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C ONT E NT S S A F E T Y P R E C A UT IONS ............................... 2 S E R V IC ING P R E C A UT IONS ..............................3 S P E C IF IC A T IONS ................................4-7 P A R T S IDE NT IF IC A T ION ......................
S E R V IC ING P R E C A UT IONS F eatures of refrigerant (R 600a) After the refrigerant (R 600a) is completely discharged, repair any defective parts and replace the dryer. At any • Achromatic and odor les s gas . •...
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S P E C IF IC AT IONS 1. R ef. No: G B B539*****, G B F539***** IT E MS G B B539**HW* B B 539**HP* GBB539**HZ* 595(W) X 2010(H) X 650(D) DIME NS IONS (mm) • • • 595(W) X 1900(H) X 650(D) NE T WE IG HT •...
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S P E C IF IC AT IONS 1. R ef. No: G B B530***M*, G B F539***M* IT E MS G B B530**QM* G B B 539**QM* • 595(W) X 2010(H) X 650(D) DIME NS IONS (mm) • 595(W) X 1900(H) X 650(D) NE T WE IG HT •...
P A R T S I D E N T I F I C A T I O N G B B530**** Model Name : GBB530**Q**, GBB530**C** Lamp Egg Tray (Optional) Dairy Corner (Optional) Basket Door Removable Glass Shelf Removable Glass Shelf (Folding shelf Optional)
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P A R T S I D E N T I F I C A T I O N G B B530***** Model Name : GBF530**Q** Lamp Egg Tray (Optional) Dairy Corner (Optional) Basket Door Removable Glass Shelf Removable Glass Shelf (Folding shelf Optional) Bottle Rack...
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P A R T S I D E N T I F I C A T I O N G B B539***** Model Name : GBB539**QF*, GBB539**QP*, GBB539**CF*, GBB539**CP*, GBB539**CZ*, GBB539**QZ* Lamp Egg Tray (Optional) Dairy Corner (Optional) Removable Glass Shelf Basket Door Removable Glass Shelf...
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P A R T S I D E N T I F I C A T I O N G B B539**** Model Name : GBB539**QW*, GBB539**HW* Lamp Egg Tray (Optional) Basket Door Removable Glass Shelf Removable Glass Shelf (Folding shelf Optional) Removable Glass Shelf...
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P A R T S I D E N T I F I C A T I O N G B B539**** Model Name : GBF539***W* Lamp Egg Tray (Optional) Basket Door Removable Glass Shelf Water Tank (Optional) Basket Door Vegetable Drawer (Used to keep fruits and...
INS T R UC T IONS F OR R E V E R S ING DOOR S WING T his refrigerator allows the owner to change the door s wing if des ired. T he hinging of the doors can be changed to the oppos ite s ide anytime you wis h.
INS T R UC T IONS F OR R E V E R S ING DOOR S WING 1) R emove s crews (3) after removing a C AP (2) from the s ide of the refrigerator room HANDLE (1). T he freezer room HANDLE (5) may be als o dis as s embled in a s ame may as the refrigerator room HANDLE (1).
INS T R UC T IONS F OR R E V E R S ING DOOR S WING 6) Take out the LEAD WIRE(17) assembly from the TOP COVER FRONT(13) and assemble it on the left side. 7) Remove bolts(18) securing HINGE-U(19). Uns crew of the hinge pin(20).
DI S A S S E M B L Y 1. DOOR 3. FAN AND FAN MOTOR Freezer Door 1) Remove all of the freezer compartment, • (Involved wire shelf, ice maker) 1) Refer to previous chapter "Instruction for Reversing 2) Pull out the Grille Fan and Shroud F.
ADJUSTMENT 1. COMPRESSOR (In A++ and A+ Models) 3) PTC-Applied Circuit Diagram According to S tarting Method for the Motor 1) Role • T he compres s or intakes low temperature and low pres s ure gas evaporated from E vaporator of the R efrigerator, and OV E R LOAD condens es this gas to high temperature and high pres s ure P R OT E C T OR (O.L.P )
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ADJUSTMENT 3. OLP (OVER LOAD PROTECTOR) C ONT AC T ING P OINT C OV E R (In A++ and A+ Models) B IME T AL 1) De nition of OLP (1) OLP (OV E R LOAD P R OT E C T OR ) is attached to the H e rme tic C ompre s s or a nd prote c ts the Motor by C ONT AC T ING P OINT...
