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Busbar protection REB670
Version 2.2 IEC
Application manual


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for ABB REB670 Series

  • Page 1 ® Relion 670 SERIES Busbar protection REB670 Version 2.2 IEC Application manual...
  • Page 3 Document ID: 1MRK 505 370-UEN Issued: November 2018 Revision: D Product version: 2.2 © Copyright 2017 ABB. All rights reserved...
  • Page 4 Copyright This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written permission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party, nor used for any unauthorized purpose. The software and hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.
  • Page 5 This document has been carefully checked by ABB but deviations cannot be completely ruled out. In case any errors are detected, the reader is kindly requested to notify the manufacturer.
  • Page 6 (Low-voltage directive 2006/95/EC). This conformity is the result of tests conducted by ABB in accordance with the product standard EN 60255-26 for the EMC directive, and with the product standards EN 60255-1 and EN 60255-27 for the low voltage directive. The...
  • Page 7: Table Of Contents

    Table of contents Table of contents Section 1 Introduction.......................17 This manual............................17 Intended audience..........................17 Product documentation........................18 1.3.1 Product documentation set...................... 18 1.3.2 Document revision history......................19 1.3.3 Related documents........................19 Document symbols and conventions..................20 1.4.1 Symbols............................20 1.4.2 Document conventions.......................21 IEC 61850 edition 1 / edition 2 mapping..................21 Section 2 Application......................
  • Page 8 Table of contents Example on how to connect a star connected three-phase CT set to the IED.... 67 Example how to connect delta connected three-phase CT set to the IED....70 Example how to connect single-phase CT to the IED............72 4.2.3 Relationships between setting parameter Base Current, CT rated primary current and minimum pickup of a protection IED..............
  • Page 9 Table of contents Single busbar arrangements with sectionalizer...............113 Single busbar arrangements with bus-section breaker..........114 H-type busbar arrangements....................115 Double circuit breaker busbar arrangement..............116 One-and-half circuit breaker....................117 Double busbar single breaker arrangement..............119 Double busbar arrangements with two bus-section breakers and two bus- coupler breakers........................
  • Page 10 Table of contents Settings for each step ......................167 Common settings for all steps.................... 169 Thermal overload protection, two time constants TRPTTR ..........170 7.5.1 Identification..........................170 7.5.2 Application...........................171 7.5.3 Setting guideline........................171 Setting example........................173 Breaker failure protection CCRBRF.....................175 7.6.1 Identification..........................
  • Page 11 Table of contents Power supply quality......................211 High impedance earthed systems..................211 The following settings can be done for the two step overvoltage protection..211 Two step residual overvoltage protection ROV2PTOV ............212 8.3.1 Identification..........................212 8.3.2 Application..........................213 8.3.3 Setting guidelines........................213
  • Page 12 Table of contents Directional negative sequence overcurrent protection..........230 Negative sequence overcurrent protection..............231 Generator stator overload protection in accordance with IEC or ANSI standards...233 Open phase protection for transformer, lines or generators and circuit breaker head flashover protection for generators............235 Voltage restrained overcurrent protection for generator and step-up transformer..........................
  • Page 13 Table of contents Single circuit breaker with single busbar................255 Single circuit breaker with double busbar, external voltage selection....... 255 Single circuit breaker with double busbar, internal voltage selection......256 Double circuit breaker......................256 1 1/2 circuit breaker....................... 257 12.1.4 Setting guidelines........................
  • Page 14 Table of contents Proxy for signals from switching device via GOOSE XLNPROXY........298 Bay Reserve (QCRSV)......................299 Reservation input (RESIN)....................299 12.4 Interlocking ............................ 299 12.4.1 Configuration guidelines......................300 12.4.2 Interlocking for line bay ABC_LINE ..................300 Application..........................300 Signals from bypass busbar....................301
  • Page 15 Table of contents 12.6.2 Application..........................331 12.6.3 Setting guidelines........................331 12.7 Generic communication function for Double Point indication DPGAPC......332 12.7.1 Identification..........................332 12.7.2 Application..........................332 12.7.3 Setting guidelines........................333 12.8 Single point generic control 8 signals SPC8GAPC..............333 12.8.1 Identification..........................333 12.8.2 Application..........................
  • Page 16 Table of contents 13.8 Boolean to integer conversion with logical node representation, 16 bit BTIGAPC..343 13.8.1 Identification..........................343 13.8.2 Application..........................343 13.9 Integer to Boolean 16 conversion IB16..................344 13.9.1 Identification..........................344 13.9.2 Application..........................344 13.10 Integer to Boolean conversion for six-zone busbar BCTZCONN......... 345 13.10.1 Identification..........................345 13.10.2...
  • Page 17 Table of contents Setting procedure on the IED....................368 14.5 Event function EVENT........................369 14.5.1 Identification..........................369 14.5.2 Application..........................369 14.5.3 Setting guidelines........................369 14.6 Disturbance report DRPRDRE......................370 14.6.1 Identification..........................370 14.6.2 Application..........................370 14.6.3 Setting guidelines........................371 Recording times........................373 Binary input signals....................... 374 Analog input signals......................
  • Page 18 Table of contents Section 16 Ethernet-based communication..............387 16.1 Access point............................387 16.1.1 Application..........................387 16.1.2 Setting guidelines........................387 16.2 Redundant communication......................388 16.2.1 Identification..........................388 16.2.2 Application..........................388 16.2.3 Setting guidelines........................389 16.3 Merging unit........................... 390 16.3.1 Application..........................390 16.3.2 Setting guidelines........................391 16.4 Routes...............................391 16.4.1 Application..........................
  • Page 19 Table of contents 17.6.3 Function and information types.....................418 17.7 DNP3 Communication protocol....................418 17.7.1 Application..........................418 Section 18 Remote communication.................419 18.1 Binary signal transfer........................419 18.1.1 Identification..........................419 18.1.2 Application..........................419 Communication hardware solutions................. 420 Application possibility with one-phase REB670.............. 421 18.1.3 Setting guidelines........................
  • Page 20 Table of contents 20.8 Signal matrix for binary inputs SMBI..................435 20.8.1 Application..........................435 20.8.2 Setting guidelines........................435 20.9 Signal matrix for binary outputs SMBO ................... 435 20.9.1 Application..........................435 20.9.2 Setting guidelines........................436 20.10 Signal matrix for mA inputs SMMI....................436 20.10.1 Application..........................
  • Page 21 Table of contents 21.6 IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE Merging unit requirements ..............458 Section 22 Glossary......................461 Busbar protection REB670 Application manual...
  • Page 23: Introduction

    1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 1 Introduction Section 1 Introduction This manual GUID-AB423A30-13C2-46AF-B7FE-A73BB425EB5F v19 The application manual contains application descriptions and setting guidelines sorted per function. The manual can be used to find out when and for what purpose a typical protection function can be used.
  • Page 24: Product Documentation

    Section 1 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Introduction Product documentation 1.3.1 Product documentation set GUID-3AA69EA6-F1D8-47C6-A8E6-562F29C67172 v16 Engineering manual Installation manual Commissioning manual Operation manual Application manual Technical manual Communication protocol manual Cyber security deployment guideline IEC07000220-4-en.vsd IEC07000220 V4 EN-US Figure 1: The intended use of manuals throughout the product lifecycle The engineering manual contains instructions on how to engineer the IEDs using the various tools available within the PCM600 software.
  • Page 25: Document Revision History

    1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 1 Introduction The application manual contains application descriptions and setting guidelines sorted per function. The manual can be used to find out when and for what purpose a typical protection function can be used. The manual can also provide assistance for calculating settings. The technical manual contains operation principle descriptions, and lists function blocks, logic diagrams, input and output signals, setting parameters and technical data, sorted per function.
  • Page 26: Document Symbols And Conventions

    Section 1 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Introduction 670 series manuals Document numbers Point list manual, DNP3 1MRK 511 397-UUS Accessories guide 1MRK 514 012-BEN Cyber security deployment guideline 1MRK 511 399-UEN Connection and Installation components 1MRK 513 003-BEN Test system, COMBITEST 1MRK 512 001-BEN Application guide, Communication set-up 1MRK 505 382-UEN...
  • Page 27: Document Conventions

    1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 1 Introduction 1.4.2 Document conventions GUID-96DFAB1A-98FE-4B26-8E90-F7CEB14B1AB6 v8 • Abbreviations and acronyms in this manual are spelled out in the glossary. The glossary also contains definitions of important terms. • Push button navigation in the LHMI menu structure is presented by using the push button icons.
  • Page 35: Application

    1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 2 Application Section 2 Application General IED application SEMOD121007-5 v8 The Intelligent Electronic Device (IED) is designed for the selective, reliable and fast differential protection of busbars, T-connections and meshed corners in up to 6 zones. It can be used for protection of single, double and triple busbar with or without transfer bus, double circuit breaker or one-and-half circuit breaker stations.
  • Page 36 Section 2 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Application Alternatively this sensitive level can be used when high sensitivity is required from busbar differential protection (that is, energizing of the bus via long line). Overall operating characteristic of the differential function in the IED is shown in figure 2. Sensitive differential protection...
  • Page 37 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 2 Application Optionally available four-stage, non-directional overcurrent protections, one for every CT input into the IED, provide remote backup functionality for connected feeders and remote-end stations. Optionally available voltage and frequency protection functions enable to include voltage release criterion for busbar protection or to integrate independent over-, under-voltage protection for the bus in the busbar protection IED.
  • Page 38: Main Protection Functions

    Section 2 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Application Main protection functions GUID-66BAAD98-851D-4AAC-B386-B38B57718BD2 v14 Table 2: Example of quantities = number of basic instances = option quantities 3-A03 = optional function included in packages A03 (refer to ordering details) IEC 61850 or ANSI Function description Busbar...
  • Page 39: Back-Up Protection Functions

    1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 2 Application Back-up protection functions GUID-A8D0852F-807F-4442-8730-E44808E194F0 v14 IEC 61850 or ANSI Function description Busbar function name REB670 (Customized) Current protection OC4PTOC Directional phase 4-C06 8-C07 51_67 overcurrent protection, four steps PH4SPTOC Four step single phase 0-24 overcurrent protection EF4PTOC...
  • Page 40: Control And Monitoring Functions

    Section 2 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Application IEC 61850 or ANSI Function description Busbar function name REB670 (Customized) SAPTUF Underfrequency protection SAPTOF Overfrequency protection SAPFRC Rate-of-change of frequency protection Multipurpose protection CVGAPC General current and voltage protection 1) 67 requires voltage 2) 67N requires voltage Control and monitoring functions GUID-E3777F16-0B76-4157-A3BF-0B6B978863DE v17...
  • Page 41 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 2 Application IEC 61850 or ANSI Function Busbar function name description REB670 (Customized) LOCREMCTRL LHMI control of PSTO SXCBR Circuit breaker SLGAPC Logic rotating switch for function selection and LHMI presentati VSGAPC Selector mini switch DPGAPC Generic communic...
  • Page 42 Section 2 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Application IEC 61850 or ANSI Function Busbar function name description REB670 (Customized) I103POSCMD command s with position and select for IEC 60870-5-1 I103POSCMDV IED direct command s with position for IEC 60870-5-1 I103IEDCMD command s for IEC 60870-5-1 I103USRCMD...
  • Page 43 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 2 Application IEC 61850 or ANSI Function Busbar function name description REB670 (Customized) ALMCALH Logic for group alarm WRNCALH Logic for group warning INDCALH Logic for group indication AND, GATE, INV, Basic 40-496 40-49 40-49 40-49 40-49 40-49...
  • Page 44 Section 2 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Application IEC 61850 or ANSI Function Busbar function name description REB670 (Customized) BCTZCONN Integer to Boolean conversio n for six- zone busbar ITBGAPC Integer to Boolean conversio n with Logic Node represent ation TEIGAPC Elapsed time integrator...
  • Page 45 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 2 Application Table 4: Number of function instances in APC30 Function name Function description Total number of instances SCILO Interlocking BB_ES A1A2_BS A1A2_DC ABC_BC BH_CONN BH_LINE_A BH_LINE_B DB_BUS_A DB_BUS_B DB_LINE ABC_LINE AB_TRAFO SCSWI Switch controller SXSWI Circuit switch QCRSV...
  • Page 46 Section 2 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Application Table 6: Total number of instances for extended logic package Extended configurable logic block Total number of instances GATE PULSETIMER RSMEMORY SLGAPC SRMEMORY TIMERSET VSGAPC IEC 61850 or ANSI Function Busbar function name description REB670 (Customized)
  • Page 47 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 2 Application IEC 61850 or ANSI Function Busbar function name description REB670 (Customized) EVENT Event function DRPRDRE, Disturban A4RADR, ce report B1RBDR- B22RBDR SPGAPC Generic communic ation function for Single Point indication SP16GAPC Generic communic ation function for Single...
  • Page 48 Section 2 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Application IEC 61850 or ANSI Function Busbar function name description REB670 (Customized) I103MEASUSR Measuran ds user defined signals for 60870-5-1 I103AR Function status auto- recloser for IEC 60870-5-1 I103EF Function status earth- fault for 60870-5-1 I103FLTPROT Function...
  • Page 49: Communication

    1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 2 Application IEC 61850 or ANSI Function Busbar function name description REB670 (Customized) VHMMHAI VTHD Voltage harmonic monitorin g, 3 phase Metering PCFCNT Pulse- counter logic ETPMMTR Function for energy calculatio n and demand handling Communication GUID-5F144B53-B9A7-4173-80CF-CD4C84579CB5 v17 IEC 61850 or function...
  • Page 50 Section 2 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Application IEC 61850 or function ANSI Function description Busbar name REB670 (Customized) MULTICMDRCV, Multiple command and 60/10 60/10 60/10 60/10 60/10 60/10 MULTICMDSND transmit AGSAL Generic security application component LD0LLN0 IEC 61850 LD0 LLN0 SYSLLN0 IEC 61850 SYS LLN0 LPHD...
  • Page 51: Basic Ied Functions

    1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 2 Application Basic IED functions GUID-C8F0E5D2-E305-4184-9627-F6B5864216CA v13 Table 7: Basic IED functions IEC 61850 or function Description name INTERRSIG Self supervision with internal event list TIMESYNCHGEN Time synchronization module BININPUT, Time synchronization SYNCHCAN, SYNCHGPS, SYNCHCMPPS, SYNCHLON, SYNCHPPH, SYNCHPPS, SNTP,...
  • Page 52 Section 2 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Application IEC 61850 or function ANSI Description name LEDGEN General LED indication part for LHMI OPENCLOSE_LED LHMI LEDs for open and close keys GRP1_LED1– Basic part for CP HW LED indication module GRP1_LED15 GRP2_LED1– GRP2_LED15 GRP3_LED1–...
  • Page 53: Configuration

    1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 3 Configuration Section 3 Configuration Description of configuration REB670 SEMOD129261-1 v2 3.1.1 Available ACT configurations for pre-configured REB670 SEMOD129275-87 v6 Three configurations have been made available for pre-configured REB670 IED with two zones. Product variant with six zone is available as customized product only. It shall be noted that all three configurations include the following features: •...
  • Page 54: Description Of 3 Ph Package A20

    Section 3 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Configuration In order to use X03 configuration, optional breaker failure and overcurrent functions must be ordered. 3.1.5 Description of 3 ph package A20 SEMOD129275-4 v8 Three-phase version of the IED with two low-impedance differential protection zones and four three-phase CT inputs A20.
  • Page 56 Section 3 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Configuration REB670(A31-X01) DFR/SER DR DRP RDRE 3Id/I 3Id/I HW LOGIC BZIT GGIO BCZT PDIF AC LOGIC Isqi 3Id/I C MMXU C MSQI BUT PTRC 3Id/I Isqi 3Id/I BZNT PDIF C MMXU C MSQI BUT PTRC 3Id/I Isqi 3Id/I...
  • Page 58: Description Of 1 Ph Packages B20 And B21

  • Page 59 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 3 Configuration binary inputs can be shared between phases by including the LDCM communication module. This simplifies panel wiring and saves IO boards. • This version can be used with external auxiliary 3-phase to 1-phase summation current transformers with different turns ratio for each phase.
  • Page 60: Description Of 1 Ph Package B31

    Section 3 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Configuration REB670(B20-X01) /REB670(B21-X01) / REB670(B31-X01) PHASE L3 REB670(B20-X01) /REB670(B21-X01) / REB670(B31-X01) PHASE L2 REB670(B20-X01) /REB670(B21-X01) / REB670(B31-X01) PHASE L1 DFR/SER DR DRP RDRE HW LOGIC Id/I Id/I AC LOGIC BZIS GGIO BCZS PDIF Id/I C MMXU BUS PTRC Id/I...
  • Page 61 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 3 Configuration • This version can be used with external auxiliary 3-phase to 1-phase summation current transformers with different turns ratio for each phase. REB670(B20-X01) / REB670(B21-X01) / REB670(B31-X01) PHASE L3 REB670(B20-X01) / REB670(B21-X01) / REB670(B31-X01) PHASE L2 REB670(B20-X01) / REB670(B21-X01) / REB670(B31-X01) PHASE L1...
  • Page 62 Section 3 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Configuration REB670(B21-X02)/REB670(B31-X02)- PHASE L3 REB670(B21-X02)/REB670(B31-X02)- PHASE L2 REB670(B21-X02)/REB670(B31-X02)- PHASE L1 BDC GAPC DFR/SER DR DRP RDRE BDC GAPC BDC GAPC BDC GAPC BDC GAPC BDC GAPC BDC GAPC Id/I BZIS GGIO Id/I C MMXU BUS PTRC Id/I BZNS PDIF...
  • Page 63 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 3 Configuration REB670(B21-X03)/REB670(B31-X03)- PHASE L3 REB670(B21-X03)/REB670(B31-X03)- PHASE L2 REB670(B21-X03)/REB670(B31-X03)- PHASE L1 BDC GAPC DFR/SER DR BDC GAPC DRP RDRE BDC GAPC BDC GAPC BDC GAPC BDC GAPC Id/I BDC GAPC BZIS GGIO C MMXU I> 50BF I>BF Id/I...
  • Page 65: Analog Inputs

