Nor Velleman nv nor its dealers can be held responsible for any damage (extraordinary, incidental or indirect) – of any nature (financial, physical…) arising from the possession, use or failure of this product.
Go to Files Examples and scroll down to U8glib. Open the example Graphicstest. In the sketch “Graphicstest”, several types of displays can be selected. Just “un-comment” the one you need. For the VMA438 you have to un-comment: U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X64 u8g(U8G_I2C_OPT_NO_ACK); // Display which does not send AC Compile and upload the sketch to your VMA100 and enjoy! V.
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VMA438 The “Graphicstest” sketch with only the correct driver line for VMA438 looks like this: GraphicsTest.pde >>> Before compiling: Please remove comment from the constructor of the >>> connected graphics display (see below). Universal 8bit Graphics Library, Copyright (c) 2012, All rights reserved.
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