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Copyright This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written permission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party, nor used for any unauthorized purpose. The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.
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In case any errors are detected, the reader is kindly requested to notify the manufacturer. Other than under explicit contractual commitments, in no event shall ABB be responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this manual or the application of the equipment.
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(EMC Directive 2014/30/EU) and concerning electrical equipment for use within specified voltage limits (Low-voltage directive 2014/35/EU). This conformity is the result of tests conducted by ABB in accordance with the product standard EN 60255-26 for the EMC directive, and with the product standards EN 60255-1 and EN 60255-27 for the low voltage directive.
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Table of contents Indication bits mirrored in registers........41 SSR1 System status register (1) device health......42 SSR2 System status register (2) protection relay's mode and state.................42 SSR3 System status register (3) data available 1 (client- dependent)................43 SSR4 System status register (4) data available 2 (client- dependent, user-definable)............
Section 1 1MRS758336 B Introduction Section 1 Introduction This manual The point list manual describes the outlook and properties of the data points specific to the protection relay. The manual should be used in conjunction with the corresponding communication protocol manual. Intended audience This manual addresses the communication system engineer or system integrator responsible for pre-engineering and engineering for communication setup in a...
Product series- and product-specific manuals can be downloaded from the ABB Web site 1.3.2 Document revision history Document revision/date Product version History A/2016-02-22 First release B/2019-04-10 Content updated Download the latest documents from the ABB Web site REU611 Point List Manual...
Section 1 1MRS758336 B Introduction 1.3.3 Related documentation Name of the document Document ID Modbus Communication Protocol Manual 1MRS757461 Symbols and conventions 1.4.1 Symbols The caution icon indicates important information or warning related to the concept discussed in the text. It might indicate the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption of software or damage to equipment or property.
Section 1 1MRS758336 B Introduction The corresponding parameter values are "On" and "Off". • Input/output messages and monitored data names are shown in Courier font. When the function starts, the START output is set to TRUE. • This document assumes that the parameter setting visibility is "Advanced". 1.4.3 Functions, codes and symbols Table 1:...
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Section 1 1MRS758336 B Introduction Function IEC 61850 IEC 60617 IEC-ANSI Move (8 pcs), instance 1 MVGAPC MV (1) MV (1) Control Circuit-breaker control CBXCBR1 I <-> O CB I <-> O CB Condition monitoring and supervision Trip circuit supervision, instance 1 TCSSCBR1 TCS (1) TCM (1)
Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings Section 2 Modbus data mappings Overview This document describes the Modbus data points and structures available in the IED. The point list describes a superset of all data available through the standard configuration/s including the optional functionalities. The majority of the Modbus data points are valid for all standard configurations.
Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings Function IEC 61850 UE/C101 Residual voltage measurement RESVMMXU Frequency measurement FMMXU Other Input switch group ISWGAPC Output switch group OSWGAPC Selector SELGAPC Minimum pulse timer (2 pcs) TPGAPC Move (8 pcs) MVGAPC 1, 2, ... = Number of included instances. The instances of a protection function represent the number of identical protection function blocks available in the standardized configuration.
Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings CTRL.CBXCBR1 Circuit-breaker control (1) Table 8: CTRL.CBXCBR1 Circuit-breaker control (1) BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values CTRL.CBXCBR1 2836 177.04 .BlkOpn.stVal BLK_OPEN Open blocked 1=Blocked 2837 177.05 .mcd 2838 177.06 .BlkCls.stVal BLK_CLOSE Close blocked...
Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values LD0.FRPFRC2 Frequency gradient 3054 190.14 .Op.general OPR_FRG Operate 1=Operate 3055 190.15 .mcd LD0.LEDGGIO1 Indication LED states Color1/Color2 These LED indication points interpret the case when a signal is wired to both the OK and ALARM inputs, but inverted to the other.
Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values 3523 220.03 .LEDSt4.stVal LED 4 state 0/1=Color1/2 3524 220.04 .LEDSt5.stVal LED 5 state 0/1=Color1/2 3525 220.05 .LEDSt6.stVal LED 6 state 0/1=Color1/2 3526 220.06 .LEDSt7.stVal LED 7 state 0/1=Color1/2 3527...
Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values 2773 173.05 .LEDSt6.stVal LED 6 state 0/1=Off/Color 2774 173.06 .LEDSt7.stVal LED 7 state 0/1=Off/Color 2775 173.07 .LEDSt8.stVal LED 8 state 0/1=Off/Color 2776 173.08 .LEDSt9.stVal LED 9 state 0/1=Off/Color 2777...
Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings 2.3.2 Unmapped indications Unmapped indications are indication data that have no initial Modbus mapping locations, but can be added to the user-definable Modbus area using the Communication Management tool in PCM600. If Modbus events are enabled for these indication signals, the event identification is the user-definable area address.
Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values LD0.GNRLLTMS1 .TmChSt1.stVal Time synch. status 0/1=Down/Up .mcd .TmSyn.stVal IEC 61850-9-2 sync 0...2 .mcd .TmSrcSt.stVal Time sync source 0...99 .mcd LD0.SCHLCCH1 .ChLiv.stVal CH1LIV Ethernet channel 1 live 1=Live .mcd LD0.SCHLCCH2...
Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings Control structure 1 Table 47: Control structure 1 RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values 8001 Execute register 8002 Password reg 1 acc to setting 8003 Password reg 2 acc to setting 8004 Control register...
Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings Control structure 5 Table 51: Control structure 5 RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values 8021 Execute register 8022 Password reg 1 acc to setting 8023 Password reg 2 acc to setting 8024 Control register...
Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings Device ID string Table 55: Device ID string RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values 9000 ASCII coded string 9120 1) See the technical manual. Event record structure Table 56: Event record structure RegA...
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Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values 9270 Data object ID1 9271 Data object ID2 9272 Event data value 1 9273 Event data value 2 Record 3 data to read: If selected 9274 - Record sequence num...
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Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values 9299 - Day, Hour Day/Hour 9300 - Minute, Second Min/Sec 9301 - Millisecond Millisecond 9302 Event identification 9303 Data object ID1 9304 Data object ID2 9305 Event data value 1 9306...
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Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values 9329 - Record sequence num 1...500 9330 - Unread records left 0...499 Timestamp of record 9331 - Year, Month Year/Month 9332 - Day, Hour Day/Hour 9333 - Minute, Second...
Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values 9359 Data object ID2 9360 Event data value 1 9361 Event data value 2 1) See the technical manual. Fault record structure header Table 57: Fault record structure header RegA...
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Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings RegA Type Scale SA name Description Values IEC 61850 name 9416 .FltPtR.mag.f Fault resistance 0.00… 1000000.00 ohms 9417 (Low word) 9418 .FltDiskm.mag.f Fault distance 0.00… 9999.99 pu 9419 (Low word) 9420 .ActSetGr.stVal Active setting group 1…6 9421 .ShotPntr.stVal...
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Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings RegA Type Scale SA name Description Values IEC 61850 name 9441 1000 .APhsB1.mag.f Current phs B(1) 0.000… 50.000 [×In] 9442 1000 .APhsC1.mag.f Current phs C(1) 0.000… 50.000 [×In] 9443 1000 .ARes1.mag.f Current Io(1) 0.000…...
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Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings RegA Type Scale SA name Description Values IEC 61850 name 9466 1000 .CBClrTm.mag.f Breaker clear time 0.000...3.000 9467 1000 .Max50APhsA2.mag.f Max. current phsA(2) 0.000… 50.000 [×In] 9468 1000 .Max50APhsB2.mag.f Max. current phsB(2) 0.000… 50.000 [×In] 9469 1000...
Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values 9206 Minute 0...59 9207 Second 0...59 9208 Millisecond 0…999 1) See the technical manual. IED real-time clock (in UTC time mode), read and write (synchronize) Table 60: IED real-time clock (in UTC time mode), read and write (synchronize) RegA...
Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings SSR1 System status register (1) device health Table 62: SSR1 System status register (1) device health RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values 128.00 Device global error 1=Error 128.01 Device global warning 1=Warning 128.02...
Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values 129.13 < reserved > 129.14 < reserved > 129.15 < reserved > SSR3 System status register (3) data available 1 (client-dependent) Table 64: SSR3 System status register (3) data available 1 (client-dependent) RegA Type...
Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values 131.09 Data category 10 has changed 1=Changed 131.10 Data category 11 has changed 1=Changed 131.11 Data category 12 has changed 1=Changed 131.12 Data category 13 has changed 1=Changed 131.13 Data category 14 has changed...
Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings System register values Table 68: System register values RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values LD0.LDEV1 2050 .DevWrn.stVal Warning Last warning code 2051 .DevFail.stVal Internal Fault Last internal fault code .DevFail.stVal Indicate IRF only 1=IRF...
Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings Time and reason for latest IED reset Table 69: Time and reason for latest IED reset RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values 9221 Year 2000...2099 9222 Month 1...12 9223 1...31 9224...
Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings User-definable registers [Alt.1], visible on 3x and 4x Table 71: User-definable registers [Alt.1], visible on 3x and 4x RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values < not mappable - not visible > User register 1 User register 2 User register 127...
Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values 1983 1000 .PhV.res.cVal.mag.f Max demand Uo Residual amplitude 0.00…4.0 [×Un] 1984 Year - month 1985 Day - hour 1986 Minute - second 1987 Milliseconds 1988 Time quality...
Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings LD0.VMMXU1 Voltage demand values (1) Table 77: LD0.VMMXU1 Voltage demand values (1) RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values LD0.VAVMMXU1 Demand value 1954 1000 .PhV.phsA.cVal.mag.f U_DMD_A Phs A amplitude 0.00…4.0 [×Un] 1955...
Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings LD0.VMMXU2 Three-phase voltage measurement (2) Table 80: LD0.VMMXU2 Three-phase voltage measurement (2) RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values LD0.VMMXU2 Phase-ground voltage (2) 1000 .phV.phsA.cVal.mag.f U_DB_A Phs A amplitude 0.00..4.00 [×Un] 1000...
Section 2 1MRS758336 B Modbus data mappings IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values 2068 2.08 .MemClr.Oper.ctlVal Clear DR memory 1=Clear LD0.RESVMMXU1 2074 2.14 .RcdRs.Oper.ctlVal Reset Uo (1) max demands 1=Reset 2.5.2 CTRL.CBCSWI1 Circuit breaker control (1) Table 83: CTRL.CBCSWI1 Circuit breaker control (1) IEC 61850 name SA name Description...
Section 3 1MRS758336 B Glossary Section 3 Glossary Electromagnetic compatibility International Electrotechnical Commission IEC 61850 International standard for substation communication and modeling Intelligent electronic device Light-emitting diode LHMI Local human-machine interface PCM600 Protection and Control IED Manager WHMI Web human-machine interface REU611 Point List Manual...