    1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 4 Analog inputs Section 4 Analog inputs Introduction SEMOD55003-5 v11 Analog input channels must be configured and set properly in order to get correct measurement results and correct protection operations. For power measuring, all directional and differential functions, the directions of the input currents must be defined in order to reflect the way the current transformers are installed/connected in the field ( primary and secondary connections ).
  • Page 66: Example

    Section 4 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Analog inputs Example SEMOD55055-11 v5 Usually the L1 phase-to-earth voltage connected to the first VT channel number of the transformer input module (TRM) is selected as the phase reference. The first VT channel number depends on the type of transformer input module.
  • Page 67: Example 2

    1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 4 Analog inputs Line Transformer Line Reverse Forward Definition of direction for directional functions Transformer protection Line protection Setting of current input: Setting of current input: Setting of current input: Set parameter Set parameter Set parameter CTStarPoint with CTStarPoint with CTStarPoint with...
  • Page 68: Example 3

    Section 4 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Analog inputs Transformer Line Reverse Forward Definition of direction for directional functions Transformer protection Line protection Setting of current input: Setting of current input: Setting of current input: Set parameter Set parameter Set parameter CTStarPoint with CTStarPoint with CTStarPoint with...
  • Page 69 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 4 Analog inputs Transformer Line Forward Reverse Definition of direction for directional Transformer and line functions Line protection Setting of current input: Setting of current input: Set parameter Set parameter CTStarPoint with CTStarPoint with Transformer as Transformer as reference object.
  • Page 70 Section 4 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Analog inputs Transformer Line Reverse Forward Definition of direction for directional Transformer and line functions Line protection Setting of current input for line functions: Set parameter CTStarPoint with Line as reference object. Setting of current input Setting of current input Correct setting is for transformer functions:...
  • Page 71 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 4 Analog inputs Busbar Busbar Protection en06000196.vsd IEC06000196 V2 EN-US Figure 18: Example how to set CTStarPoint parameters in the IED CTStarPoint parameters in two ways. For busbar protection, it is possible to set the The first solution will be to use busbar as a reference object.
  • Page 72: Examples On How To Connect, Configure And Set Ct Inputs For Most Commonly Used Ct Connections

