputType of a SMAI block to “Current”, the MinValFreqMeas is still visible. However, using the current channel values as base for frequency measurement is not recommendable for a number of reasons, not last among them being the low level of currents that one can have in normal operating...
Section 15 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Basic IED functions Example 1 SMAI_20_7:1 SMAI_20_1-12:2 BLOCK SPFCOUT BLOCK SPFCOUT DFTSPFC AI3P DFTSPFC AI3P REVROT REVROT ^GRP1L1 ^GRP1L1 ^GRP1L2 ^GRP1L2 ^GRP1L3 ^GRP1L3 ^GRP1N ^GRP1N IEC09000028-2-en.vsd IEC09000028 V2 EN Figure 120: Configuration for using an instance in task time group 1 as DFT reference Assume instance SMAI_20_7:1 in task time group 1 has been selected in the configuration to control the frequency tracking (For the SMAI_20_x of task time...
Section 15 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Basic IED functions 15.10.2 Application Summation block 3 phase function 3PHSUM is used to get the sum of two sets of three-phase analog signals (of the same type) for those IED functions that might need 15.10.3 Setting guidelines The summation block receives the three-phase signals from SMAI blocks.
Section 15 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Basic IED functions 15.11.3 Setting guidelines UBase: Phase-to-phase voltage value to be used as a base value for applicable functions throughout the IED. IBase: Phase current value to be used as a base value for applicable functions throughout the IED.
Section 15 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Basic IED functions IEC12000202-1-en.vsd IEC12000202 V1 EN Figure 121: PCM600 user management tool Authorization handling in the IED At delivery the default user is the SuperUser. No Log on is required to operate the IED until a user has been created with the IED User Management..
Section 15 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Basic IED functions The cursor is focused on the User identity field, so upon pressing the key, one can change the user name, by browsing the list of users, with the “up” and “down” arrows. After choosing the right user name, the user must press the key again.
Section 15 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Basic IED functions 15.14 Denial of service 15.14.1 Identification Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Denial of service, frame rate control for DOSFRNT front port Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification...
Section 16 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Requirements Section 16 Requirements 16.1 Current transformer requirements The performance of a protection function will depend on the quality of the measured current signal. Saturation of the current transformer (CT) will cause distortion of the current signal and can result in a failure to operate or cause unwanted operations of some functions.
Section 16 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Requirements in the non-saturated region of operation. Class TPZ according to IEC is a non remanence type CT. Different standards and classes specify the saturation e.m.f. in different ways but it is possible to approximately compare values from different classes. The rated equivalent limiting secondary e.m.f.
Section 16 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Requirements The current transformer requirements are based on the maximum fault current for faults in different positions. Maximum fault current will occur for three-phase faults or single phase-to-earth faults. The current for a single phase-to-earth fault will exceed the current for a three-phase fault when the zero sequence impedance in the total fault loop is less than the positive sequence impedance.
CT (TPZ) is not well defined as far as the phase angle error is concerned. If no explicit recommendation is given for a specific function we therefore recommend contacting ABB to confirm that the non remanence type can be used. The CT requirements for the different functions below are specified as a rated equivalent limiting secondary e.m.f.
Section 16 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Requirements æ ö ³ × × × 1, 5 I ç ÷ alreq è ø (Equation 81) EQUATION1381 V1 EN where: The primary operate value (A) The rated primary CT current (A) The rated secondary CT current (A) The rated current of the protection IED (A) The secondary resistance of the CT (W) The resistance of the secondary cable and additional load (W).
Section 16 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Requirements Independent of the value of I the maximum required E is specified according to the following: æ ö ³ × × ç ÷ alreq max k max è ø (Equation 83) EQUATION1077 V1 EN where Maximum primary fundamental frequency current for close-in faults (A) kmax...
Section 16 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Requirements comparing this with the required rated equivalent limiting secondary e.m.f. E it is alreq possible to judge if the CT fulfills the requirements. The requirements according to some other standards are specified below. Current transformers according to IEC 61869-2, class P, PR A CT according to IEC 61869-2 is specified by the secondary limiting e.m.f.
Section 16 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Requirements × × × × × × 20 I 20 I 20 I a lANSI A NSI b ANSI (Equation 87) EQUATION971 V1 EN where: The impedance (that is, with a complex quantity) of the standard ANSI burden for the specific C bANSI class (W) The secondary terminal voltage for the specific C class (V)
Section 16 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Requirements 16.3 SNTP server requirements 16.3.1 SNTP server requirements The SNTP server to be used is connected to the local network, that is not more than 4-5 switches or routers away from the IED. The SNTP server is dedicated for its task, or at least equipped with a real-time operating system, that is not a PC with SNTP server software.
Section 17 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Glossary Section 17 Glossary Alternating current Actual channel Application configuration tool within PCM600 A/D converter Analog-to-digital converter ADBS Amplitude deadband supervision Analog input ANSI American National Standards Institute Autoreclosing ASCT Auxiliary summation current transformer Adaptive signal detection ASDU Application service data unit...
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Section 17 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Glossary Carrier receive Cyclic redundancy check CROB Control relay output block Carrier send Current transformer Communication unit Capacitive voltage transformer Delayed autoreclosing DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (The US developer of the TCP/IP protocol etc.) DBDL Dead bus dead line DBLL...
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Section 17 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Glossary FOX 20 Modular 20 channel telecommunication system for speech, data and protection signals FOX 512/515 Access multiplexer FOX 6Plus Compact time-division multiplexer for the transmission of up to seven duplex channels of digital data over optical fibers File Transfer Protocal Function type...
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Section 17 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Glossary specifications from the PCI SIG (Special Interest Group) for the electrical EMF (Electromotive force). IEEE 1686 Standard for Substation Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) Cyber Security Capabilities Intelligent electronic device I-GIS Intelligent gas-insulated switchgear Instance When several occurrences of the same function are available in the IED, they are referred to as instances of that function.
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Section 17 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Glossary OLTC On-load tap changer OTEV Disturbance data recording initiated by other event than start/pick-up Over-voltage Overreach A term used to describe how the relay behaves during a fault condition. For example, a distance relay is overreaching when the impedance presented to it is smaller than the apparent impedance to the fault applied to the balance point, that is, the set reach.
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Section 17 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Glossary SMA connector Subminiature version A, A threaded connector with constant impedance. Signal matrix tool within PCM600 Station monitoring system SNTP Simple network time protocol – is used to synchronize computer clocks on local area networks. This reduces the requirement to have accurate hardware clocks in every embedded system in a network.
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Section 17 1MRK 505 291-UEN A Glossary User management tool Underreach A term used to describe how the relay behaves during a fault condition. For example, a distance relay is underreaching when the impedance presented to it is greater than the apparent impedance to the fault applied to the balance point, that is, the set reach.
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