COMPRESSOR 1. Inverter Linear Compressor Check for defect of the inverter linear compressor in following orders: 1) Method to Measure Compressor Winding Resistance Normal Determination Criteria. The compressor winding resistance can be determined as normal if resistance values show the values as described in below gure when measuring resistance values of the harness (connected with compressor) to connect.
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COMPRESSOR Point D Multi Multi Sa : Save Tester Tester Po : Power Co : Comon Resistance Mode 10.5~12.5 Power ( ) Save ( ) Point A Point B Because of ambient temperature or operating situations; the values shown can have a slight devlation. Multi Tester Earth...
COMPRESSOR Point D Multi Multi Tester Tester Resistance Mode 12.3~15.1 BMG089NAMV BMG089NHMV 12.6~15.4 Point A Point B Because of ambient temperature or operating situations; the values shown can have a slight devlation. Multi Tester Earth Dead Short Check Multi Hermetic terminal Tester 2) Method to Determine Defect of Inverter Linear Drive Determination of Comp Operation...
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COMPRESSOR 3) LED blinks one time, then repeats (FCTO Trip) Blink Blink • FCT0 : When same trip occurs after power reset, change PCB. Because it is occurred by overvoltage (more than 2.5V) at voltage and current sensing parts, PCB has to be changed. - 23 -...
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COMPRESSOR 4) LED blinks two times, then repeats (Stroke Trip) Blink Blink Blink Blink Purpose: Prevent abnormally long piston strokes. Case 1. If compressor doesn’t work and LED blinks - Cause: Possibly harness from compressor to PCB might be defective. Case 2.
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COMPRESSOR 5) LED blinks ve times, then repeats (Locked Piston) Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink OFF Purpose: To detect locked piston Cause: Lack of oil to the cylinder, cylinder or piston damaged and or restricted discharge. A Locked Piston can also be caused by foreign materials inside the compressor. Logic: Compressor is forced o and tries to restart within 2.5 minutes.
COMPRESSOR 6) LED blinks six times, then repeats (Current Trip) Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Purpose: Prevent over-current (overload protect) Cause: Ambient temperature is high (over 43˚C) and/or refrigerator’s condenser air movement is restricted. Condenser Fan is stopped, restricted discharge line, compressor is damaged, or IPM device is defective. Logic: Compressor is forced o and tries to restart after 6 min.
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COMPRESSOR 7) LED blinks seven times, then repeats (IPM Fault) Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Purpose: Prevent high current due to IPM Short Cause: Damaged IPM (Dead Short) Test for a dead short at Point A with a VOM. 230 V 100 V EBR789107 230V EBR805254...
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COMPRESSOR Protection Blink 7 times logic (Lock Piston Trip) Check B Check B5 Check IPM Short Compressor Replace visual inspection Test Doesn’t work Drive PCB Point A Repeat Check Procedure Compressor Power Damage Reset Check C3 Replace Compressor 8) LED blinks eight times, then repeats (Communication Error) Blink Blink Blink...
Heavy Repair Method of Refrigerator by Application of Refrigerant 1. Outline 1) Checkpoints before Heavy Repair Open the C over AS M, B ack-M/C of refrigerator and check the type of refrigerant indicated on a compres s or before s tarting work.A yellow label is adhered to the compres sor for the refrigerator us ing R 600a as refrigerant.
Heavy Repair Method of Refrigerator by Application of Refrigerant 2. Heavy Repair SVC Method F or the heaver repair of R 600a type of refrigerator, perform work according to following S V C method. 1) Returnof Refrigerator Refrigerant R equired equipment: P inch pliers , refrigerant dis charging hos e, refrigerant returnbag T ake power cords out and remove power between 6s ec through 12s ec after powering ON to open all both s ides of 3way valve.
Heavy Repair Method of Refrigerator by Application of Refrigerant 2) Returnof Remained Refrigerant R equired equipment: P inch pliers , hos e for refrigerant recovery, vacuum pump If refrigerant returntime of 7 minutes has pas s ed, connect a vacuum pump at the ends of a refrigerant returnhos e outdoor.