    Section 4 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Analog inputs Examples on how to connect, configure and set CT inputs for most commonly used CT connections SEMOD55055-296 v7 Figure defines the marking of current transformer terminals commonly used around the world: In the SMAI function block, you have to set if the SMAI block is measuring AnalogInputType : Current/ current or voltage.
  • Page 73 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 4 Analog inputs Example on how to connect a star connected three-phase CT set to the SEMOD55055-352 v11 Figure gives an example about the wiring of a star connected two-phase CT set to the IED. It gives an overview of the actions which are needed to make this measurement available to the built-in protection and control functions within the IED as well.
  • Page 74 Section 4 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Analog inputs These three connections are the links between the three current inputs and the three input channels of the preprocessing function block 4). Depending on the type of functions, which need this current information, more than one preprocessing block might be connected in parallel to the same three physical CT inputs.
  • Page 75 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 4 Analog inputs CTprim =600A • • CTsec =5A CTStarPoint =FromObject • The ratio of the first two parameters is only used inside the IED. The third parameter as set in this example will negate the measured currents in order to ensure that the currents are measured towards the protected object within the IED.
  • Page 76 Section 4 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Analog inputs Are three connections made in the Signal Matrix tool (SMT) and Application configuration tool (ACT), which connects these three current inputs to the first three input channels on the preprocessing function block 6). Depending on the type of functions, which need this current information, more than one preprocessing block might be connected in parallel to these three CT inputs.
  • Page 77 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 4 Analog inputs IL1-IL2 SMAI2 BLOCK AI3P IL2-IL3 REVROT ^GRP2L1 IL3-IL1 ^GRP2L2 ^GRP2L3 ^GRP2N IEC11000027-3-en.vsdx Protected Object IEC11000027 V3 EN-US Figure 23: Delta DAB connected three-phase CT set Where: shows how to connect three individual phase currents from a delta connected three-phase CT set to three CT inputs of the IED.
  • Page 78 Section 4 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Analog inputs Another alternative is to have the delta connected CT set as shown in figure 24: IL1-IL3 SMAI2 BLOCK AI3P REVROT IL2-IL1 ^GRP2L1 ^GRP2L2 IL3-IL2 ^GRP2L3 ^GRP2N IEC11000028-3-en.vsdx Protected Object IEC11000028 V3 EN-US Figure 24: Delta DAC connected three-phase CT set In this case, everything is done in a similar way as in the above described example, except that for all used current inputs on the TRM the following setting parameters shall be entered:...
  • Page 79 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 4 Analog inputs Protected Object SMAI2 BLOCK AI3P REVROT ^GRP2L1 ^GRP2L2 ^GRP2L3 ^GRP2N IEC11000029-4-en.vsdx IEC11000029 V4 EN-US Figure 25: Connections for single-phase CT input Where: shows how to connect single-phase CT input in the IED. is TRM where these current inputs are located.
  • Page 80 Section 4 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Analog inputs protected object is less than 40% of the rated CT primary current, it is strongly recommended to set the parameter IBase in the IED to be equal to the largest rated CT primary current among all CTs involved in the protection scheme and installed on the same voltage level.
  • Page 81 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 4 Analog inputs Where: is the symbol and terminal marking used in this document. Terminals marked with a square indicate the primary and secondary winding terminals with the same (positive) polarity is the equivalent symbol and terminal marking used by IEC (ANSI) standard for phase-to-earth connected VTs is the equivalent symbol and terminal marking used by IEC (ANSI) standard for open delta connected VTs...
  • Page 82 Section 4 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Analog inputs SMAI2 BLOCK AI3P REVROT ^GRP2L1 ^GRP2L2 ^GRP2L3 ^GRP2N #Not used IEC06000599-4-en.vsdx IEC06000599 V4 EN-US Figure 27: A Three phase-to-earth connected VT SMAI2 BLOCK AI2P ^GRP2L1 ^GRP2L2 ^GRP2L1L2 ^GRP2N IEC16000140-1-en.vsdx IEC16000140 V1 EN-US Figure 28: A two phase-to-earth connected VT Busbar protection REB670 Application manual...
  • Page 83 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 4 Analog inputs Where: shows how to connect three secondary phase-to-earth voltages to three VT inputs on the IED is the TRM where these three voltage inputs are located. For these three voltage inputs, the following setting values shall be entered: VTprim = 132 kV VTsec = 110 V...
  • Page 84 Section 4 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Analog inputs 13.8 13.8 SMAI2 BLOCK AI3P REVROT ^GRP2L1 ^GRP2L2 ^GRP2L3 #Not Used ^GRP2N IEC06000600-5-en.vsdx IEC06000600 V5 EN-US Figure 29: A Two phase-to-phase connected VT Where: shows how to connect the secondary side of a phase-to-phase VT to the VT inputs on the IED is the TRM where these three voltage inputs are located.
  • Page 85 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 4 Analog inputs Example on how to connect an open delta VT to the IED for high impedance earthed or unearthed networks SEMOD55055-163 v9 Figure gives an example about the wiring of an open delta VT to the IED for high impedance earthed or unearthed power systems.
  • Page 86 Section 4 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Analog inputs Where: shows how to connect the secondary side of the open delta VT to one VT input on the IED. +3U0 shall be connected to the IED is the TRM where this voltage input is located. It shall be noted that for this voltage input the following setting values shall be entered: ×...
  • Page 87 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 4 Analog inputs Ph Ph Ph E (Equation 7) EQUATION1926 V1 EN-US The primary rated voltage of such VT is always equal to UPh-E Therefore, three series connected VT secondary windings will give the secondary voltage equal only to one individual VT secondary winding rating.
  • Page 88 Section 4 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Analog inputs Where: shows how to connect the secondary side of open delta VT to one VT input in the IED. +3Uo shall be connected to the IED. is TRM where this voltage input is located. It shall be noted that for this voltage input the following setting values shall be entered: ×...
  • Page 89 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 5 Local HMI Section 5 Local HMI AMU0600442 v15 IEC13000239-3-en.vsd IEC13000239 V3 EN-US Figure 32: Local human-machine interface The LHMI of the IED contains the following elements • Keypad • Display (LCD) • LED indicators •...
  • Page 90 Section 5 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Local HMI Display GUID-55739D4F-1DA5-4112-B5C7-217AAF360EA5 v13 The LHMI includes a graphical monochrome liquid crystal display (LCD) with a resolution of 320 x 240 pixels. The character size can vary. The amount of characters and rows fitting the view depends on the character size and the view that is shown.
  • Page 91 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 5 Local HMI IEC13000281-1-en.vsd GUID-C98D972D-D1D8-4734-B419-161DBC0DC97B V1 EN-US Figure 34: Function button panel The indication LED panel shows on request the alarm text labels for the indication LEDs. Three indication LED pages are available. IEC13000240-1-en.vsd GUID-5157100F-E8C0-4FAB-B979-FD4A971475E3 V1 EN-US Figure 35: Indication LED panel The function button and indication LED panels are not visible at the same time.
  • Page 92 Section 5 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Local HMI three LED groups. The LEDs are lit according to priority, with red being the highest and green the lowest priority. For example, if on one panel there is an indication that requires the green LED to be lit, and on another panel there is an indication that requires the red LED to be lit, the red LED takes priority and is lit.
  • Page 93 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 5 Local HMI IEC15000157-2-en.vsd IEC15000157 V2 EN-US Figure 37: LHMI keypad with object control, navigation and command push-buttons and RJ-45 communication port 1...5 Function button Close Open Escape Left Down Right Enter Remote/Local Uplink LED Not in use Multipage Menu...
  • Page 94 Section 5 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Local HMI Communication port Programmable indication LEDs IED status LEDs Local HMI functionality 5.4.1 Protection and alarm indication GUID-09CCB9F1-9B27-4C12-B253-FBE95EA537F5 v17 Protection indicators The protection indicator LEDs are Ready, Start and Trip. The yellow and red status LEDs are configured in the disturbance recorder function, DRPRDRE, by connecting a start or trip signal from the actual function to a BxRBDR binary input function block using the PCM600 and configure the Off , Start or Trip for that particular signal.
  • Page 95 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 5 Local HMI Alarm indicators The 15 programmable three-color LEDs are used for alarm indication. An individual alarm/ status signal, connected to any of the LED function blocks, can be assigned to one of the three LED colors when configuring the IED.
  • Page 96 Section 5 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Local HMI IEC13000280-1-en.vsd GUID-AACFC753-BFB9-47FE-9512-3C4180731A1B V1 EN-US Figure 38: RJ-45 communication port and green indicator LED 1 RJ-45 connector 2 Green indicator LED The default IP address for the IED front port is and the corresponding subnetwork mask is
  • Page 97 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection Section 6 Differential protection Busbar differential protection SEMOD121185-1 v2 6.1.1 Identification SEMOD130380-4 v4 Two-zone busbar differential protections, four-or-eight three-phase CTs Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Busbar protection 2Z-3Ph-4/8CT, BZNTPDIF_x, differential protection function...
  • Page 98 Section 6 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Differential protection GUID-23F2558B-FB4A-4912-9EF9-F93706F32213 v1 Six-zone busbar differential protection, twenty-four, single-phase CT Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Busbar protection 6Z-1Ph-24CT, BDZSGAPC main function Id/I IEC16000110 V1 EN-US Busbar protection 6Z-1Ph-24CT, BZNPDIF_Zx differential protection function (1≤...
  • Page 99 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection 6.1.3 Busbar protection applications SEMOD127456-1 v2 A busbar protection scheme design depends very much on the substation arrangement. Complexity of the scheme can drastically vary from station to station. Typical applications problems, for the most common busbar protection schemes, are described in this chapter. General M12102-3 v4...
  • Page 100 IED, the IED algorithm would be quite complex. Thus, it was decided to re-use the ABB excellent experience from the analog percentage restrained differential protection IED (that is, RADSS and REB 103), and use only the following three...
  • Page 101 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection These three quantities can be easily calculated numerically from the raw sample values (that is, twenty times within each power system cycle in the IED) from all analog CT inputs connected to the differential zone. At the same time, they have extremely valuable physical meaning, which clearly describes the condition of the protected zone during all operating conditions.
  • Page 102 Section 6 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Differential protection Please refer to the technical reference manual for more details about the working principles of the differential function algorithm. Check zone protection M12474-3 v4 An integrated overall differential zone, so-called check zone, is available for multiple busbar stations to secure stability of the busbar differential protection, in case of problem with disconnector auxiliary contacts (stuck contacts or wiring problems).
  • Page 103 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection Operate region OperLevel Slope (settable) [Primary Amps] IEC06000062-2-en.vsdx IEC06000062 V2 EN-US Figure 41: Check zone operation characteristic Operation shall be The built-in check zone feature has to be enabled (that is, setting parameter On ) in order to fully enable the check zone.
  • Page 104 Section 6 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Differential protection where any feeder bay can be connected to any of the two buses. In such cases the status of all busbar disconnectors and all transfer disconnectors shall be given to the busbar protection. Traditionally, the CT switching has been done in CT secondary circuits.
  • Page 105 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection • Scheme2_INX "Closed or open if clear indication available otherwise last position saved" SEMOD127523-27 v4 As the name of the scheme suggests, only when the auxiliary contacts signal clean “open” or clean “closed” position, disconnector is considered to be open respectively closed. However this poses the stringent requirements on the auxiliary contacts that the PSCLOSED signal must become active a certain time (>150 ms) before current starts flowing for example,...
  • Page 106 Section 6 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Differential protection arcing possible closed open N.O. input „closed“ N.C. input „open“ current assignment 1) disconnector supervision running 2) BI „closed“ should change before arcing distance en06000085.vsd IEC06000085 V1 EN-US Figure 43: Scheme2_INX Circuit breaker replica SEMOD127523-79 v3 The circuit breaker position from a bay shall be given to the busbar protection when the position of this particular breaker can influence the busbar protection operation.
  • Page 107 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection danger to get current unbalance into the zone differential measurement under following circumstances: • In case of parallel lines zero sequence mutual coupling can induce zero sequence current into the earthed line especially during external earth-faults. •...
  • Page 108 Section 6 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Differential protection • included to the differential zone A when input signal CTRLZA on corresponding bay block is given logical value one and it will be excluded from the differential zone A when input signal CTRLZA on corresponding bay block is given logical value zero.
  • Page 109 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection breaker is open. This will insure that if internal fault happen, in the overlapping zone, while breaker is open, only the faulty zone will be tripped while other busbar section will remain in service.
  • Page 110 Section 6 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Differential protection When the bus coupler/section breaker is open, to disconnect this current from both zones, additional configuration logic is required by using the binary input, for example ZEROCUR in two-zone differential protections . Figure provides an example of such logic.
  • Page 111 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection en04000283.vsd IEC04000283 V1 EN-US Figure 48: Example of station without main CTs in the bus-section bay In such case two separate zones can be maintained only while bus coupler breaker is open. As soon as bus coupler breaker is going to be closed the zone interconnection feature must be activated and complete busbars will be automatically protected with just one differential zone.
  • Page 112 Section 6 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Differential protection Busbar Protection Busbar Busbar Protection Protection Feeder Feeder Protection Protection Feeder Protection en06000138.vsd IEC06000138 V1 EN-US Figure 50: Typical CT locations in a feeder bay where: two CTs are available one on each side of the feeder circuit breaker one CT is available on the line side of the feeder circuit breaker one CT is available on the bus side of the feeder circuit breaker End fault region...
  • Page 113 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection xx06000139.vsd IEC06000139 V1 EN-US Figure 51: Busbar protection measuring and fault clearing boundaries where: Busbar Protection measuring boundary determined by feeder CT locations Busbar Protection internal fault clearing boundary determined by feeder CB locations End fault region for feeders as shown in Figure 50/B End fault region for feeders as shown in Figure 50/C Figure...
  • Page 114 Section 6 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Differential protection measure will ensure fast busbar protection tripping for faults within end fault region in that feeder bay, while feeder CB is open. However, it shall be noted that in order to utilize end fault protection feeder circuit breaker status and its closing command must be connected to the binary inputs of busbar protection scheme in order to be available for zone selection logic.
  • Page 115 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection This situation only means that for this particular bay its busbar disconnectors are closed and therefore zone interconnection switching is happening in the station. When zone switching feature is activated inside the IED, each individual bay current will behave in the predetermined way.
  • Page 116 Section 6 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Differential protection By a parameter setting it is possible to provide self-rest or latched trip output contacts from the IED. However it shall be noted that the latching is electrical (that is, if DC supply to the IED is lost the output contacts will reset).
  • Page 117 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection GOOSE for ZoneA ZoneA Trip IED 670 GOOSE for ZoneB ZoneB Trip 50 ms Ext ZoneA Trip Switch IED 670 50 ms Ext ZoneB Trip 50 ms Ext ZoneA Trip IED 670 50 ms Ext ZoneB Trip en06000227.vsd...
  • Page 118 Section 6 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Differential protection Manual reset command is given to the IED DC power auxiliary supply to the IED is interrupted (that is, switched-off) However, if it is required to have mechanically latched tripping and lock-out in the circuit breaker closing circuit, then it is recommended to use one dedicated lockout IED for each bay.
  • Page 119 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection xx06000087.vsd IEC06000087 V1 EN-US Figure 53: Example of single busbar section with six feeder bays This type of busbar arrangement can be very easily protected. The most common setups for this type of station are described in the following table. Table 14: Typical solutions for single busbar arrangement Version of REB670 IED...
  • Page 120 Section 6 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Differential protection Table 15: Typical solutions for stations with two single busbar sections with bus-sectionalizing disconnector Version of REB670 IED Total Number of Number of REB670 IEDs required for feeders in both busbar the scheme sections 3PH;...
  • Page 121 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection Version of REB670 IED Total number of Number of REB670 IEDs feeders in both busbar required for the scheme sections 1Ph; 2-zones, 12-bays BBP (B21) 1Ph; 2-zones, 24-bays BBP (B31) with just one CT input from bus-section bay Please note that Table is given for the preconfigured versions of REB670 which do not contain any VT inputs.
  • Page 122 Section 6 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Differential protection Table 17: Typical solutions for H-type stations Version of REB670 IED Number of differential Number of REB670 IEDs required for zones/number of the scheme feeders per zone 3PH; 2-zones, 4-bays BBP (A20) 3PH;...
  • Page 123 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection Please note that Table is given for the preconfigured versions of REB670 which do not contain any VT inputs. A principle overall drawing of how to use REB670 for this type of station is given in Figure 58. REB 670 Bxxx BBP &...
  • Page 124 Section 6 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Differential protection IEC11000240-1-en.vsd IEC11000240 V1 EN-US Figure 59: Example of one-and-half circuit breaker station All breakers are normally closed. The requirement for the busbar protection scheme is that the scheme must have two independent differential zones, one for each busbar. In case of an internal fault on one of the two buses, all circuit breakers associated with the faulty busbar have to be tripped, but the supply to any load will not be interrupted.
  • Page 125 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection REB 670 Remote Inter- Bxxx Trip Zone A BLKTR Feeder 1 TRIP CTRLZA QA1 Internal BFP CONNZA BBP & Backup Trip Command CTRLZB CONNZB TRIP TRZONE CT Input TRBAY Parameter ZoneSel must be set to "FixedToZA"...
  • Page 126 Section 6 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Differential protection busbar still in normal operation. Provision for zone selection, disconnector replica and zone interconnection have to be included into the scheme design. This type of busbar arrangement can be protected as described in the following table: Table 20: Typical solutions for double busbar stations Version of REB670 IED Number of feeders in the...
  • Page 127 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection Disconnector aux. contact timing (Aux. contact a timing is only crucial when Scheme2_INX is used) Zone A Main Open Closed contact Zone B Aux. a Open Closed contact Aux. b Closed Open contact SSxx REB 670...
  • Page 128 Section 6 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Differential protection Zone A Disconnector aux. contact timing Zone B Main Open Closed contact Aux. b Closed Open contact REB 670 Set Parameter ZoneSel="CtrlExcludes" External or Internal Feeder BFP Backup Bxxx Trip Command BLKTR TRIP CTRLZA CONNZA...
  • Page 129 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection Zone A Zone B REB 670 Parameter ZoneSel must be set to "FixedToZA" Bxxx BLKTR TRIP CTRLZA CONNZA Other CTRLZB CONNZB Equipment TRZONE CT Input TRBAY I3PB1 2400/1 External or Internal 2400/1 Bus-Coupler BFP Backup Trip Command Bus-Coupler...
  • Page 130 Section 6 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Differential protection Zone A Zone B REB 670 CB Closing Signal t=1s ³1 SSxx DISABLE CLOSED OPEN Bxxx ALARM BLKTR TRIP FORCED 2400/1 CTRLZA CONNZA CTRLZB CONNZB External or Internal ZEROCUR Bus-Coupler BFP Bus-Coupler TRZONE Backup Trip Command TRBAY...
  • Page 131 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection Double busbar arrangements with two bus-section breakers and two bus-coupler breakers M6649-3 v5 This type of station is commonly used for GIS installations. It offers high operational flexibility. For this type of stations, two schemes similar to the double busbar station scheme can be used.
  • Page 132 Section 6 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Differential protection xx06000123.vsd IEC06000123 V1 EN-US Figure 68: Combination between one-and-half and double breaker station layouts This type of stations can be encountered very often in practice. Usually the station is arranged in such a way that double breaker bays can be, at a later stage, transformed into one-and-half breaker setup.
  • Page 133 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection Table 22: Typical solutions for combination between double breaker and double busbar station layouts Version of REB670 IED Number of double Number of REB670 IEDs required for breaker feeders / the scheme Number of double busbar feeders in the station...
  • Page 134 Section 6 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Differential protection Typical arrangement which can be covered GUID-2BC52A24-7844-4F83-A11E-944FC3487582 v1 The six-zone busbar differential protection is intended for applications with complex switchgear layout. In general, there are the following restrictions: Up to six independent protection zones Up to twenty-four CT inputs (depends on selected IED hardware) Up to twenty-four feeder bays Up to five bus interconnector (i.e.
  • Page 135 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection Sectionalizing disconnectors QB11 QB21 QB10 QB20 Bus-Interconnector 2 with one CT Feeder 01 Feeder 02-06 Bus-Interconnector 1 with two CTs Feeder 07-12 IEC16000144-1-en.vsdx IEC16000144 V1 EN-US Figure 73: Double busbar station with transfer bus and five protection zones Section 1 Section 2 Sectionalizing disconnectors...
