hit counter script

HP J4900B Installation And Getting Started Manual page 73

Procurve series 2600 switches
Table of Contents


The port may be
Use the switch console to see if the port is part of a dynamic trunk (through the LACP
feature) or to see if Spanning Tree is enabled on the switch, and to see if the port may
configured, or
have been put into a "blocking" state by those features. The show lacp command displays
the port may be in
the port status for the LACP feature; the show spanning-tree command displays the port
a "blocking"
status for Spanning Tree.
state by the
Also check the Port Status screen using the show interfaces command to see if the port
normal operation
has been configured as "disabled".
of the Spanning
Other switch features that may affect the port operation include VLANs and IGMP. Use
Tree, LACP, or
the switch console to see how the port is configured for these features.
IGMP features.
For software troubleshooting tips, see the chapter "Troubleshooting" in the Management
and Configuration Guide, which is on the Documentation CD-ROM that came with your
Ensure also, that the device at the other end of the connection is indicating a good link
to the switch. If it is not, the problem may be with the cabling between the devices or the
connectors on the cable.
RPS or EPS is
Refer to the ProCurve 600/610 External Power Supplies documentation.
connected but
has experienced
a fault.
Diagnosing with the LEDs


Table of Contents

Table of Contents