Heavy Repair Method of Refrigerator by Application of Refrigerant 4) Charging Tube Connection Step R equired equipment: C harging tube, s imple welding machine R emove a charging pipe to recharge R 600a refrigerant after completing work, and then connect a charging tube with welding S uction P ipe C harging T ube...
Heavy Repair Method of Refrigerator by Application of Refrigerant 6) Refrigerant Charging R equired equipment: B ombe, R 600a refrigerant (67g) ppliances and heating s ource for performing work when charging s caled refrigerant. (Do not s pray refrigerant indoor.) Meas ure the accurate quantity (67g) of refrigerant to charge it into a B ombe.
Heavy Repair Method of Refrigerator by Application of Refrigerant 8) Failure Checking Procedures Check of cooler Check of rotation Surface of Normal at F-Room, cooler is cold. of COMP R-Room Somewhat cold Moisture clogged Leakage of 3way valve Surface of Clogged Clogged cycle cooler is cold.
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C IR C UIT DIA G R A M Linear A++ - 36 -...
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C IR C UIT DIA G R A M Linear A++ FLB compressor - 37 -...
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T R OUB L E S HOOT ING (Mec hanic al P art) 1. C OMP R E S S OR A ND E L E C T R IC C OMP ONE NT S Y E S P ower R emove the R elay (R ating V oltage S ource.
T R OUB L E S HOOT ING (Mec hanic al P art) 2. P T C A ND OL P C heck another Normal operation of S eparate the P T C Obs ervation value is electric components . C ompres s or is from C ompres s or and 220V /50Hz : 47Ω...
T R OUB L E S HOOT ING (Mec hanic al P art) 3. A NOT HE R E L E C T R IC C OMP ONE NT S ▼ C ooling is impos s ible C ompres s or C heck if current ows to C aus e.
T R OUB L E S HOOT ING (Mec hanic al P art) 4. S E R V IC E DIA G NOS IS C HA R T C ooling is Is the power cord unplugged from the outlet? P lug to the outlet. ●...
T R OUB L E S HOOT ING (Mec hanic al P art) 5. R E F R IG E R AT ING C Y C L E ▼ T roubles hooting C hart T E MP E R A T UR E S T A T E OF S T A T E OF T HE OF T HE...
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T R OUB L E S HOOT ING (Mec hanic al P art) ▼ G eneral C ontrol of R efrigerating C yc le IT E MS C ONT E NT S A ND S P E C IF IC A T IONS R E MA R K S WE LDING R OD (1)H 30...
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T R OUB L E S HOOT ING (Mec hanic al P art) Figure 23. LOKRING Figure 24. LOKRING TOOL...
MIC OM F UNC T ION & P C B C IR C UIT E XP L A NAT ION 1. F UC T ION E XP OS IT ION 1) F UNC T ION (1) When the appliance is plugged in, it is s et to 3˚C for the R efrigerator and -20˚C for the F reezer. Y ou can adjus t the R efrigerator and the F reezer control temperature by pres s ing the F R Z.
MIC OM F UNC TION & P C B C IR C UIT E XP L A NAT ION 2) E xpres s F rz. • P lease s elect this function for prompt freezing. • T his function is us ed when you want to freeze the foods quickly. P res s the E xpres s F rz. button once, and then the quick freeze operation s tarts with the lamp on.
MIC OM F UNC T ION & P C B C IR C UIT E XP L A NAT ION 4)Lock For Exterior Display • P r e s s i n g t h i s b u t t o n s t o p s o p e r a t i o n o f o t h e r b u t t o n s . •...
MIC OM F UNC T ION & P C B C IR C UIT E XP L A NAT ION 7) Exhibition(Demo) Mode ● Demo mode is available for displaying the refrigerator in a sales setting or similar condition. It allows the display, dispenser, and lights to operate without running the compressor and fan. ●...
MIC OM E rror C ode A + + + , A + + , A+ ► S how error mode when pus h ‘F reezer temp’ and ‘expres s F reezing’ button, s imultaneous ly for 1 s ec. (All on Mode) E rror C ode F reezer Item...