  • Page 136 Section 6 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Differential protection Connect the two auxiliary contacts (i.e. normally open and normally closed auxiliary contacts or also sometimes called “a & b contacts”) from each of the three busbar disconnectors to the IED. This can be done by wiring using binary inputs or via communication (e.g.
  • Page 137 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection IEC16000148-1.en.vsdx IEC16000148 V1 EN-US Figure 77: ACT configuration example for Feeder 17 in Section 2 Step 4: ACT engineering of the Bus Coupler bays at Section 1 The bus-coupler bay is used to interconnect the differential zones via a circuit breaker within one section.
  • Page 138 Section 6 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Differential protection IEC16000149-1.en.vsdx IEC16000149 V1 EN-US Figure 78: ACT configuration example for Bus-Coupler 01 in Section 1 Step 5: ACT engineering of the Bus Section bay The bus-section bay is used to interconnect the two section via a circuit breaker. Similar steps to Step 4 can be done for bus section bay, except that the bus section bay can be connected to Z1 or Z2 or Z3 on the first section and to Z4 or Z5 or Z6 on the second section.
  • Page 139 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection IEC16000150-1.en.vsdx IEC16000150 V1 EN-US Figure 79: ACT configuration example for Bus-Section bay Step 6: ACT engineering of the Bus Sectionalizing Disconnectors Three bus-sectionalizing disconnectors are installed in this station. Each disconnector is used to interconnect the two zones located at the two sections.
  • Page 140 Section 6 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Differential protection IEC16000151-1.en.vsdx IEC16000151 V1 EN-US Figure 80: ACT configuration example for three bus-sectionalizing disconnectors 6.1.6 Summation principle GUID-B09585B4-A1B8-4E29-A469-25997493E434 v1 Summation principle is mainly intended for two-zone busbar protection applications. Introduction M12135-3 v4 A simplified bus differential protection for phase and earth faults can be obtained by using a single one-phase IED with external auxiliary summation current transformers for all busbar arrangements with up to two differential zones.
  • Page 141 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection arrangements up to two differential zones as shown in Section Two-zone busbar arrangments, for three one-phase IEDs. As an example, the necessary equipment for the summation type, busbar differential protection for a single busbar station with up to 24 bays, is shown in Figure 82. Main CTs A-bus Summation CTs...
  • Page 142 Section 6 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Differential protection • Only one measuring circuit is utilized for all fault types (that is, no redundancy for multi- phase faults) • Primary fault sensitivity varies depending on the type of fault and involved phase(s), see Table •...
  • Page 143 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection All of these features simplify the ordering of the ASCTs. Practically, in order to purchase ASCTs, the only required information is the main CT rated secondary current that is, (1A, 2A or 5A).
  • Page 144 Section 6 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Differential protection Auxiliary Summation CT Main CT type SLCE 8; 2000/1A or 2000/5A 1/1A or 5/1A or 2/1A or 2000/2A SUMM REB 670 with 1A CTs Other relays en06000128.vsd IEC06000128 V1 EN-US Figure 84: End-connection with ASCT connected to CT3 input It is important to notice that even in the case of 5A or 2A main CTs, secondary current of the summation CTs shall be connected to the IED with 1A CT inputs (as shown in Figure 84).
  • Page 145 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection Main CT ratio mismatch correction M12138-3 v2 As stated before, three types of ASCTs for REB670 are available. The first type shall be used for main CTs with 1A rated secondary current. The second type shall be used for main CTs with 5A rated secondary current.
  • Page 146 Section 6 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Differential protection Table 25: Functions Functions Comment Busbar Differential Protection Differential Protection, Sensitive differential protection, OCT algorithm, Check Zone and Differential Supervision features will be connected to the summated bay currents. Therefore, they will have different start level depending on the type of fault and involved phase(s).
  • Page 147 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 6 Differential protection SLCE 8/ASCT characteristics for end-connection M12141-3 v4 Typical ASCT end-connection is shown in Figure 84. For this ASCT connection type, the ampere-turn balance equation has the form according to Equation 12: ×...
  • Page 148 Section 6 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Differential protection SLCE 8/ASCT characteristics for series-connection M12143-3 v4 Typical ASCT series-connection is shown in Figure 85. For this ASCT connection type, the ampere-turn balance equation has the form according to equation 18: ×...
  • Page 149 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection Section 7 Current protection Directional phase overcurrent protection, four steps OC4PTOC SEMOD129998-1 v8 7.1.1 Identification M14885-1 v6 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Directional phase overcurrent OC4PTOC 51_67 protection, four steps...
  • Page 150 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection Normally, it is required that the phase overcurrent protection shall reset as fast as possible when the current level gets lower than the operation level. In some cases some sort of delayed reset is required.
  • Page 151 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection IMinOpPhSel : Minimum current setting level for releasing the directional start signals in % of IB . This setting should be less than the lowest step setting. The default setting is 7% of IB . 2ndHarmStab : Operate level of 2nd harmonic current restrain set in % of the fundamental 5 - 100 % in steps of 1%.
  • Page 152 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection Table 26: Inverse time characteristics Curve name ANSI Extremely Inverse ANSI Very Inverse ANSI Normal Inverse ANSI Moderately Inverse ANSI/IEEE Definite time ANSI Long Time Extremely Inverse ANSI Long Time Very Inverse ANSI Long Time Inverse IEC Normal Inverse IEC Very Inverse...
  • Page 153 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection Operate time txMin IMinx Current IEC10000058 IEC10000058 V2 EN-US Figure 87: Minimum operate current and operate time for inverse time characteristics txMin shall be In order to fully comply with the definition of the curve, the setting parameter set to a value equal to the operating time of the selected inverse curve for twenty times the set current pickup value.
  • Page 154 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection æ ö ç ÷ ç ÷ × IxMult ç ÷ æ ö ç ç ÷ ÷ è è ø ø > (Equation 24) EQUATION1261 V2 EN-US tPRCrvx , tTRCrvx , tCRCrvx : These parameters are used by the customer to create the inverse Technical manual .
  • Page 155 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection Im ax ³ × Ipu 1.2 (Equation 25) EQUATION1262 V2 EN-US where: is a safety factor is the reset ratio of the protection Imax is the maximum load current The load current up to the present situation can be found from operation statistics. The current setting must remain valid for several years.
  • Page 156 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection ³ × × high (Equation 28) EQUATION1265 V1 EN-US where: is a safety factor is a factor that takes care of the transient overreach due to the DC component of the fault current and can be considered to be less than 1.05 Iscmax is the largest fault current at a fault at the most remote point of the primary protection zone.
  • Page 157 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection significantly between different protective equipment. The following time delays can be estimated: Protection operation 15-60 ms time: Protection resetting 15-60 ms time: Breaker opening time: 20-120 ms Example for time coordination Assume two substations A and B directly connected to each other via one line, as shown in the Figure 90.
  • Page 158 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection D ³ (Equation 29) EQUATION1266 V1 EN-US where it is considered that: the operate time of overcurrent protection B1 is 40 ms the breaker open time is 100 ms the resetting time of protection A1 is 40 ms and the additional margin is 40 ms...
  • Page 159 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection available: IEC and ANSI. It is also possible to programme a user defined inverse time characteristic. Normally it is required that the phase overcurrent function shall reset as fast as possible when the current level gets lower than the operation level.
  • Page 160 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection Table 28: Inverse time delay characteristics Curve name ANSI Extremely Inverse ANSI Very Inverse ANSI Normal Inverse ANSI Moderately Inverse ANSI/IEEE Definite time ANSI Long Time Extremely Inverse ANSI Long Time Very Inverse ANSI Long Time Inverse IEC Normal Inverse IEC Very Inverse...
  • Page 161 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection Technical reference manual ”. There are some The delay characteristics are described in the “ restrictions regarding the choice of reset delay. For the independent time delay characteristics the possible delay time settings are instantaneous (1) and IEC (2 = set constant time reset).
  • Page 162 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection The pick up current setting inverse time protection or the lowest current step constant inverse time protection must be given a current setting so that the highest possible load current does not cause protection operation. Here consideration also has to be taken to the protection reset current, so that a short peak of overcurrent does not cause operation of the protection even when the overcurrent has ceased.
  • Page 163 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection by the protection, must be calculated. Taking this value as a base, the highest pick up current setting can be written according to equation 32. £ × 0.7 Isc min (Equation 32) EQUATION1263 V2 EN-US where: is a safety factor and...
  • Page 164 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection Time-current curves tfunc1 tfunc2 n 0.01 10000 Fault Current en05000204.ai IEC05000204 V2 EN-US Figure 92: Fault time with maintained selectivity The operation time can be set individually for each overcurrent protection. To assure selectivity between different protective protections, in the radial network, there have to be a minimum time difference Dt between the time delays of two protections.
  • Page 165 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection Feeder Fault I> I> Time axis The fault B1 and A1 B1 trips and Breaker at Protection occurs start A1 starts B1 opens A1 resets =IEC05000205=2=en=Original.vsd IEC05000205 V2 EN-US Figure 93: Sequence of events during fault where: is the fault occurs, is the trip signal from the overcurrent protection at IED B1 is sent.
  • Page 166 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection 7.3.1 Identification M14881-1 v6 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Directional residual overcurrent EF4PTOC 51N_67N 4(IN>) protection, four steps TEF-REVA V2 EN-US 7.3.2 Setting guidelines IP14988-1 v1 M15282-3 v12 When inverse time overcurrent characteristic is selected, the operate time of the stage will be the sum of the inverse time delay and the set definite time...
  • Page 167 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection Upol = -3U Operation IN>Dir IEC05000135-5-en.vsdx IEC05000135 V5 EN-US Figure 94: Relay characteristic angle given in degree In a normal transmission network a normal value of RCA is about 65°. The setting range is -180° to +180°.
  • Page 168 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection IN>Dir : Operate residual current release level in % of IB for directional comparison scheme. The setting is given in % of IB and must be set below the lowest INx> setting, set for the directional measurement.
  • Page 169 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection UseStartValue : Gives which current level should be used for the activation of the blocking signal. This is given as one of the settings of the steps: Step 1/2/3/4. Normally, the step having the lowest operation current level should be set.
  • Page 170 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection mainly used in radial fed networks but can also be used in meshed networks. In meshed networks, the settings must be based on network fault calculations. To assure selectivity between different protections, in the radial network, there has to be a minimum time difference Dt between the time delays of two protections.
  • Page 171 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection current of twenty times the set current pickup value. Note that the operate time value is dependent on the selected setting value for time multiplier kx . INxMult : Multiplier for scaling of the current setting value. If a binary input signal (ENMULTx) is activated, the current operation level is increased by this setting constant.
  • Page 172 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection • Earth-fault and phase-phase short circuit protection of feeders in effectively earthed distribution and subtransmission systems. Normally these feeders have radial structure. • Back-up earth-fault and phase-phase short circuit protection of transmission lines. •...
  • Page 173 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection Normally it is required that the negative sequence overcurrent function shall reset as fast as possible when the current level gets lower than the operation level. In some cases some sort of delayed reset is required.
  • Page 174 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection Curve name IEC Normal Inverse IEC Very Inverse IEC Inverse IEC Extremely Inverse IEC Short Time Inverse IEC Long Time Inverse IEC Definite Time User Programmable ASEA RI RXIDG (logarithmic) The different characteristics are described in the Technical Reference Manual (TRM). Ix>...
  • Page 175 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection Curve name Instantaneous IEC Reset (constant time) ANSI Reset (inverse time) The different reset characteristics are described in the Technical Reference Manual (TRM). There are some restrictions regarding the choice of reset delay. For the independent time delay characteristics the possible delay time settings are instantaneous (1) and IEC (2 = set constant time reset).
  • Page 176 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection Reverse Area Upol=-U2 AngleRCA Forward Area Iop = I2 IEC10000031-1-en.vsd IEC10000031 V1 EN-US Figure 98: Relay characteristic angle given in degree In a transmission network a normal value of RCA is about 80°. UPolMin : Minimum polarization (reference) voltage % of UBase .
  • Page 177 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection 7.5.2 Application M15341-3 v5 Transformers in the power system are designed for a certain maximum load current (power) level. If the current exceeds this level the losses will be higher than expected. As a consequence the temperature of the transformer will increase.
  • Page 178 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection IRef : Reference level of the current given in %. When the current is equal to IRef the final (steady state) heat content is equal to 1. It is suggested to give a setting corresponding to the rated current of the transformer winding.
  • Page 179 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection Tau2Low : Multiplication factor to adjust the time constant Tau2 if the current is lower than the set value ILowTau2 . ILowTau2 is set in % of IBase2 . The possibility to change time constant with the current value as the base can be useful in different applications.
  • Page 180 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection is the given reference load current is the operate level heat content       operate Trip is the selected base current based cooling system ON / OFF is the operate level load current Trip θ...
  • Page 181 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection       90 ln((2677685.95 2509056) / (2677685.95 1254555.04)) 192 min Therefore, operate After the trip, a lockout is released to inhibit reconnecting the tripped circuit. The output lockout signal LOCKOUT is activated when the temperature of the object is greater than the ResLo .
  • Page 182 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection CCRBRF can also give a retrip command. This means that a second trip signal is sent to the protected object circuit breaker. The retrip function can be used to increase the probability of operation of the breaker, or it can be used to avoid backup trip of many breakers in case of mistakes during relay maintenance and testing.
  • Page 183 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection due to a fault in the station battery system). Note that any backup trip command will inhibit running of tStartTimeout timer. 30ms 30ms START TRRET 30ms TRBU Current Check CB Position Check 150ms IEC18001002-1-en.vsdx IEC18001002 V1 EN-US...
  • Page 184 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection Table 32: Dependencies between parameters RetripMode and FunctionMode RetripMode FunctionMode Description The re-trip function is disabled UseFunctionMode Current A phase current should be larger than the set operate level to allow re-trip once the t1 timer elapses CB Pos Re-trip is done when the breaker...
  • Page 185 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection where: is the maximum opening time for the circuit breaker CB_open is the maximum time for breaker failure protection to detect correct breaker function BFP_reset (the current criteria reset) is a safety margin margin It is often required that the total fault clearance time shall be less than a given critical time.
  • Page 186 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection tStartTimeout : When one of the two “Follow Modes” is used, there is a settable timer tStartTimeout which will block the external START input signal when it times-out. This will t1 and t2 timers and consequently prevent any backup trip automatically also reset the command.
  • Page 187 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection StartMode RetripMode t1 and t2 initiated When t1 has When t2 or t2MPh t1 and t2 and with elapsed, TRRET will has elapsed, TRBU t2MPh will be will be given if stopped (reset) if FunctionMode = CB Pos LatchedStart external START...
  • Page 188 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection StartMode RetripMode t1 and t2 initiated When t1 has When t2 or t2MPh t1 and t2 and with elapsed, TRRET will has elapsed, TRBU t2MPh will be will be given if stopped (reset) if FunctionMode = Current or CB Pos LatchedStart external START...
  • Page 189 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection StartMode RetripMode t1 and t2 initiated When t1 has When t2 or t2MPh t1 and t2 and with elapsed, TRRET will has elapsed, TRBU t2MPh will be will be given if stopped (reset) if FollowStart&...
  • Page 190 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection either by means of current measurement or as detection of closed status using auxiliary contact. CCSRBRF can also give a retrip command. This means that a second trip signal is sent to the protected object circuit breaker.
  • Page 191 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection breaker failure function for cases where a permanent START signal is given by mistake (e.g. due to a fault in the station battery system). Note that any backup trip command will inhibit tStartTimeout timer.
  • Page 192 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection Table 34: Dependencies between RetripMode and FunctionMode RetripMode FunctionMode Description the re-trip function is disabled UseFunctionMode Current a phase current must be larger than the set operate level to allow re-trip once the t1 timer elapses CB Pos Re-trip is done when breaker position indicates that breaker is...
  • Page 193 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection Protection operate time Normal t cbopen The fault Retrip delay t1 after re-trip cbopen occurs BFPreset Margin Minimum back-up trip delay t2 Critical fault clearance time for stability Time Trip and Start CCSRBRF IEC18000908-1-en.vsdx IEC18000908 V1 EN-US...
  • Page 194 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection GUID-B5D9E7FE-5805-47A8-B290-08E0EE76D5EB v1 Table 35: Setting summary for FunctionMode, StartMode and RetripMode StartMode RetripMode t1 and t2 When t1 has When t2 has elapsed, t1 and t2 will be initiated with elapsed, TRRET will TRBU will be given if stopped (reset) if FunctionMode = Current...
  • Page 195 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection StartMode RetripMode t1 and t2 When t1 has When t2 has t1 and t2 will be initiated with elapsed, TRRET will elapsed, TRBU will stopped be given if (reset) if LatchedStart Always external START always be given CBCLD input has...
  • Page 196 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection StartMode RetripMode t1 and t2 When t1 has When t2 has t1 and t2 will be initiated with elapsed, TRRET will elapsed, TRBU will stopped be given if (reset) if LatchedStart Always external START always be given current is above set...
  • Page 197 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection Directional underpower protection GUPPDUP SEMOD156693-1 v4 7.8.1 Identification SEMOD158941-2 v4 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Directional underpower protection GUPPDUP P < SYMBOL-LL V2 EN-US 7.8.2 Application SEMOD151283-4 v5 The task of a generator in a power plant is to convert mechanical energy available as a torque...
  • Page 198 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection Power to the power plant auxiliaries may come from a station service transformer connected to the secondary side of the step-up transformer. Power may also come from a start-up service transformer connected to the external network. One has to design the reverse power protection so that it can detect reverse power independent of the flow of power to the power plant auxiliaries.
  • Page 199 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection Mode : The voltage and current used for the power measurement. The setting possibilities are shown in table 36. Table 36: Complex power calculation Mode Set value Formula used for complex power calculation L1, L2, L3 ×...
  • Page 200 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection Power1(2) Angle1(2) Operate en06000441.vsd IEC06000441 V1 EN-US Figure 108: Underpower mode Power1(2) gives the power component pick up value in the Angle1(2) direction. The The setting setting is given in p.u. of the generator rated power, see equation 53. Minimum recommended setting is 0.2% of S when metering class CT inputs into the IED are used.
  • Page 201 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection Operate ° Angle1(2) = 0 Power1(2) en06000556.vsd IEC06000556 V1 EN-US Figure 109: For low forward power the set angle should be 0° in the underpower function TripDelay1(2) is set in seconds to give the time delay for trip of the stage after pick up. Hysteresis1(2) is given in p.u.
  • Page 202 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection UAmpComp5, UAmpComp30, UAmpComp100 IAngComp5, IAngComp30, IAngComp100 The angle compensation is given as difference between current and voltage angle errors. The values are given for operating points 5, 30 and 100% of rated current/voltage. The values should be available from instrument transformer test protocols.
  • Page 203 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection 2% of rated power. Even if the turbine rotates in vacuum, it will soon become overheated and damaged. The turbine overheats within minutes if the turbine loses the vacuum. The critical time to overheating of a steam turbine varies from about 0.5 to 30 minutes depending on the type of turbine.
  • Page 204 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection 7.9.3 Setting guidelines SEMOD172150-4 v7 GlobalBaseSel : Selects the global base value group used by the function to define IBase , UBase SBase . Note that this function will only use IBase value. Operation : With the parameter Operation the function can be set On / Off .
  • Page 205 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection Operate Power1(2) Angle1(2) en06000440.vsd IEC06000440 V1 EN-US Figure 111: Overpower mode Power1(2) gives the power component pick up value in the Angle1(2) direction. The The setting setting is given in p.u. of the generator rated power, see equation 66. Minimum recommended setting is 0.2% of S when metering class CT inputs into the IED are used.
  • Page 206 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection Angle1(2 ) = 180 Operate Power 1(2) IEC06000557-2-en.vsd IEC06000557 V2 EN-US Figure 112: For reverse power the set angle should be 180° in the overpower function TripDelay1(2) is set in seconds to give the time delay for trip of the stage after pick up. Hysteresis1(2) is given in p.u.
  • Page 207 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection IAmpComp5, IAmpComp30, IAmpComp100 UAmpComp5, UAmpComp30, UAmpComp100 IAngComp5, IAngComp30, IAngComp100 The angle compensation is given as difference between current and voltage angle errors. The values are given for operating points 5, 30 and 100% of rated current/voltage. The values should be available from instrument transformer test protocols.
  • Page 208 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection Rack Capacitor Unit (Can) IEC09000753_1_en.vsd IEC09000753 V1 EN-US Figure 113: Replacement of a faulty capacitor unit within SCB There are four types of the capacitor unit fusing designs which are used for construction of SCBs: Externally fused where an individual fuse, externally mounted, protects each capacitor unit.
  • Page 209 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection Additionally, the SCB star point, when available, can be either directly earthed , earthed via impedance or isolated from earth. Which type of SCB earthing is used depends on voltage level, used circuit breaker, utility preference and previous experience. Many utilities have standard system earthing principle to earth neutrals of SCB above 100 kV.
  • Page 210 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection Thus, as a general rule, the minimum number of capacitor units connected in parallel within a SCB is such that isolation of one capacitor unit in a group should not cause a voltage unbalance sufficient to place more than 110% of rated voltage on the remaining capacitors of that parallel group.
  • Page 211 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 7 Current protection × 1000 200[ MVAr × 3 400[ (Equation 69) IEC09000755 V1 EN-US or on the secondary CT side: 0.578 _ ec 500 1 (Equation 70) IEC09000756 V1 EN-US Note that the SCB rated current on the secondary CT side is important for secondary injection of the function.
  • Page 212 Section 7 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Current protection QOL> = 130% (of SCB MVAr rating); Reactive power level required for pickup. Selected value gives pickup recommended by international standards. tQOL = 60s ; Time delay for reactive power overload trip Harmonic voltage overload feature: OperationHOL = On ;...
  • Page 213 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 8 Voltage protection Section 8 Voltage protection Two step undervoltage protection UV2PTUV IP14544-1 v3 8.1.1 Identification M16876-1 v7 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Two step undervoltage protection UV2PTUV 3U<...
  • Page 214 Section 8 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Voltage protection Voltage instability mitigation M13851-59 v3 This setting is very much dependent on the power system characteristics, and thorough studies have to be made to find the suitable levels. Backup protection for power system faults M13851-62 v3 The setting must be below the lowest occurring "normal"...
  • Page 215 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 8 Voltage protection tIResetn : Reset time for step n if inverse time delay is used, given in s. The default value is 25 kn : Time multiplier for inverse time characteristic. This parameter is used for coordination between different inverse time delayed undervoltage protections.
  • Page 216 Section 8 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Voltage protection OV2PTOV is used to disconnect apparatuses, like electric motors, which will be damaged when subject to service under high voltage conditions. It deals with high voltage conditions at power system frequency, which can be caused by: Different kinds of faults, where a too high voltage appears in a certain power system, like metallic connection to a higher voltage level (broken conductor falling down to a crossing overhead line, transformer flash over fault from the high voltage winding to the low...
  • Page 217 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 8 Voltage protection Power supply quality M13852-16 v1 The setting has to be well above the highest occurring "normal" voltage and below the highest acceptable voltage, due to regulation, good practice or other agreements. High impedance earthed systems M13852-19 v6...
  • Page 218 Section 8 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Voltage protection tn : time delay of step n , given in s. The setting is highly dependent of the protection application. In many applications the protection function is used to prevent damages to the protected object.
  • Page 219 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 8 Voltage protection 8.3.2 Application M13809-3 v8 Two step residual overvoltage protection ROV2PTOV is primarily used in high impedance earthed distribution networks, mainly as a backup for the primary earth-fault protection of the feeders and the transformer. To increase the security for different earth-fault related functions, the residual overvoltage signal can be used as a release signal.
  • Page 220 Section 8 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Voltage protection High impedance earthed systems M13853-18 v10 In high impedance earthed systems, earth faults cause a neutral voltage in the feeding transformer neutral. Two step residual overvoltage protection ROV2PTOV is used to trip the transformer, as a backup protection for the feeder earth-fault protection, and as a backup for the transformer primary earth-fault protection.
  • Page 221 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 8 Voltage protection IEC07000189-2-en.vsd IEC07000189 V2 EN-US Figure 116: Earth fault in Direct earthed system Settings for two step residual overvoltage protection M13853-21 v13 Operation : Off or On UBase (given in GlobalBaseSel ) is used as voltage reference for the set pickup values. The voltage can be fed to the IED in different ways: The IED is fed from a normal voltage transformer group where the residual voltage is calculated internally from the phase-to-earth voltages within the protection.
  • Page 222 Section 8 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Voltage protection > × UBase kV (Equation 74) IECEQUATION2290 V1 EN-US The setting depends on the required sensitivity of the protection and the type of system earthing. In non-effectively earthed systems, the residual voltage cannot be higher than three times the rated phase-to-earth voltage, which should correspond to 100%.
  • Page 223 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 8 Voltage protection Voltage differential protection VDCPTOV SEMOD153860-1 v2 8.4.1 Identification SEMOD167723-2 v2 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Voltage differential protection VDCPTOV 8.4.2 Application SEMOD153893-5 v3 The Voltage differential protection VDCPTOV functions can be used in some different applications.
  • Page 224 Section 8 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Voltage protection VDCPTOV function has a block input (BLOCK) where a fuse failure supervision (or MCB tripped) can be connected to prevent problems if one fuse in the capacitor bank voltage transformer set has opened and not the other (capacitor voltage is connected to input U2). It will also ensure that a fuse failure alarm is given instead of a Undervoltage or Differential voltage alarm and/or tripping.
  • Page 225 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 8 Voltage protection For other applications it has to be decided case by case. tAlarm : The time delay for alarm is set by this parameter. Normally, few seconds delay can be used on capacitor banks alarm. For fuse failure supervision (SDDRFUF) the alarm delay can be set to zero.
  • Page 227 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 9 Frequency protection Section 9 Frequency protection Underfrequency protection SAPTUF IP15746-1 v3 9.1.1 Identification M14865-1 v5 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Underfrequency protection SAPTUF f < SYMBOL-P V1 EN-US 9.1.2 Application M13350-3 v4...
  • Page 228 Section 9 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Frequency protection The under frequency start value is set in Hz. All voltage magnitude related settings are made as a percentage of a global base voltage parameter. The UBase value should be set as a primary phase-to-phase value.
  • Page 229 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 9 Frequency protection 9.2.3 Setting guidelines M14959-3 v7 All the frequency and voltage magnitude conditions in the system where SAPTOF performs its functions must be considered. The same also applies to the associated equipment, its frequency and time characteristic.
  • Page 230 Section 9 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Frequency protection with a low frequency signal, especially in smaller power systems, where loss of a fairly large generator will require quick remedial actions to secure the power system integrity. In such situations load shedding actions are required at a rather high frequency level, but in combination with a large negative rate-of-change of frequency the underfrequency protection can be used at a rather high setting.
  • Page 231 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 10 Multipurpose protection Section 10 Multipurpose protection 10.1 General current and voltage protection CVGAPC IP14552-1 v2 10.1.1 Identification M14886-2 v3 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number General current and voltage CVGAPC 2(I>/U<) protection...
  • Page 232 Section 10 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Multipurpose protection • Definite time delay for both steps Two overvoltage steps with the following built-in features • Definite time delay or Inverse Time Overcurrent TOC/IDMT delay for both steps Two undervoltage steps with the following built-in features •...
  • Page 233 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 10 Multipurpose protection Set value for parameter Comment "CurrentInput” MaxPh-Ph CVGAPC function will measure ph-ph current phasor with the maximum magnitude MinPh-Ph CVGAPC function will measure ph-ph current phasor with the minimum magnitude UnbalancePh-Ph CVGAPC function will measure magnitude of unbalance current, which is internally calculated as the algebraic magnitude difference between the ph-ph current phasor with maximum magnitude and ph-ph current phasor with minimum magnitude.
  • Page 234 Section 10 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Multipurpose protection Note that the voltage selection from table is always applicable regardless the actual external VT connections. The three-phase VT inputs can be connected to IED as either three phase-to-earth voltages, U and U or three phase-to-phase voltages U L1L2 L2L3...
  • Page 235 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 10 Multipurpose protection • Dead-Machine/Inadvertent-Energizing protection • Breaker head flashover protection • Improper synchronizing detection • Sensitive negative sequence generator over current protection and alarm • Phase or phase-to-phase or Negative/Positive/Zero Sequence over/under voltage protection •...
  • Page 236 Section 10 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Multipurpose protection M13088-237 v4 The parameters for the general current and voltage protection function (CVGAPC) are set via the local HMI or Protection and Control Manager (PCM600). IBase ), primary voltage ( UBase ) and primary Common base IED values for the primary current ( SBase ) are set in global base values for settings function GBASVAL.
  • Page 237 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 10 Multipurpose protection PosSeq current in the power line. To do this the following typical value) of measured settings within the same function shall be done: EnRestrainCurr to On 16. Set RestrCurrInput to PosSeq 17. Set RestrCurrCoeff to value 0.10 18.
  • Page 238 Section 10 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Multipurpose protection 0, 07 (Equation 77) EQUATION1373 V1 EN-US Equation can be re-written in the following way without changing the value for the operate time of the negative sequence inverse overcurrent IED: × æ ö...
  • Page 239 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 10 Multipurpose protection A_OC1 = 1/0.07 = 204.0816 B_OC1 = 0.0, C_OC1 = 0.0 and P_OC1 = 2.0 StartCurr_OC1 = 7% Proper timing of the CVGAPC function made in this way can easily be verified by secondary injection.
  • Page 240 Section 10 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Multipurpose protection × æ ö ç ÷ × è ø (Equation 82) EQUATION1378 V1 EN-US In order to achieve such protection functionality with one CVGAPC functions the following must be done: Connect three-phase generator currents to one CVGAPC instance (for example, GF01) CurrentInput to value PosSeq Set parameter Set base current value to the rated generator current in primary amperes...
  • Page 241 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 10 Multipurpose protection Furthermore the other built-in protection elements can be used for other protection and alarming purposes. In the similar way rotor overload protection in accordance with ANSI standard can be achieved. Open phase protection for transformer, lines or generators and circuit breaker head flashover protection for generators M13088-142 v3 Example will be given how to use one CVGAPC function to provide open phase protection.
  • Page 242 Section 10 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Multipurpose protection Connect three-phase generator currents and voltages to one CVGAPC instance (for example, GF05) CurrentInput to value MaxPh VoltageInput to value MinPh-Ph (it is assumed that minimum phase-to-phase voltage shall be used for restraining. Alternatively, positive sequence voltage can be used for PosSeq for this setting parameter) restraining by selecting Set base current value to the rated generator current primary amperes...
  • Page 243 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 10 Multipurpose protection Furthermore the other build-in protection elements can be used for other protection and alarming purposes. Q [pu] Operating region ILowSet [pu] -rca -0.2 -0.4 ILowSet Operating Region -0.6 -0.8 en05000535.vsd IEC05000535 V2 EN-US Figure 118: Loss of excitation Busbar protection REB670 Application manual...
  • Page 245 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 11 Secondary system supervision Section 11 Secondary system supervision 11.1 Fuse failure supervision FUFSPVC IP14556-1 v3 11.1.1 Identification M14869-1 v4 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Fuse failure supervision FUFSPVC 11.1.2 Application...
  • Page 246 Section 11 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Secondary system supervision 11.1.3 Setting guidelines IP15000-1 v1 General M13683-3 v5 The negative and zero sequence voltages and currents always exist due to different non- symmetries in the primary system and differences in the current and voltage instrument transformers.
  • Page 247 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 11 Secondary system supervision   UBase (Equation 84) EQUATION1519 V5 EN-US where: is the maximal negative sequence voltage during normal operation conditions, plus a margin of 10...20% UBase GlobalBaseSel is the base voltage for the function according to the setting 3I2<...
  • Page 248 Section 11 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Secondary system supervision Delta U and delta I GUID-02336F26-98C0-419D-8759-45F5F12580DE v7 OpDUDI to On if the delta function shall be in operation. Set the operation mode selector The setting of DU> should be set high (approximately 60% of UBase ) and the current threshold DI<...
  • Page 249 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 11 Secondary system supervision and energisation-check function. These functions might mal-operate if there is an incorrect measured voltage due to fuse failure or other kind of faults in voltage measurement circuit. VDSPVC is designed to detect fuse failures or faults in voltage measurement circuit based on comparison of the voltages of the main and pilot fused circuits phase wise.
  • Page 250 Section 11 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Secondary system supervision UBase is available in the Global Base Value groups; the particular Global Base transformer. Value group, that is used by VDSPVC, is set by the setting parameter GlobalBaseSel . Ud>MainBlock and Ud>PilotAlarm should be set low (approximately 30% of The settings UBase ) so that they are sensitive to the fault on the voltage measurement circuit, since the voltage on both sides are equal in the healthy condition.
  • Page 251 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 11 Secondary system supervision Angle shift mode Use of distributed generation (DG) units is increasing due to liberalized markets (deregulation) and the global trend to use more renewable sources of energy. They generate power in the range of 10 kW to 10 MW and most of them are interconnected to the distribution network.
  • Page 252 Section 11 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Secondary system supervision The vector shift detection guarantees fast and reliable detection of mains failure in almost all operational conditions when a distributed generation unit is running in parallel with the mains supply, but in certain cases this may fail. If the active and reactive power generated by the distributed generation units is nearly balanced (for example, if the power mismatch or unbalance is less than 5...10%) with the active and reactive power consumed by loads, a large enough voltage phase shift may not occur...
  • Page 253 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 11 Secondary system supervision 11.4.2 Application GUID-5CEAE117-C7BA-46B6-BF24-477285050894 v2 In power system networks, fault detection and operation of other protection functions is reliably done by delta supervision functionality. Single phase networks are an important application of delta supervision. In this type of network, a delta based release criteria is used to release the protection funciton.
  • Page 254 Section 11 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Secondary system supervision Harm3Level : This is the set level of 3 harmonic with respect to fundamental signal at which DelI> should be modified. Typical setting is 15% of fundamental signal. StValGrad : This setting is used to modify the DelI> based on 3 harmonic level.
  • Page 255 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control Section 12 Control 12.1 Synchrocheck, energizing check, and synchronizing SESRSYN IP14558-1 v4 12.1.1 Identification M14889-1 v4 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Synchrocheck, energizing check, and SESRSYN synchronizing sc/vc SYMBOL-M V1 EN-US...
  • Page 256 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control The synchronizing function compensates for the measured slip frequency as well as the circuit breaker closing delay. The phase angle advance is calculated continuously. The calculation of SlipFrequency and the set tBreaker the operation pulse sent in advance is using the measured time.
  • Page 257 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control en04000179.vsd IEC04000179 V1 EN-US Figure 121: Two interconnected power systems Figure shows two interconnected power systems. The cloud means that the interconnection can be further away, that is, a weak connection through other stations. The need for a check of synchronization increases if the meshed system decreases since the risk of the two networks being out of synchronization at manual or automatic closing is greater.
  • Page 258 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control Bus voltage SynchroCheck UHighBusSC > 50 - 120 % of GblBaseSelBus Fuse fail UHighLineSC > 50 - 120 % of GblBaseSelLine Line Line voltage UDiffSC < 0.02 – 0.50 p.u. reference voltage PhaseDiffM < 5 - 90 degrees Fuse fail PhaseDiffA <...
  • Page 259 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control For manual closing it is also possible to allow closing when both sides of the breaker are dead, Dead Bus Dead Line (DBDL). The equipment is considered energized (Live) if the voltage is above the set value for UHighBusEnerg or UHighLineEnerg of the base voltages GblBaseSelBus and GblBaseSelLine , which are defined in the Global Base Value groups;...
  • Page 260 Control If the PSTO input is used, connected to the Local-Remote switch on the local HMI, the choice can also be from the station HMI system, typically ABB Microscada through IEC 61850–8–1 communication. The connection example for selection of the manual energizing mode is shown in figure 124.
  • Page 261 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control Single circuit breaker with single busbar M12324-3 v12 SESRSYN WA1_VT U3PBB1* GRP_OFF U3PBB2* LINE_VT U3PLN1* U3PLN2* WA1_MCB WA1_MCB UB1OK WA1_MCB UB1FF WA1_VT LINE_MCB LINE_MCB ULN1OK ULN1FF LINE_VT LINE IEC10000093-4-en.vsd IEC10000093 V4 EN-US Figure 125: Connection of SESRSYN function block in a single busbar arrangement Figure illustrates connection principles for a single busbar.
  • Page 262 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control Single circuit breaker with double busbar, internal voltage selection M12326-3 v7 WA1_MCB SESRSYN WA1_VT WA1_MCB WA2_MCB U3PBB1* WA2_VT U3PBB2* LINE_VT WA1_VT U3PLN1* WA2_VT U3PLN2* GRP_OFF B1QOPEN B1QCLD B2QOPEN B2QCLD UB1OK WA1_MCB UB1FF LINE_MCB UB2OK WA2_MCB...
  • Page 263 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control connected to U3PBB1 on SESRSYN for WA2_QA1. The voltage from the line VT is connected to U3PLN1 on both function blocks. The condition of VT fuses shall also be connected as shown in CBConfig is set to No voltage sel.
  • Page 264 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control Setting parameter CBConfig = 1 ½ bus CB WA1_QA1 WA1_VT SESRSYN U3 PBB1* WA2_VT U3 PBB2* LINE1_VT U3 PLN1* LINE2_VT U3 PLN2* TIE_QA1 B1 QOPEN B1 QCLD WA2_QA1 B2 QOPEN B2 QCLD LINE1_QB9 LN1 QOPEN LN1 QCLD LINE2_QB9...
  • Page 265 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control WA1_QA1: • B1QOPEN/CLD = Position of TIE_QA1 breaker and belonging disconnectors • B2QOPEN/CLD = Position of WA2_QA1 breaker and belonging disconnectors • LN1QOPEN/CLD = Position of LINE1_QB9 disconnector • LN2QOPEN/CLD = Position of LINE2_QB9 disconnector •...
  • Page 266 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control General settings Operation : The operation mode can be set On or Off . The setting Off disables the whole function. GblBaseSelBus and GblBaseSelLine These configuration settings are used for selecting one of twelve GBASVAL functions, which then is used as base value reference voltage, for bus and line respectively.
  • Page 267 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control Setting of the voltage difference between the line voltage and the bus voltage. The difference is set depending on the network configuration and expected voltages in the two networks running asynchronously. A normal setting is 0.10-0.15 p.u. FreqDiffMin The setting FreqDiffMin is the minimum frequency difference where the systems are defined...
  • Page 268 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control tMinSynch is set to limit the minimum time at which the synchronizing closing The setting attempt is given. The synchronizing function will not give a closing command within this time, from when the synchronizing is started, even if a synchronizing condition is fulfilled. A typical setting is 200 ms.
  • Page 269 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control Off , the energizing function is disabled. • • DLLB , Dead Line Live Bus, the line voltage is below set value of ULowLineEnerg and the UHighBusEnerg . bus voltage is above set value of DBLL , Dead Bus Live Line, the bus voltage is below set value of ULowBusEnerg and the line •...
  • Page 270 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control 12.2.1 Identification M14890-1 v7 Function Description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Autorecloser for 1 phase, 2 phase and/or 3 SMBRREC phase 5(0 -->1) IEC15000204 V1 EN-US 12.2.2 Application M12391-3 v8 In certain countries it is standard practice to provide delayed restoration after busbar protection operation for internal fault, reason being that many busbar faults are of the...