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MIC OM E rror C ode A++ HIT, A+ HIT ► S how error mode when push ‘F reezer temp’ and ‘expres s F reezing’ button, s imultaneous ly for 1 s ec. (All on Mode) E rror C ode Item C ontents R emarks...
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MIC OM E rror C ode 1. E rror C ode S ummary WA R NING (1) F AILUR E DIAG NOIS S F UNC T ION º Normality L oad c ontrol Item Defros t C O M P C - F A N F - F A N R D a m p e r...
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P C B P ic ture 1. Main P C B P /No & MF G P ic ture C ON4 C ON10 E B R75815702 E B R75815706 E B R75815709 C ON2 E B R75815711 C ON1 C ON6 C ON3 C ON7 C ON10...
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P C B P ic ture 1. Main P C B P /No & MF G P ic ture C ON11 C ON14 E B R75815601 C ON201 E B R75815602 E B R75815607 E B R75815608 C ON7 E B R75815611 E B R75815618 E B R75815620 C ON9...
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P C B P ic ture 1. Main P C B P /No & MF G P ic ture C ON10 C ON14 C ON201 E B R 7 9 2 7 9 8 0 1 E B R 7 9 2 7 9 8 0 3 C ON7 E B R 7 9 2 7 9 8 0 5 E B R 7 9 2 7 9 8 0 7...
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P C B P ic ture 1. Main P C B P /No & MF G P ic ture C ON11 C ON14 C ON201 E B R 7 9 8 3 2 6 0 1 E B R 7 9 8 3 2 6 0 2 C ON7 E B R 7 9 8 3 2 6 0 3 E B R 7 9 8 3 2 6 0 4...
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P C B P ic ture 1. Main P C B P /No & MF G P ic ture C ON11 C ON13 C ON201 E B R 8 0 0 8 5 1 1 C ON12 E B R 8 0 0 8 5 1 3 C ON9 C ON6 C ON1...
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P C B P ic ture 1. Main P C B P /No & MF G P ic ture C ON13 C ON12 E B R 8 0 5 2 5 4 1 6 C ON201 C ON9 C ON102 C ON1 C ON101 C ON2...
Troubles hooting With E rror Dis play 1. F reezer S ens or E rror (F S E ) S tep C hec k Item R es ult & S V C A c tion C h e c k f o r a l o o s e c o n n e c t i o n . •...
Troubles hooting With E rror Dis play 2. R e f r i g e r a t o r S ens or E rror (rS E ) S tep R es ult & S V C A c tion C h e c k f o r a l o o s e c o n n e c t i o n .
Troubles hooting With E rror Dis play 3. R e f r i g e r a t o r S e n s o r E r r o r ( r t E ) S tep R es ult & S V C A c tion C h e c k f o r a l o o s e c o n n e c t i o n .
Troubles hooting With E rror Dis play 4. Defrost Sensor Error (dS F) S tep R es ult & S V C A c tion C h e c k f o r a l o o s e c o n n e c t i o n . •...
Troubles hooting With E rror Dis play 4. Defrost Sensor Error (dS F) S tep R es ult & S V C A c tion • A + + + R es ult S V C A c t i o n C h e c k t h e Pin 7(1) to Pin8(2) C h a n g e t h e s e n s o r o f C O N 6 .
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Troubles hooting With E rror Dis play 5. Defros t Heater E rror (dH F ) R es ult & S V C A c tion P a r t R es ult S V C A c t i o n C hec k the Door gas ket.
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Troubles hooting With E rror Dis play 5. Defros t Heater E rror (dH F ) R es ult & S V C A c tion R eleas e the tes t mode. P us h the button 1 times . (Normal) C h e c k t h e B r o w n t o B l u e .
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Troubles hooting With E rror Dis play 6. F reezer F an E rror (F F E ) R es ult & S V C A c tion R es et the unit and Input T es t 1 Mode. (P us h the button 1 time) Open the freezer door and •...
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Troubles hooting With E rror Dis play 6. F reezer F an E rror (F F E ) R es ult & S V C A c tion • A + + + P oint R es ult S V C A c tion C h e c k t h e F a n m o t o r v o l t a g e .