  • Page 271 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control Line protection Operate time Operate time Closed Circuit breaker Open Break time Closing time Break time Fault duration Fault duration Circuit breaker open time Set AR dead time Reclaim time Auto-reclosing function IEC04000146-3-en.vsd IEC04000146 V3 EN-US Figure 130: Single-shot automatic reclosing at a permanent fault Single-phase tripping and single-phase automatic reclosing is a way of limiting the effect of a...
  • Page 272 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control If the fault is permanent, the line protection will trip again when reclosing is attempted in order to clear the fault. It is common to use one automatic reclosing function per line circuit breaker (CB). When one CB per line end is used, then there is one auto- recloser per line end.
  • Page 273 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control “Prepare three-phase tripping” is then used to switch the tripping to three-phase. This signal is generated by the auto recloser and connected to the trip function block and also connected outside the IED through IO when a common auto recloser is provided for two sub-systems. An alternative signal “Prepare 1-phase tripping”...
  • Page 274 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control Start auto reclosing from circuit breaker open information M12391-100 v6 If a user wants to initiate auto reclosing from the circuit breaker open position instead of from protection trip signals, the function offers such a possibility. This starting mode is selected StartByCBOpen = On .
  • Page 275 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control Maximum number of reclosing shots M12391-120 v7 The maximum number of auto reclosing shots in an auto reclosing cycle is selected by the NoOfShots . A maximum of five shots can be done. The type of auto reclosing used at setting ARMode .
  • Page 276 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control ARMode = 1ph+1*2ph, 1-phase or 2-phase reclosing in the first shot M12391-139 v5 At single-phase tripping, the operation is as in the above described example, program mode 1/2/3ph . The single-phase auto reclosing attempt can be followed by three-phase reclosing, if selected.
  • Page 277 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control A start of a new auto reclosing cycle during the set “reclaim time” is blocked when the set number of reclosing shots have been reached. External selection of auto reclosing mode M12391-241 v5 The auto reclosing mode can be selected by use of available logic function blocks.
  • Page 278 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control CBCLOSED circuit breaker remains open. The circuit breaker closed information through the input is missing. Thus, the auto recloser is not ready for a new auto reclosing cycle. Normally, UNSUCCL output appears when a new start is received after the last auto reclosing shot has been made and the auto recloser is inhibited.
  • Page 279 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control SMBRREC BU-TRIP INHIBIT ZCVPSOF-TRIP UNSUCCL SMPPTRC SETLKOUT CLLKOUT Functional key, CCRBRF RESET LOCK-OUT SOFTWARE RSTLKOUT OR IO RESET TRBU MAN CLOSE SMBO SMBRREC CLOSE SESRSYN MANENOK CLOSE COMMAND MANSYOK IEC05 000 316-4-en.vsdx IEC05000316-WMF V4 EN-US Figure 133: Lock-out arranged with internal logic with manual closing going through in Evolving fault...
  • Page 280 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control 12.2.3 Setting guidelines IP14929-1 v1 Configuration M12399-3 v3 Use the PCM600 configuration tool to configure signals. Auto recloser function parameters are set via the local HMI or Parameter Setting Tool (PST). Parameter Setting Tool is a part of PCM600. Recommendations for input signals M12399-7 v10 Please see Figure 134, Figure...
  • Page 281 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control reclosing dead time when communication is not working, that is, one line end might trip with a zone2 delay. If this is used the auto recloser must also be started from zone2 time delayed trip. RESET Used to reset the auto recloser to start conditions.
  • Page 282 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control TRSOTF This is the signal “Trip by Switch Onto Fault”. It is usually connected to the “switch onto fault” output of line protection if multi-shot auto reclosing attempts are used. The input will start the shots two to five.
  • Page 283 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control COUNTAR Indicates the total number of auto reclosing shots made. INHIBOUT INHIBIT input is activated it is reported on the INHIBOUT output. If the INPROGR Indicates that an auto recloser sequence is in progress, from start until circuit breaker close command.
  • Page 284 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control Connection and setting examples Figure is showing an example of how to connect the auto recloser when used for three- phase auto reclosing and Figure is showing an example of how to connect the auto recloser when used for single-phase, two-phase or three-phase auto reclosing.
  • Page 286 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control The signals can be cross-connected to allow simple changing of the priority by just setting the High and the Low priorities without changing the CBCLOSED for each circuit breaker is important in configuration. The input multi-breaker arrangements to ensure that the circuit breaker was closed at the beginning of the cycle.
  • Page 287 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control Auto recloser settings GUID-74980A07-CF89-488F-AB17-E5351D0032EE v1 The settings for the auto recloser are set using the local HMI (LHMI) or PCM600. This setting guideline describes the settings of the auto recloser using the LHMI. The settings for the auto recloser are found under Main menu/Settings/IED Settings/ Control/AutoRecloser(79,5(0->1))/SMBRREC(79,5(0->)):X and have been divided into four different setting groups: General, CircuitBreaker, DeadTime and MasterSlave.
  • Page 288 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control CircuitBreaker settings CBReadyType : The selection depends on the type of performance available from the circuit breaker operating gear. At setting OCO (circuit breaker ready for an Open – Close – Open cycle), the condition is checked only at the start of the auto reclosing cycle. The signal will disappear after tripping, but the circuit breaker will still be able to perform the C-O sequence.
  • Page 289 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control tUnsucCl : The reclaim timer, tReclaim , is started each time a circuit breaker closing command is given. If no start occurs within this time, the auto recloser will reset. A new start received in “reclaim time”...
  • Page 290 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control tSlaveDeadTime : When activating the WAIT input, in the auto recloser set as slave, every dead timer is changed to the value of setting tSlaveDeadTime and holds back the auto reclosing WAIT input is reset at the time of a successful reclosing of the first circuit operation.
  • Page 291 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control • Operation of primary apparatuses • Select-Execute principle to give high security • Selection and reservation function to prevent simultaneous operation • Selection and supervision of operator place • Command supervision • Block/deblock of operation •...
  • Page 292 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control IEC 61850 en05000116.vsd IEC05000116 V2 EN-US Figure 138: Signal flow between apparatus control function blocks when all functions are situated within the IED Busbar protection REB670 Application manual...
  • Page 293 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control IEC 61850 on station bus Bay level IED QCBAY SCSWI SCILO GOOSEXLNRCV XLNPROXY SCSWI SCILO GOOSEXLNRCV XLNPROXY GOOSE over process bus Merging Unit XCBR -QB1 XCBR XCBR -QA1 XSWI -QB9 IEC16000070-1-EN.vsdx IEC16000070 V1 EN-US Figure 139: Signal flow between apparatus control functions with XCBR and XSWI located in a breaker IED Control operation can be performed from the local IED HMI.
  • Page 294 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control The accepted originator categories for each PSTO value are shown in Table Table 42: Accepted originator categories for each PSTO Permitted Source To Operate Originator (orCat) 0 = Off 4,5,6 1 = Local 1,4,5,6 2 = Remote 2,3,4,5,6...
  • Page 295 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control IEC13000016-2-en.vsd IEC13000016 V2 EN-US Figure 140: APC - Local remote function block 12.3.3 Switch controller SCSWI M16596-3 v6 SCSWI may handle and operate on one three-phase device or three one-phase switching devices. After the selection of an apparatus and before the execution, the switch controller performs the following checks and actions: •...
  • Page 296 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control In the case when there are three one-phase switches (SXCBR) connected to the switch controller function, the switch controller will "merge" the position of the three switches to the resulting three-phase position. In case of a pole discordance situation, that is, the positions of the one-phase switches are not equal for a time longer than a settable time;...
  • Page 297 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control IEC16000071 V1 EN-US Figure 141: Configuration with XLNPROXY and GOOSEXLNRCV where all the IEC 61850 modelled data is used, including selection IEC16000072 V1 EN-US Figure 142: Configuration with XLNPROXY and GOOSEXLNRCV where only the mandatory data in the IEC 61850 modelling is used All the information from the XLNPROXY to the SCSWI about command following status, causes for failed command and selection status is transferred in the output XPOS.
  • Page 298 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control may be used by other functions in the same way as the corresponding outputs of the SXCBR and SXSWI function. When a command has been issued from the connected SCSWI function, the XLNPROXY function awaits the response on it from the represented switch through the inputs POSVAL and OPOK.
  • Page 299 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control of the switching devices are uncertain. The interlocking function uses this information for evaluation, which means that also the interlocking conditions are uncertain. To ensure that the interlocking information is correct at the time of operation, a unique reservation method is available in the IEDs.
  • Page 300 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control SCSWI RES_EXT SELECTED Other SCSWI in the bay en05000118.vsd IEC05000118 V2 EN-US Figure 144: Application principles for reservation with external wiring The solution in Figure can also be realized over the station bus according to the application example in Figure 145.
  • Page 301 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control • The Autorecloser (SMBRREC) consists of the facilities to automatically close a tripped breaker with respect to a number of configurable conditions. • The logical node Interlocking (SCILO) provides the information to SCSWI whether it is permitted to operate due to the switchyard topology.
  • Page 302 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control Synchronizing OK SMPPTRC SESRSYN (Trip logic) (Synchrocheck & Synchronizer) Trip QCBAY Operator place (Bay control) selection Open cmd Close cmd SCSWI SXCBR Res. req. (Switching control) (Circuit breaker) Res. granted QCRSV (Reservation) Res. req. Close CB SMBRREC (Auto-...
  • Page 303 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control RemoteIncStation is set to Yes , commands from IEC 61850-8-1 clients at both If the parameter station and remote level are accepted, when the QCBAY function is in Remote. If set to No , the command LocSta controls which operator place is accepted when QCBAY is in Remote.
  • Page 304 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control SuppressMidPos when On suppresses the mid-position during the time tIntermediate of the connected switches. InterlockCheck decides if interlock check should be done at both select and The parameter operate, Sel & Op phase, or only at operate, Op phase. Switch (SXCBR/SXSWI) M16675-3 v8...
  • Page 305 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control tStartMove and tIntermediate as in the In most cases, the same value can be used for both source function. However, tStartMove may need to be increased to accommodate for the communication delays, mainly when representing a circuit breaker. Bay Reserve (QCRSV) M16677-3 v3...
  • Page 306 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control enable condition at the loss of a VT secondary voltage, for example, because of a dangerous blown fuse. The switch positions used by the operational interlocking logic are obtained from auxiliary contacts or position sensors. For each end position (open or closed) a true indication is needed - thus forming a double indication.
  • Page 307 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control WA1 (A) WA2 (B) WA7 (C) en04000478.vsd IEC04000478 V1 EN-US Figure 147: Switchyard layout ABC_LINE M13560-4 v5 The signals from other bays connected to the module ABC_LINE are described below. Signals from bypass busbar M13560-6 v5 To derive the signals: Signal...
  • Page 308 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control QB7OPTR (bay 1) BB7_D_OP QB7OPTR (bay 2) & ..QB7OPTR (bay n-1) VPQB7TR (bay 1) VP_BB7_D VPQB7TR (bay 2) & ..VPQB7TR (bay n-1) EXDU_BPB (bay 1) EXDU_BPB EXDU_BPB (bay 2)
  • Page 309 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control Signal BC12CLTR A bus-coupler connection through the own bus-coupler exists between busbar WA1 and WA2. BC17OPTR No bus-coupler connection through the own bus-coupler between busbar WA1 and WA7. BC17CLTR A bus-coupler connection through the own bus-coupler exists between busbar WA1 and WA7.
  • Page 310 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control BC12CLTR (sect.1) BC_12_CL DCCLTR (A1A2) >1 & DCCLTR (B1B2) BC12CLTR (sect.2) VPBC12TR (sect.1) VP_BC_12 & VPDCTR (A1A2) VPDCTR (B1B2) VPBC12TR (sect.2) BC17OPTR (sect.1) BC_17_OP & DCOPTR (A1A2) >1 BC17OPTR (sect.2) BC17CLTR (sect.1) BC_17_CL >1 DCCLTR (A1A2) &...
  • Page 311 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control • QC71_OP = 1 • QC71_CL = 0 • BB7_D_OP = 1 • BC_17_OP = 1 • BC_17_CL = 0 • BC_27_OP = 1 • BC_27_CL = 0 • EXDU_BPB = 1 • VP_BB7_D = 1 •...
  • Page 312 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control WA1 (A) WA2 (B) WA7 (C) QB20 en04000514.vsd IEC04000514 V1 EN-US Figure 151: Switchyard layout ABC_BC Configuration M13553-138 v4 The signals from the other bays connected to the bus-coupler module ABC_BC are described below.
  • Page 313 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control QB12OPTR (bay 1) BBTR_OP QB12OPTR (bay 2) & ..QB12OPTR (bay n-1) VPQB12TR (bay 1) VP_BBTR VPQB12TR (bay 2) & ..VPQB12TR (bay n-1) EXDU_12 (bay 1) EXDU_12 EXDU_12 (bay 2)
  • Page 314 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control For a bus-coupler bay in section 1, these conditions are valid: BBTR_OP (sect.1) BBTR_OP DCOPTR (A1A2) & >1 DCOPTR (B1B2) BBTR_OP (sect.2) VP_BBTR (sect.1) VP_BBTR & VPDCTR (A1A2) VPDCTR (B1B2) VP_BBTR (sect.2) EXDU_12 (sect.1) EXDU_12 &...
  • Page 315 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control These signals from each bus-section disconnector bay (A1A2_DC) are also needed. For B1B2_DC, corresponding signals from busbar B are used. The same type of module (A1A2_DC) is used for different busbars, that is, for both bus-section disconnector A1A2_DC and B1B2_DC. Signal DCCLTR The bus-section disconnector is closed.
  • Page 316 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control • QC71_OP = 1 • QC71_CL = 0 If there is no second busbar B and therefore no QB2 and QB20 disconnectors, then the interlocking for QB2 and QB20 are not used. The states for QB2, QB20, QC21, BC_12, BBTR are set to open by setting the appropriate module inputs as follows.
  • Page 317 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control WA1 (A) WA2 (B) AB_TRAFO QA2 and QC4 are not used in this interlocking en04000515.vsd IEC04000515 V1 EN-US Figure 157: Switchyard layout AB_TRAFO M13566-4 v4 The signals from other bays connected to the module AB_TRAFO are described below. Signals from bus-coupler M13566-6 v4...
  • Page 318 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control Configuration setting M13566-22 v5 If there are no second busbar B and therefore no QB2 disconnector, then the interlocking for QB2 is not used. The state for QB2, QC21, BC_12 are set to open by setting the appropriate module inputs as follows.
  • Page 319 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control connection exists between busbars on one bus-section side and if on the other bus-section side a busbar transfer is in progress: Section 1 Section 2 (WA1)A1 (WA2)B1 (WA7)C A1A2_BS ABC_BC ABC_BC B1B2_BS ABC_LINE AB_TRAFO ABC_LINE AB_TRAFO...
  • Page 320 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control S1S2OPTR (B1B2) BC12OPTR (sect.1) >1 QB12OPTR (bay 1/sect.2) . . . & & BBTR_OP . . . QB12OPTR (bay n/sect.2) S1S2OPTR (B1B2) BC12OPTR (sect.2) >1 QB12OPTR (bay 1/sect.1) . . . & . . . QB12OPTR (bay n /sect.1) VPS1S2TR (B1B2) VPBC12TR (sect.1)
  • Page 321 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control S1S2OPTR (A1A2) BC12OPTR (sect.1) >1 QB12OPTR (bay 1/sect.2) . . . & & BBTR_OP . . . QB12OPTR (bay n/sect.2) S1S2OPTR (A1A2) BC12OPTR (sect.2) >1 QB12OPTR (bay 1/sect.1) . . . & . . . QB12OPTR (bay n /sect.1) VPS1S2TR (A1A2) VPBC12TR (sect.1)
  • Page 322 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control Application M13544-3 v7 The interlocking for bus-section disconnector (A1A2_DC) function is used for one bus-section disconnector between section 1 and 2 according to figure 163. A1A2_DC function can be used for different busbars, which includes a bus-section disconnector. WA1 (A1) WA2 (A2) A1A2_DC...
  • Page 323 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control Signal QB1OPTR QB1 is open. QB2OPTR QB2 is open (AB_TRAFO, ABC_LINE). QB220OTR QB2 and QB20 are open (ABC_BC). VPQB1TR The switch status of QB1 is valid. VPQB2TR The switch status of QB2 is valid. VQB220TR The switch status of QB2 and QB20 are valid.
  • Page 324 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control QB1OPTR (bay 1/sect.A2) S2DC_OP . . . & ..QB1OPTR (bay n/sect.A2) DCOPTR (A2/A3) VPQB1TR (bay 1/sect.A2) VPS2_DC . . . & ..VPQB1TR (bay n/sect.A2) VPDCTR (A2/A3) EXDU_BB (bay 1/sect.A2)
  • Page 325 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control QB2OPTR (QB220OTR)(bay 1/sect.B2) S2DC_OP . . . & ..QB2OPTR (QB220OTR)(bay n/sect.B2) DCOPTR (B2/B3) VPQB2TR(VQB220TR) (bay 1/sect.B2) VPS2_DC . . . & ..VPQB2TR(VQB220TR) (bay n/sect.B2) VPDCTR (B2/B3) EXDU_BB (bay 1/sect.B2)
  • Page 326 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control Signal QB1OPTR QB1 is open. QB2OPTR QB2 is open. VPQB1TR The switch status of QB1 is valid. VPQB2TR The switch status of QB2 is valid. EXDU_DB No transmission error from the bay that contains the above information. The logic is identical to the double busbar configuration “Signals in single breaker arrangement”.
  • Page 327 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control QB2OPTR (bay 1/sect.B1) S1DC_OP . . . & ..QB2OPTR (bay n/sect.B1) VPQB2TR (bay 1/sect.B1) VPS1_DC . . . & ..VPQB2TR (bay n/sect.B1) EXDU_DB (bay 1/sect.B1) EXDU_BB .
  • Page 328 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control The project-specific logic is the same as for the logic for the double-breaker configuration. Signal S1DC_OP All disconnectors on bus-section 1 are open. S2DC_OP All disconnectors on bus-section 2 are open. VPS1_DC The switch status of disconnectors on bus-section 1 is valid. VPS2_DC The switch status of disconnectors on bus-section 2 is valid.
  • Page 329 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control These signals from each line bay (ABC_LINE), each transformer bay (AB_TRAFO), and each bus- coupler bay (ABC_BC) are needed: Signal QB1OPTR QB1 is open. QB2OPTR QB2 is open (AB_TRAFO, ABC_LINE) QB220OTR QB2 and QB20 are open (ABC_BC) QB7OPTR QB7 is open.
  • Page 330 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control QB1OPTR (bay 1/sect.A1) BB_DC_OP . . . & ..QB1OPTR (bay n/sect.A1) DCOPTR (A1/A2) VPQB1TR (bay 1/sect.A1) VP_BB_DC . . . & ..VPQB1TR (bay n/sect.A1) VPDCTR (A1/A2) EXDU_BB (bay 1/sect.A1)
  • Page 331 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control QB2OPTR(QB220OTR)(bay 1/sect.B1) BB_DC_OP . . . & ..QB2OPTR (QB220OTR)(bay n/sect.B1) DCOPTR (B1/B2) VPQB2TR(VQB220TR) (bay 1/sect.B1) VP_BB_DC . . . & ..VPQB2TR(VQB220TR) (bay n/sect.B1) VPDCTR (B1/B2) EXDU_BB (bay 1/sect.B1) .
  • Page 332 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control QB7OPTR (bay 1) BB_DC_OP . . . & ..QB7OPTR (bay n) VPQB7TR (bay 1) VP_BB_DC . . . & ..VPQB7TR (bay n) EXDU_BB (bay 1) EXDU_BB .
  • Page 333 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control is used for different busbars, that is, for both bus-section disconnectors A1A2_DC and B1B2_DC. Signal DCOPTR The bus-section disconnector is open. VPDCTR The switch status of bus-section disconnector DC is valid. EXDU_DC No transmission error from the bay that contains the above information. The logic is identical to the double busbar configuration described in section “Signals in single breaker arrangement”.
  • Page 334 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control WA1 (A) WA2 (B) DB_BUS_B DB_BUS_A QB61 QB62 DB_LINE en04000518.vsd IEC04000518 V1 EN-US Figure 184: Switchyard layout double circuit breaker M13584-4 v4 For a double circuit-breaker bay, the modules DB_BUS_A, DB_LINE and DB_BUS_B must be used.
  • Page 335 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control Application M13570-3 v6 The interlocking for 1 1/2 breaker diameter (BH_CONN, BH_LINE_A, BH_LINE_B) functions are used for lines connected to a 1 1/2 breaker diameter according to figure 185. WA1 (A) WA2 (B) BH_LINE_B BH_LINE_A QB61...
  • Page 336 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control If there is no voltage supervision, then set the corresponding inputs as follows: • VOLT_OFF = 1 • VOLT_ON = 0 12.5 Logic rotating switch for function selection and LHMI presentation SLGAPC SEMOD114936-1 v5 12.5.1 Identification SEMOD167845-2 v3...
  • Page 337 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control tDelay : The delay between the UP or DOWN activation signal positive front and the output activation. StopAtExtremes : Sets the behavior of the switch at the end positions – if set to Disabled , when pressing UP while on first position, the switch will jump to the last position;...
  • Page 338 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control tPulse parameter. Also, being accessible on the single line diagram (SLD), this set using the function block has two control modes (settable through CtlModel ): Dir Norm and SBO Enh . 12.7 Generic communication function for Double Point indication DPGAPC SEMOD55384-1 v4 12.7.1...
  • Page 339 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control 12.7.3 Setting guidelines SEMOD55398-5 v5 The function does not have any parameters available in the local HMI or PCM600. 12.8 Single point generic control 8 signals SPC8GAPC SEMOD176448-1 v3 12.8.1 Identification SEMOD176456-2 v3 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617...
  • Page 340 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control 12.9.1 Identification GUID-C3BB63F5-F0E7-4B00-AF0F-917ECF87B016 v4 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number AutomationBits, command function AUTOBITS for DNP3 12.9.2 Application SEMOD158637-5 v4 Automation bits, command function for DNP3 (AUTOBITS) is used within PCM600 in order to get into the configuration the commands coming through the DNP3.0 protocol.The AUTOBITS function plays the same role as functions GOOSEBINRCV (for IEC 61850) and MULTICMDRCV (for LON).AUTOBITS function block have 32 individual outputs which each can be mapped as a...
  • Page 341 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 12 Control close operation. An open breaker operation is performed in a similar way but without the synchro-check condition. Single command function Configuration logic circuits SINGLECMD Close CB1 CMDOUTy OUTy User- & defined conditions Synchro- check en04000206.vsd IEC04000206 V2 EN-US...
  • Page 342 Section 12 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Control Single command function Configuration logic circuits SINGLESMD Device 1 CMDOUTy OUTy & User- defined conditions en04000208.vsd IEC04000208 V2 EN-US Figure 189: Application example showing a logic diagram for control of external devices via configuration logic circuits 12.10.3 Setting guidelines M12448-3 v2...
  • Page 343 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 13 Logic Section 13 Logic 13.1 Trip matrix logic TMAGAPC IP15121-1 v4 13.1.1 Identification SEMOD167882-2 v3 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Trip matrix logic TMAGAPC 13.1.2 Application M15321-3 v13 The trip matrix logic (TMAGAPC) function is used to route trip signals and other logical output signals to different output contacts on the IED.
  • Page 344 Section 13 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Logic 13.2.2 Application GUID-70B268A9-B248-422D-9896-89FECFF80B75 v1 Group alarm logic function ALMCALH is used to route alarm signals to different LEDs and/or output contacts on the IED. ALMCALH output signal and the physical outputs allows the user to adapt the alarm signal to physical tripping outputs according to the specific application needs.
  • Page 345 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 13 Logic Setting guidelines GUID-7E776D39-1A42-4F90-BF50-9B38F494A01E v2 Operation : On or Off 13.5 Configurable logic blocks IP11009-1 v4 The configurable logic blocks are available in two categories: • Configurable logic blocks that do not propagate the time stamp and the quality of signals. They do not have the suffix QT at the end of their function block name, for example, SRMEMORY.
  • Page 346 Section 13 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Logic IEC09000695_2_en.vsd IEC09000695 V2 EN-US Figure 190: Example designation, serial execution number and cycle time for logic function IEC09000310-2-en.vsd IEC09000310 V2 EN-US Figure 191: Example designation, serial execution number and cycle time for logic function that also propagates timestamp and quality of input signals The execution of different function blocks within the same cycle is determined by the order of their serial execution numbers.
  • Page 347 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 13 Logic 13.6.2 Application M15322-3 v15 The Fixed signals function (FXDSIGN) has nine pre-set (fixed) signals that can be used in the configuration of an IED, either for forcing the unused inputs in other function blocks to a certain level/value, or for creating certain logic.
  • Page 348 Section 13 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Logic 13.7 Boolean 16 to Integer conversion B16I SEMOD175715-1 v1 13.7.1 Identification SEMOD175721-2 v2 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Boolean 16 to integer conversion B16I 13.7.2 Application SEMOD175832-4 v4 Boolean 16 to integer conversion function B16I is used to transform a set of 16 binary (logical) signals into an integer.
  • Page 349 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 13 Logic The sum of the numbers in column “Value when activated” when all INx (where 1≤x≤16) are active that is=1; is 65535. 65535 is the highest boolean value that can be converted to an integer by the B16I function block.
  • Page 350 Section 13 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Logic Name of input Type Default Description Value when Value when activated deactivated IN13 BOOLEAN Input 13 4096 IN14 BOOLEAN Input 14 8192 IN15 BOOLEAN Input 15 16384 IN16 BOOLEAN Input 16 32768 The sum of the numbers in column “Value when activated” when all INx (where 1≤x≤16) are active that is=1;...
  • Page 351 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 13 Logic Name of input Type Default Description Value when Value when activated deactivated BOOLEAN Input 7 BOOLEAN Input 8 BOOLEAN Input 9 IN10 BOOLEAN Input 10 IN11 BOOLEAN Input 11 1024 IN12 BOOLEAN Input 12 2048 IN13 BOOLEAN...
  • Page 352 Section 13 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Logic The equation above also implies that each individual binary output corresponds actually to one integer, which is presented in the input ZONCONI and can be defined by: CZ ×2 ZONEx ×2 , (1≤x≤6). Refer to Table for the description of such representations.
  • Page 353 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 13 Logic 13.11.2 Application SEMOD158512-5 v7 Integer to boolean 16 conversion with logic node representation function (ITBGAPC) is used to transform an integer into a set of 16 boolean signals. ITBGAPC function can receive an integer from a station computer –...
  • Page 354 Section 13 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Logic 13.12.2 Application GUID-B4B47167-C8DE-4496-AEF1-5F0FD1768A87 v2 The function TEIGAPC is used for user-defined logics and it can also be used for different purposes internally in the IED. An application example is the integration of elapsed time during the measurement of neutral point voltage or neutral current at earth-fault conditions.
  • Page 355 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 13 Logic EnaAbs : This setting is used to select the comparison type between signed and absolute values. Absolute : Comparison is performed on absolute values of input and reference values • Signed : Comparison is performed on signed values of input and reference values. •...
  • Page 356 Section 13 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Logic 13.14.2 Application GUID-5F7B1683-9799-4D27-B333-B184F8861A5B v1 The function gives the possibility to monitor the level of real values in the system relative to each other or to a fixed value. It is a basic arithmetic function that can be used for monitoring, supervision, interlocking and other logics.
  • Page 357 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 13 Logic The function will set the outputs for the following conditions, INEQUAL will set when the INPUT is between the ranges of 95 to 105 kA. INHIGH will set when the INPUT crosses above 105 kA. INLOW will set when the INPUT crosses below 95 kA.
  • Page 359 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 14 Monitoring Section 14 Monitoring 14.1 Measurement GUID-9D2D47A0-FE62-4FE3-82EE-034BED82682A v1 14.1.1 Identification SEMOD56123-2 v8 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Power system measurements CVMMXN P, Q, S, I, U, f SYMBOL-RR V1 EN-US Phase current measurement CMMXU...
  • Page 360 Section 14 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Monitoring The available measured values from an IED are depending on the actual hardware (TRM) and the logic configuration made in PCM600. All measured values can be supervised with four settable limits that is, low-low limit, low limit, high limit and high-high limit.
  • Page 361 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 14 Monitoring Example of CVMMXN operation Outputs seen on the local HMI under Main menu/Measurements/Monitoring/ Servicevalues(P_Q)/CVMMXN(P_Q): Apparent three-phase power Active three-phase power Reactive three-phase power Power factor ILAG I lagging U ILEAD I leading U System mean voltage, calculated according to selected mode System mean current, calculated according to selected mode Frequency...
  • Page 362 Section 14 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Monitoring IGenZeroDb : Minimum level of current in % of IBase , used as indication of zero current (zero point clamping). If measured value is below IGenZeroDb calculated S, P, Q and PF will be zero. UAmpCompY : Amplitude compensation to calibrate voltage measurements at Y% of Ur, where Y is equal to 5, 30 or 100.
  • Page 363 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 14 Monitoring XLowLim : Low limit. Set as % of YBase (Y is SBase for S,P,Q UBase for Voltage measurement IBase for current measurement). XLowLowLim : Low-low limit. Set as % of YBase (Y is SBase for S,P,Q UBase for Voltage IBase for current measurement).
  • Page 364 Section 14 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Monitoring The available measured values of an IED are depending on the actual hardware (TRM) and the logic configuration made in PCM600. Measurement function application for a 400kV OHL SEMOD54481-12 v11 Single line diagram for this application is given in figure 196: 400kV Busbar 1000/1 A 400kV OHL...
  • Page 365 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 14 Monitoring Setting Short Description Selected Comments value UGenZeroDb Zero point clamping in % of Set minimum voltage level to 25%. Voltage Ubase below 25% will force S, P and Q to zero. IGenZeroDb Zero point clamping in % of Set minimum current level to 3%.
  • Page 366 Section 14 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Monitoring Setting Short Description Selected Comments value IAngComp5 Angle calibration for current at 0.00 5% of Ir IAngComp30 Angle pre-calibration for 0.00 current at 30% of Ir IAngComp100 Angle pre-calibration for 0.00 current at 100% of Ir Measurement function application for a power transformer SEMOD54481-61 v9 Single line diagram for this application is given in figure 197.
  • Page 367 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 14 Monitoring PhaseAngleRef data using Set correctly all CT and VT and phase angle reference channel PCM600 for analog input channels Connect, in PCM600, measurement function to LV side CT & VT inputs Set the setting parameters for relevant Measurement function as shown in the following table 52: Table 52: General settings parameters for the Measurement function...
  • Page 368 Section 14 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Monitoring 220kV Busbar 300/1 100 MVA 242/15,65 kV 15 / 0,1kV L1L2 L2L3 100MVA 15,65kV 4000/5 IEC09000041-1-en.vsd IEC09000041-1-EN V1 EN-US Figure 198: Single line diagram for generator application In order to measure the active and reactive power as indicated in figure 198, it is necessary to do the following: PhaseAngleRef using Set correctly all CT and VT data and phase angle reference channel...
  • Page 369 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 14 Monitoring Table 53: General settings parameters for the Measurement function Setting Short description Selected Comment value Operation Operation Off/On Function must be PowAmpFact Amplitude factor to scale 1.000 Typically no scaling is required power calculations PowAngComp Angle compensation for phase Typically no angle compensation is required.
  • Page 370 Section 14 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Monitoring TempAlarmLimit : This is used to set the limit for a temperature alarm condition in the circuit breaker. TempLOLimit : This is used to set the limit for a temperature lockout condition in the circuit breaker.
  • Page 371 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 14 Monitoring LevelLOLimit : This is used to set the limit for a level lockout condition in the oil insulated device. TempAlarmLimit : This is used to set the limit for a temperature alarm condition in the oil insulated device.
  • Page 372 Section 14 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Monitoring Remaining life of circuit breaker Every time the breaker operates, the circuit breaker life reduces due to wear. The wear in a breaker depends on the interrupted current. For breaker maintenance or replacement at the right time, the remaining life of the breaker must be estimated.
  • Page 373 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 14 Monitoring remaining life of the CB would be (10000 – 10) = 9989 at the rated operating current after one operation at 10 kA. • Breaker interrupts at and above rated fault current, that is, 50 kA, one operation at 50 kA is equivalent to 10000/50 = 200 operations at the rated operating current.
  • Page 374 Section 14 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Monitoring Since there is no current measurement in SAM600-IO, evaluation of the following parameters are not possible in the circuit breaker condition monitoring function (SSCBR): • Circuit breaker status • Remaining life of the circuit breaker •...
  • Page 375 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 14 Monitoring RatedFltCurr : Rated fault current of the circuit breaker. OperNoRated : Number of operations possible at rated current. OperNoFault : Number of operations possible at rated fault current. CBLifeAlmLevel : Alarm level for circuit breaker remaining life. AccSelCal : Selection between the method of calculation of accumulated energy.
  • Page 376 Section 14 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Monitoring • • Channel 1-8 Channel 9-16 • Channel 1-16 • MinRepIntVal (1 - 16) M12811-29 v3 A time interval between cyclic events can be set individually for each input channel. This can be set between 0 s to 3600 s in steps of 1 s.
  • Page 377 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 14 Monitoring report is not dependent on the operation of protective functions, and it can record disturbances that were not discovered by protective functions for one reason or another. Disturbance report can be used as an advanced stand-alone disturbance recorder. Every disturbance report recording is saved in the IED.
  • Page 378 Section 14 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Monitoring AxRADR Disturbance Report DRPRDRE Analog signals Trip value rec BxRBDR Disturbance recorder Binary signals Event list Event recorder Indications IEC09000337-3-en.vsdx IEC09000337 V3 EN-US Figure 200: Disturbance report functions and related function blocks For Disturbance report function there are a number of settings which also influences the sub- functions.
  • Page 379 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 14 Monitoring Operation = Off : • Disturbance reports are not stored. • LED information (yellow - start, red - trip) is not stored or changed. Operation = On : • Disturbance reports are stored, disturbance data can be read from the local HMI and from a PC for example using PCM600.
  • Page 380 Section 14 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Monitoring Post Retrigger M12155-173 v7 Disturbance report function does not automatically respond to any new trig condition during a recording, after all signals set as trigger signals have been reset. However, under certain circumstances the fault condition may reoccur during the post-fault recording, for instance by automatic reclosing to a still faulty power line.
  • Page 381 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 14 Monitoring OverTrigOpM , UnderTrigOpM : Over or Under trig operation, Disturbance report may trig for high/low level of analog input M ( On ) or not ( Off ). OverTrigLeM , UnderTrigLeM : Over or under trig level, Trig high/low level relative nominal value for analog input M in percent of nominal value.
  • Page 382 Section 14 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Monitoring Minimize the number of recordings: • Binary signals: Use only relevant signals to start the recording that is, protection trip, carrier receive and/or start signals. • Analog signals: The level triggering should be used with great care, since unfortunate settings will cause enormously number of recordings.
  • Page 383 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 14 Monitoring 14.8 Limit counter L4UFCNT GUID-22E141DB-38B3-462C-B031-73F7466DD135 v1 14.8.1 Identification GUID-F3FB7B33-B189-4819-A1F0-8AC7762E9B7E v3 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Limit counter L4UFCNT 14.8.2 Application GUID-41B13135-5069-4A5A-86CE-B7DBE9CFEF38 v2 Limit counter (L4UFCNT) is intended for applications where positive and/or negative flanks on a binary signal need to be counted.
  • Page 384 Section 14 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Monitoring 14.9.3 Setting guidelines GUID-D3BED56A-BA80-486F-B2A8-E47F7AC63468 v1 The settings tAlarm and tWarning are user settable limits defined in hours. The achievable resolution of the settings is 0.1 hours (6 minutes). tAlarm and tWarning are independent settings, that is, there is no check if tAlarm >...
  • Page 385 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 14 Monitoring GUID-2C07190A-7EEC-43AB-A84C-730550A2A7B0 v1 Maintaining high power quality in traction system is very complex. The presence of non-linear loads reduces the capability of the existing harmonic mitigation techniques. However, it is essential to minimize the issues like harmonics, voltage sags and flicker to protect sensitive equipment affected by the aforementioned issues produced by traction systems.
  • Page 386 Section 14 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Monitoring WrnLimitTHD : It defines the warning limit for the calculated total harmonic distortion. tDelayAlmTHD : It defines the alarm delay time from warning for the calculated total harmonic distortion. This intimates the operator to take corrective operations immediately, otherwise the system will undergo thermal stress.
  • Page 387 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 14 Monitoring In case of electric traction systems, it generates various power quality problems that have an important impact on its distribution network. DC traction loads, fed through AC/DC rectifiers, generates non-linear voltages and currents on the AC system, that will result in harmonic voltage distortion of the power supply system.
  • Page 388 Section 14 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Monitoring tDelayAlm4thHD : It defines the alarm delay time from warning for the calculated fourth harmonic distortion. WrnLimit5thHD : It defines the warning limit for the calculated fifth harmonic distortion. tDelayAlm5thHD : It defines the alarm delay time from warning for the calculated fifth harmonic distortion.
  • Page 389 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 15 Metering Section 15 Metering 15.1 Pulse-counter logic PCFCNT IP14600-1 v3 15.1.1 Identification M14879-1 v4 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Pulse-counter logic PCFCNT S00947 V1 EN-US 15.1.2 Application M13395-3 v6 Pulse-counter logic (PCFCNT) function counts externally generated binary pulses, for instance pulses coming from an external energy meter, for calculation of energy consumption values.
  • Page 390 Section 15 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Metering The setting is common for all input channels on BIM, that is, if limit changes are made for inputs not connected to the pulse counter, the setting also influences the inputs on the same board used for pulse counting. 15.2 Function for energy calculation and demand handling ETPMMTR...
  • Page 391 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 15 Metering Alternatively, the energy values can be presented with use of the pulse counters function (PCGGIO). The output energy values are scaled with the pulse output setting values EAFAccPlsQty , EARAccPlsQty , ERFAccPlsQty and ERVAccPlsQty of the energy metering function and then the pulse counter can be set-up to present the correct values by scaling in this function.
  • Page 393 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 16 Ethernet-based communication Section 16 Ethernet-based communication 16.1 Access point 16.1.1 Application GUID-2942DF07-9BC1-4F49-9611-A5691D2C925C v1 The access points are used to connect the IED to the communication buses (like the station bus) that use communication protocols. The access point can be used for single and redundant data communication.
  • Page 394 Section 16 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Ethernet-based communication in ECT, only filtered for the specific access point. For information on how to activate the individual communication protocols, see the communication protocol chapters. To increase security it is recommended to uncheck protocols that are not used on the access point.
  • Page 395 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 16 Ethernet-based communication Device 2 Device 1 PhyPortA PhyPortB PhyPortA PhyPortB Switch A Switch B PhyPortA PhyPortB PhyPortA PhyPortB Device 4 Device 3 IEC09000758-4-en.vsd IEC09000758 V4 EN-US Figure 203: Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) Device 1 Device 2 PhyPortA PhyPortB...
  • Page 396 Section 16 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Ethernet-based communication Redundancy : redundant communication is activated when the parameter is set to PRP-0 , PRP-1 HSR . The settings for the next access point will be hidden and PhyPortB will show the second port information.
  • Page 397 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 16 Ethernet-based communication IEC17000044-1-en.vsdx IEC17000044 V1 EN-US Figure 206: Merging unit 16.3.2 Setting guidelines GUID-3449AB24-8C9D-4D9A-BD46-5DDF59A0F8E3 v1 For information on the merging unit setting guidelines, see section IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE communication protocol. 16.4 Routes 16.4.1 Application GUID-19616AC4-0FFD-4FF4-9198-5E33938E5ABD v1 Setting up a route enables communication to a device that is located in another subnetwork.
  • Page 399 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 17 Station communication Section 17 Station communication 17.1 Communication protocols M14815-3 v14 Each IED is provided with several communication interfaces enabling it to connect to one or many substation level systems or equipment, either on the Substation Automation (SA) bus or Substation Monitoring (SM) bus.
  • Page 400 Section 17 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Station communication Engineering Station HSI Workstation Gateway Base System Printer KIOSK 3 KIOSK 1 KIOSK 2 IEC09000135_en.v IEC09000135 V1 EN-US Figure 207: SA system with IEC 61850–8–1 M16925-3 v4 Figure208 shows the GOOSE peer-to-peer communication. Station HSI MicroSCADA Gateway...
  • Page 401 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 17 Station communication GOOSEPortEd1 : Selection of the Ethernet link where GOOSE traffic shall be sent and received. This is only valid for Edition 1 and can be ignored if Edition 2 is used. For Edition 2, the Ethernet link selection is done with the Ethernet Configuration Tool (ECT) in PCM600.
  • Page 402 Section 17 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Station communication Function block type Data Type GOOSEINTRCV Integer GOOSEMVRCV Analog value GOOSESPRCV Single point GOOSEXLNRCV Switch status Application GUID-808177B7-02CA-40DF-B41B-8B580E38478B v1 The GOOSE receive function blocks are used to receive subscribed data from the GOOSE protocol.
  • Page 403 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 17 Station communication Printer Events Printer SDM600 Maintenance Center Network Control Center WAMS IEC 6185 0 AFS 6xx Engineering Computer HMI Firewall FOX615 Workstation Gateway AFS 6xx NSD570 AFS 6xx AFS 6xx ITT600 IET600 PCM600 SAM600 SAM600 SAM600...
  • Page 404 Section 17 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Station communication Station Wide Station Wide SCADA System GPS Clock IEC61850-8-1 Splitter Electrical-to- Optical Converter IEC61850-8-1 110 V Other 1PPS Relays IEC61850-9-2LE Ethernet Switch IEC61850-9-2LE 1PPS Merging Unit Combi Sensor Conventional VT en08000069-3.vsd IEC08000069 V2 EN-US Figure 211: Example of a station configuration with the IED receiving analog values from both classical measuring transformers and merging units.
  • Page 405 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 17 Station communication Specific settings related to the IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE communication SEMOD166590-24 v6 The process bus communication IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE has specific settings, similar to the analog inputs modules. If there are more than one sample group involved, time synch is mandatory. If there is no time synchronization, the protection functions will be blocked due to condition blocking.
  • Page 406 Section 17 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Station communication local remote Direct transfer trip (DTT) Not OK IEC13000299-2-en.vsd IEC13000299 V2 EN-US Figure 213: MU failed, mixed system Case 3: Failure of one MU (sample lost) blocks the sending and receiving of binary signals through LDCM.
  • Page 407 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 17 Station communication Function description IEC 61850 identification Function description IEC 61850 identification Current circuit CCSSPVC Two step residual ROV2PTOV supervison overvoltage protection Compensated over- and COUVGAPC Rate-of-change SAPFRC undervoltage protection frequency protection General currrent and CVGAPC Overfrequency SAPTOF...
  • Page 408 Section 17 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Station communication Function description IEC 61850 identification Function description IEC 61850 identification Negative sequence LCNSPTOV Scheme communication ZCPSCH overvoltage protection logic for distance or overcurrent protection Three phase overcurrent LCP3PTOC Current reversal and ZCRWPSCH weak-end infeed logic for distance protection Three phase...