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Troubles hooting With E rror Dis play 7. C ondens er F an E rror (C F E ) R es ult & S V C A c tion R es et the unit and Input T es t 1 Mode. (P us h the button 1 time) C hec k the fan rotating.
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Troubles hooting With E rror Dis play 7. C ondens er F an E rror (C F E ) R es ult & S V C A c tion • L i n e a r A + + , A + + + C h e c k t h e F a n m o t o r v o l t a g e .
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Troubles hooting With E rror Dis play 8. Communication Error (Er CO) R es ult & S V C A c tion C h e c k t h e l o o s e c o n n e c t i o n . C h e c k t h e O r a n g e t o B l a c k .
Troubles hooting Without E rror Dis play 1. R efrigerator room lamp does n’t work R es ult & S V C A c tion C hec k the loos e c onnec tion. C hec k the R efrigerator door s witc h. If feel s tic ky, C hange the door s /w.
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Troubles hooting Without E rror Dis play 2. P o o r c o o l i n g i n F r e e z e r c o m p a r t m e n t S tep C hec k Item R es ult &...
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Troubles hooting Without E rror Dis play 2. P oor c ooling in c ompartment S tep C hec k Item R es ult & S V C A c tion • A + + + C h e c k t h e F a n m o t o r v o l t a g e . P i n 9 ( 1 ) , P i n 1 0 ( 2 ) , P i n 1 1 ( 3 ) Point R e s u l t...
Troubles hooting Without E rror Dis play 3. Poor cooling in Refrigerator compartment S tep C hec k Item R es ult & S V C A c tion C h e c k t h e s e n s o r r e s i s t a n c e . (1) T o (2) R es ult •...
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Troubles hooting Without E rror Dis play 3. P oor c ooling in R efrigerator c ompartment S tep C hec k Item R es ult & S V C A c tion D a m p e r c h e c k i n g m e t h o d . I n p u t t i n g T E S T M o d e , C h e c k t h e d a m p e r a n d P C B Point...
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Troubles hooting Without E rror Dis play 3. P oor c ooling in R efrigerator c ompartment S tep C hec k Item R es ult & S V C A c tion • A + + + C h e c k t h e F a n m o t o r v o l t a g e . P i n 9 ( 1 ) , P i n 1 0 ( 2 ) , P i n 1 1 ( 3 ) o f C O N 1 4 .
Troubles hooting Without E rror Dis play 4. Over c ooling in R efrigerator c ompartment R es ult & S V C A c tion Check the sensor resistance. Temperature R es ult 23°F / -5°C 38 k • The sensor is determined by the temperature.
R eferenc e 1. T E S T MODE and R emoving T PA 1. How to make T E S T MODE If you pus h the tes t button on the Main P C B , the refrigerator will be enter the T E S T MODE . * 1 time : C omp / Damper / A ll F A N on (A ll things dis played) * 2 times : F orc ed defros t mode...
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R eferenc e 2. TEMPERATURE CHART - FRZ AND ICING SENSOR T E MP R E S IS T A NC E V OL T A G E -39°F (-40°C ) 4.09 V 73.29 k -30°F (-35°C ) 3.84 V 53.63 k -21°F (-30°C ) 3.55 V...
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R eferenc e 3. TEMPERATURE CHART - REF AND DEF SENSOR T E MP R E S IS T A NC E V OL T A G E -39°F (-40°C ) 4.48 V 225.1 k -30°F (-35°C ) 4.33 V 169.8 k -21°F (-30°C ) 4.16 V...
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R eferenc e 4. TEMPERATURE CHART - AMBIENT SENSOR T E MP R E S IS T A NC E V OL T A G E -39°F (-40°C ) 4.79 V 225.1 k -30°F (-35°C ) 4.72 V 169.8 k -21°F (-30°C ) 4.64 V 129.3 k...
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R eferenc e 5. How to c hec k the F an-E rror (1) ~ J uly 2007 After s ending a s ignal to the fan, the MIC O M checks the B LDC fan motor’s lock s tatus . If there is no feedback s ignal from the B LDC fan, the fan motor s tops for 10 s econds and then is powered again for 15 s econds .