  • Page 409 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 17 Station communication Function description IEC 61850 identification Function description IEC 61850 identification Busbar differential BCZPDIF Busbar differential BICPTRC_x, (1≤x≤5) protection, check zone protection, bus interconnection xx Busbar differential BDZSGAPC Busbar differential BZNPDIF_Zx, (1≤x≤6) protection, dynamic zone protection, zone 1 selection Busbar differential...
  • Page 410 Section 17 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Station communication Using PTP for synchronizing the MU SAM600 TS SAM600 VT SAM600 CT IEC17000040-1-en.vsdx IEC17000040 V1 EN-US Figure 215: Setting example with PTP synchronization Settings on the local HMI under Main menu/Configuration/Time/Synchronization/ TIMESYNCHGEN:1/IEC61850-9-2: HwSyncSrc : is not used as the SW-time and HW-time are connected with each other due to •...
  • Page 411 Figure 216: Setting example when MU is the synchronizing source Settings on the local HMI under Main menu/Configuration/Time/Synchronization/ TIMESYNCHGEN:1/IEC61850-9-2: HwSyncSrc : set to PPS as generated by the MU (ABB MU) • SyncLostMode : set to Block to block protection functions if time synchronization is lost •...
  • Page 412 Section 17 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Station communication PPS / IRIG-B IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE data STATION CLOCK IEC10000074=2=en=Original.vsd IEC10000074 V2 EN-US Figure 217: Setting example with external synchronization Settings on the local HMI under Main menu/Configuration/Time/Synchronization/ TIMESYNCHGEN:1/IEC61850-9-2: HwSyncSrc : set to PPS/IRIG-B depending on available outputs on the clock. •...
  • Page 413 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 17 Station communication IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE Data IEC10000075=2=en=Original.vsd IEC10000075 V2 EN-US Figure 218: Setting example without time synchronization It is also possible to use IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE communication without time synchronization. Settings on the local HMI under Main menu/Configuration/Time/Synchronization/ TIMESYNCHGEN:1/IEC61850-9-2: HwSyncSrc : set to Off •...
  • Page 414 Section 17 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Station communication IEC16000073-1-en.vsdx IEC16000073 V1 EN-US Figure 219: Quality expander block in ACT The expanded quality bits are visible on the outputs as per IEC 61850-7-3 standard. When written to IED, the configuration will show the expanded form of the respective MU channel quality information during the online monitoring in the ACT.
  • Page 415 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 17 Station communication The fiber optic LON bus is implemented using either glass core or plastic core fiber optic cables. Table 55: Specification of the fiber optic connectors Glass fiber Plastic fiber Cable connector ST-connector snap-in connector Cable diameter 62.5/125 m...
  • Page 416 Section 17 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Station communication 17.4.2 MULTICMDRCV and MULTICMDSND SEMOD119881-1 v3 Identification GUID-1A6E066C-6399-4D37-8CA5-3074537E48B2 v3 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Multiple command and receive MULTICMDRCV Multiple command and send MULTICMDSND Application M14790-3 v5...
  • Page 417 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 17 Station communication Utility LAN Remote monitoring Substation LAN IEC05000715-4-en.vsd IEC05000715 V4 EN-US Figure 221: SPA communication structure for a remote monitoring system via a substation LAN, WAN and utility LAN SPA communication is mainly used for the Station Monitoring System. It can include different IEDs with remote communication possibilities.
  • Page 418 Section 17 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Station communication optical loop or RS485 network, take this into account when making the communication setup in the communication master (the PC). With local fiber optic communication, communication speed is usually set to 19200 or 38400 baud.
  • Page 419 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 17 Station communication Functionality M17109-38 v3 IEC 60870-5-103 is an unbalanced (master-slave) protocol for coded-bit serial communication exchanging information with a control system. In IEC terminology a primary station is a master and a secondary station is a slave. The communication is based on a point-to-point principle. The master must have software that can interpret the IEC 60870-5-103 communication messages.
  • Page 420 Section 17 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Station communication Status M17109-74 v6 For more information on the function blocks below, refer to the Communication protocol manual, IEC 60870-5-103 . The events created in the IED available for the IEC 60870-5-103 protocol are based on the: •...
  • Page 421 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 17 Station communication Function blocks with user defined input measurands in monitor direction, I103MeasUsr. These function blocks include the FUNCTION TYPE parameter for each block in the private range, and the INFORMATION NUMBER parameter for each block. Fault location M17109-108 v1 The fault location is expressed in reactive ohms.
  • Page 422 Section 17 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Station communication • RS485PROT:1 (off, DNP, IEC103) • SLM optical serial port • PROTOCOL:1 (off, DNP, IEC103, SPA) GUID-CD4EB23C-65E7-4ED5-AFB1-A9D5E9EE7CA8 V3 EN GUID-CD4EB23C-65E7-4ED5-AFB1-A9D5E9EE7CA8 V3 EN-US Figure 223: Settings for IEC 60870-5-103 communication The general settings for IEC 60870-5-103 communication are the following: SlaveAddress and BaudRate : Settings for slave number and communication speed (baud •...
  • Page 423 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 17 Station communication Disturbance Recordings M17109-141 v8 For each input of the Disturbance recorder function there is a setting for the information number of the connected signal. The function type and the information number can be set to any value between 0 and 255.
  • Page 424 Section 17 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Station communication DRA#-Input IEC 60870-5-103 meaning Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range 17.6.3 Function and information types M17109-145 v7 Product type IEC103mainFunType value Comment: REL 128 Compatible range REC 242 Private range, use default RED 192 Compatible range...
  • Page 425 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 18 Remote communication Section 18 Remote communication 18.1 Binary signal transfer IP12423-1 v2 18.1.1 Identification M14849-1 v3 Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification device number BinSignRec1_1 Binary signal transfer, BinSignRec1_2 receive BinSignReceive2 Binary signal transfer, BinSigRec1_12M...
  • Page 426 Section 18 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Remote communication 3-end differential protection with two communication links Ldcm312 Ldcm312 IED-A IED-B IED-C Ldcm312 Ldcm313 IEC16000077-1-en.vsd IEC16000077 V1 EN-US Figure 224: Three-end differential protection with two communication links If the LDCM is in 2Mbit mode, you can send the three local currents as well as the three remote currents from the other links by configuring the transmitters in IED-B: Ldcm312 transmitter sends the local currents and the three currents received by Ldcm313.
  • Page 427 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 18 Remote communication Multiplexer Multiplexer Telecom. Network *) Converting optical to galvanic G.703 en05000527-2.vsd IEC05000527 V2 EN-US Figure 226: LDCM with an external optical to galvanic converter and a multiplexer When an external modem G.703 or X.21 is used, the connection between LDCM and the modem is made with a multimode fiber of max.
  • Page 428 Section 18 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Remote communication <= 192 Binary Signals => Wire status of REB 670, B31 disconnectors Phase L1 from Bays 01-08 <= 192 Binary Signals => Wire status of REB 670, B31 disconnectors Phase L2 from Bays 09-16 <= 192 Binary Signals =>...
  • Page 429 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 18 Remote communication OutOfService IED informs the remote end that it is out of service TerminalNo is used to assign a unique address to each LDCM in all current differential IEDs. Up to 256 LDCMs can be assigned a unique number. For example, in a local IED with two LDCMs: TerminalNo to 1 and RemoteTermNo to 2 •...
  • Page 430 Section 18 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Remote communication OptoPower has two settings: LowPower and HighPower . LowPower for fibres 0 – 1 km and HighPower for fibers greater than 1 Short-range LDCM: Use LowPower and HighPower . Medium-range LDCM: Typical distance 80 km for both LowPower and HighPower .
  • Page 431 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 18 Remote communication Table 59: Example of calculating the optical budget (maximum distance) Type of LDCM Short range (SR) Short range (SR) Medium range (MR) Long range (LR) Type of fibre Multi-mode fiber Multi-mode fiber Single-mode fiber Single-mode fiber glass 50/125 μm...
  • Page 432 Section 18 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Remote communication 1½ breaker arrangement has two local currents, and the Current Transformer (CT) earthing for those can differ. CT-SUM transmits the sum of the two CT groups. CT-DIFF1 transmits CT CT-DIFF2 transmits CT group 2 minus CT group 1. group 1 minus CT group 2 and CT-GRP1 and CT-GRP2 transmit the respective CT groups, and setting RedundantChannel determines that the channel is used as a redundant backup channel.
  • Page 433 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 19 Security Section 19 Security 19.1 Authority status ATHSTAT SEMOD158575-1 v2 19.1.1 Application SEMOD158527-5 v3 Authority status (ATHSTAT) function is an indication function block, which informs about two events related to the IED and the user authorization: •...
  • Page 434 CHNGLCK input. If such a situation would occur in spite of these precautions, then please contact the local ABB representative for remedial action. Busbar protection REB670...
  • Page 435 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 19 Security 19.4 Denial of service SCHLCCH/RCHLCCH 19.4.1 Application GUID-64F4D905-9F73-4073-B8F6-8D373155316A v5 The denial of service functionality is designed to limit the CPU load that can be produced by Ethernet network traffic on the IED. The communication facilities must not be allowed to compromise the primary functionality of the device.
  • Page 437 • ProductionDate • IEDProdType Figure 228: IED summary This information is very helpful when interacting with ABB product support (for example during repair and maintenance). 20.2.2 Factory defined settings M11789-39 v11 The factory defined settings are very useful for identifying a specific version and very helpful in the case of maintenance, repair, interchanging IEDs between different Substation Automation Systems and upgrading.
  • Page 438 Section 20 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Basic IED functions REL670 • Describes the type of the IED. Example: • ProductDef 2.1.0 • Describes the release number from the production. Example: • FirmwareVer • Describes the firmware version. • The firmware version can be checked from Main menu/Diagnostics/IED status/ Product identifiers •...
  • Page 439 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 20 Basic IED functions 20.3.3 Setting guidelines SEMOD113223-4 v1 There are no settable parameters for the measured value expander block function. 20.4 Parameter setting groups IP1745-1 v1 20.4.1 Application M12007-6 v10 Six sets of settings are available to optimize IED operation for different power system conditions.
  • Page 440 Section 20 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Basic IED functions 20.5.2 Application M15288-3 v6 The rated system frequency and phase rotation direction are set under Main menu/ Configuration/ Power system/ Primary Values in the local HMI and PCM600 parameter setting tree. 20.5.3 Setting guidelines M15292-3 v2...
  • Page 441 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 20 Basic IED functions 20.7.2 Application GUID-D58ECA9A-9771-443D-BF84-8EF582A346BF v4 Global base values function (GBASVAL) is used to provide global values, common for all applicable functions within the IED. One set of global values consists of values for current, voltage and apparent power and it is possible to have twelve different sets.
  • Page 442 Section 20 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Basic IED functions 20.9.2 Setting guidelines SEMOD55228-5 v2 There are no setting parameters for the Signal matrix for binary outputs SMBO available to the user in Parameter Setting tool. However, the user must give a name to SMBO instance and SMBO outputs, directly in the Application Configuration tool.
  • Page 443 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 20 Basic IED functions SMAI1 SPFCOUT BLOCK SAPTOF DFTSPFC G1AI3P U3P* TRIP SAPTOF(1)_TRIP UL1L2 START BLOCK REVROT G1AI1 BLKTRIP BLKDMAGN PHASEL1 G1AI2 FREQ ^GRP1L1 G1AI4 TRM_40.CH7(U) PHASEL2 ^GRP1L2 PHASEL3 ^GRP1L3 NEUTRAL ^GRP1N EC10000060-3-en.vsdx IEC10000060 V3 EN-US Figure 229: Connection example ConnectionType is The above described scenario does not work if SMAI setting...
  • Page 444 Section 20 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Basic IED functions L2 and L3 will be calculated for use in symmetrical situations. If N component should be used respectively the phase component during faults I must be connected to input 4. Negation : If the user wants to negate the 3ph signal, it is possible to choose to negate only the Negate3Ph , only the neutral signal NegateN or both Negate3Ph+N .
  • Page 445 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 20 Basic IED functions Task time group 1 SMAI instance 3 phase group SMAI1:1 SMAI2:2 SMAI3:3 AdDFTRefCh7 SMAI4:4 SMAI5:5 SMAI6:6 SMAI7:7 SMAI8:8 SMAI9:9 SMAI10:10 SMAI11:11 SMAI12:12 Task time group 2 SMAI instance 3 phase group SMAI1:13 AdDFTRefCh4 SMAI2:14...
  • Page 446 Section 20 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Basic IED functions SMAI1:13 BLOCK SPFCOUT DFTSPFC AI3P ^GRP1L1 ^GRP1L2 ^GRP1L3 SMAI1:1 ^GRP1N BLOCK SPFCOUT DFTSPFC AI3P ^GRP1L1 ^GRP1L2 ^GRP1L3 ^GRP1N SMAI1:25 BLOCK SPFCOUT DFTSPFC AI3P ^GRP1L1 ^GRP1L2 ^GRP1L3 ^GRP1N IEC07000198-2-en.vsd IEC07000198 V3 EN-US Figure 231: Configuration for using an instance in task time group 1 as DFT reference Assume instance SMAI7:7 in task time group 1 has been selected in the configuration to control the frequency tracking .
  • Page 447 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 20 Basic IED functions SMAI1:1 BLOCK SPFCOUT DFTSPFC AI3P ^GRP1L1 ^GRP1L2 ^GRP1L3 SMAI1:13 ^GRP1N BLOCK SPFCOUT DFTSPFC AI3P ^GRP1L1 ^GRP1L2 ^GRP1L3 ^GRP1N SMAI1:25 BLOCK SPFCOUT DFTSPFC AI3P ^GRP1L1 ^GRP1L2 ^GRP1L3 ^GRP1N IEC07000199-2-en.vsd IEC07000199 V3 EN-US Figure 232: Configuration for using an instance in task time group 2 as DFT reference.
  • Page 448 Section 20 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Basic IED functions IEC 61850 protocol test mode GUID-82998715-6F23-4CAF-92E4-05E1A863CF33 v5 The function block TESTMODE has implemented the extended testing mode capabilities for IEC 61850 Ed2 systems. Operator commands sent to the function block TESTMODE determine the behavior of the functions.
  • Page 449 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 20 Basic IED functions the Main menu/Test/Function status/Function group/Function block descriptive name/LN name/Outputs. Beh of a function block is set to Test , the function block is not blocked and all • When the control commands with a test bit are accepted. Beh of a function block is set to Test/blocked , all control commands with a test •...
  • Page 450 Section 20 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Basic IED functions For IEDs using IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE in "mixed mode" a time synchronization from an external clock is recommended to the IED and all connected merging units. The time synchronization from the clock to the IED can be PTP, optical PPS or IRIG-B. For IEDs using IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE from one single MU as analog data source, the MU and IED still need to be synchronized to each other.
  • Page 451 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 20 Basic IED functions FineSyncSource can have the following values: • • • BIN (Binary Minute Pulse) • • GPS+SPA • • GPS+LON GPS+BIN • SNTP • GPS+SNTP • IRIG-B • GPS+IRIG-B • • CoarseSyncSrc which can have the following values: •...
  • Page 452 Section 20 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Basic IED functions IEC16000089-1-en.vsdx IEC16000089 V1 EN-US Figure 233: Enabling PTP in ECT PTP VLAN tag must have the same value in station clock and in the IED. The default value is set to 0. PTP VLAN tag does not need to be the same on all access points in one IED.
  • Page 453 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 20 Basic IED functions Design of the time system (clock synchronization ) ). To achieve this, PTP, PPS or IRIG-B section can be used depending of the facilities of the merging unit. If the merging unit supports PTP, use PTP. If PTP is used in the IED and the merging unit is not PTP capable, then synchronize the merging unit from the IED via a PPS out from the GTM.
  • Page 455 So far remanence factors of maximum 80% have been considered when CT requirements have been decided for ABB IEDs. Even in the future this level of remanent flux probably will be the maximum level that will be considered when decided the CT requirements.
  • Page 456 HR type CTs, for which the formulas are given in this document, must be multiplied by factor two-and-a-half in order for VHR type CTs (i.e. with new material) to be used together with ABB protection IEDs. However, this may result in unacceptably big CT cores, which can be difficult to manufacture and fit in available space.
  • Page 457 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 21 Requirements have been considered at the tests. The current requirements below are thus applicable both for symmetrical and asymmetrical fault currents. Depending on the protection function phase-to-earth, phase-to-phase and three-phase faults have been tested for different relevant fault positions for example, close in forward and reverse faults, zone 1 reach faults, internal and external faults.
  • Page 458 CT (TPZ) is not well defined as far as the phase angle error is concerned. If no explicit recommendation is given for a specific function we therefore recommend contacting ABB to confirm that the non remanence type can be used.
  • Page 459 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 21 Requirements Maximum primary fundamental frequency fault current on the busbar (A) fmax The rated primary CT current (A) The rated secondary CT current (A) The rated current of the protection IED (A) The secondary resistance of the CT (W) The resistance of the secondary wire and additional load (W).
  • Page 460 Section 21 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Requirements Non-directional instantaneous and definitive time, phase and residual overcurrent protection M11622-3 v5 The CTs must have a rated equivalent limiting secondary e.m.f. E that is larger than or equal to the required rated equivalent limiting secondary e.m.f. E below: alreq æ...
  • Page 461 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 21 Requirements The secondary resistance of the CT (W) The resistance of the secondary cable and additional load (W). The loop resistance containing the phase and neutral wires, must be used for faults in solidly earthed systems. The resistance of a single secondary wire should be used for faults in high impedance earthed systems.
  • Page 462 Section 21 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Requirements the E is approximately 80 % of the E . Therefore, the CTs according to class PX, PXR, X and knee TPS must have a rated knee point e.m.f. E that fulfills the following: knee »...
  • Page 463 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 21 Requirements The capacitive voltage transformers (CVTs) should fulfill the requirements according to the IEC 61869-5 standard regarding ferro-resonance and transients. The ferro-resonance requirements of the CVTs are specified in chapter 6.502 of the standard. The transient responses for three different standard transient response classes, T1, T2 and T3 are specified in chapter 6.503 of the standard.
  • Page 464 Section 21 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Requirements • One master clock for the actual network • The actual port Synchronized to the SDH system clock at 2048 kbit • Synchronization; bit synchronized, synchronized mapping • Maximum clock deviation <±50 ppm nominal, <±100 ppm operational •...
  • Page 465 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 21 Requirements Factors influencing the accuracy of the sampled values from the merging unit are for example anti aliasing filters, frequency range, step response, truncating, A/D conversion inaccuracy, time tagging accuracy etc. In principle the accuracy of the current and voltage transformers, together with the merging unit, shall have the same quality as direct input of currents and voltages.
  • Page 467 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 22 Glossary Section 22 Glossary M14893-1 v18 Alternating current Actual channel Application configuration tool within PCM600 A/D converter Analog-to-digital converter ADBS Amplitude deadband supervision Analog digital conversion module, with time synchronization Analog input ANSI American National Standards Institute Autoreclosing ASCT Auxiliary summation current transformer...
  • Page 468 Section 22 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Glossary CO cycle Close-open cycle Codirectional Way of transmitting G.703 over a balanced line. Involves two twisted pairs making it possible to transmit information in both directions Command COMTRADE Standard Common Format for Transient Data Exchange format for Disturbance recorder according to IEEE/ANSI C37.111, 1999 / IEC 60255-24 Contra-directional...
  • Page 469 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 22 Glossary Electromagnetic interference EnFP End fault protection Enhanced performance architecture Electrostatic discharge F-SMA Type of optical fiber connector Fault number Flow control bit; Frame count bit FOX 20 Modular 20 channel telecommunication system for speech, data and protection signals FOX 512/515 Access multiplexer...
  • Page 470 Section 22 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Glossary IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE 802.12 A network technology standard that provides 100 Mbits/s on twisted- pair or optical fiber cable IEEE P1386.1 PCI Mezzanine Card (PMC) standard for local bus modules. References the CMC (IEEE P1386, also known as Common Mezzanine Card) standard for the mechanics and the PCI specifications from the PCI SIG (Special Interest Group) for the electrical EMF (Electromotive force).
  • Page 471 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 22 Glossary National Control Centre Number of grid faults Numerical module OCO cycle Open-close-open cycle Overcurrent protection Optical Ethernet module OLTC On-load tap changer OTEV Disturbance data recording initiated by other event than start/pick-up Overvoltage Overreach A term used to describe how the relay behaves during a fault condition.
  • Page 472 Section 22 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Glossary Short circuit location Station control system SCADA Supervision, control and data acquisition System configuration tool according to standard IEC 61850 Service data unit SELV circuit Safety Extra-Low Voltage circuit type according to IEC60255-27 Small form-factor pluggable (abbreviation) Optical Ethernet port (explanation) Serial communication module.
  • Page 473 1MRK 505 370-UEN D Section 22 Glossary Transformer Module. This module transforms currents and voltages taken from the process into levels suitable for further signal processing. Type identification User management tool Underreach A term used to describe how the relay behaves during a fault condition. For example, a distance relay is underreaching when the impedance presented to it is greater than the apparent impedance to the fault applied to the balance point, that is, the set reach.
  • Page 476 ABB AB Grid Automation Products SE-721 59 Västerås, Sweden Phone +46 (0) 21 32 50 00 Scan this QR code to visit our website www.abb.com/protection-control © Copyright 2017 ABB. All rights reserved.

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