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I:RnFrSMRN° LAWN TRACTOR 22 HP, Hydrostatic Drive 46" Deck Model No. 247.288890 • Espanol, P. 60 This product has a low emission engine which operates differently from previously built engines. Before you start the engine, read and understand this Operator's Manual.
Withproofofpurchase, a newcastironfrontaxlewillbe supplied freeofcharge. WARRANTYSERVICE Forwarrantycoveragedetailsto obtainfreerepairor replacement, c arl1-800-659-5917 or visit the website: in all casesabove,if part repairor replacement i s impossible,the ridingequipmentwill be replacedfree of chargewith the sameor an equivalent model.
This machinewas builtto be operatedaccordingto the safeopera- This symbolpointsout importantsafetyinstructionswhich,if not tion practicesin this manual.As with anytype of powerequipment, followed,couldendangerthepersonalsafetyand/orpropertyof carelessnessor error on the partof the operatorcan resultin serious yourselfand others. Readand followall instructionsin this manual injury.This machineis capableof amputatingfingers,hands,toes beforeattemptingto operatethis machine.Failureto complywith and feet and throwingdebris.Failureto observethe followingsafety these instructionsmay resultin personalinjury.Whenyou seethis...
SLOPE OPERATION • Slowdownbeforeturning.Operatethe machinesmoothly.Avoid erraticoperationand excessivespeed. Slopesare a majorfactorrelatedto loss of controland tip-over Disengageblade(s),set parkingbrake,stopengine and wait until accidentswhichcan result in severeinjuryor death.All slopes require the blade(s)come to a completestop beforeremoving grass extra caution.If youcannot back up the slopeor if youfeel uneasyon catcher,emptyinggrass,uncloggingchute,removinganygrass or it, do not mowit.
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CHILDREN SERVICE Tragicaccidentscanoccur ifthe operatoris notalert to the presence SafeHandlingof Gasoline of children.Childrenare often attractedto the machineand the mowing Toavoidpersonalinjury or propertydamageuse extremecarein activity.They do notunderstandthe dangers.Neverassumethat handlinggasoline.Gasolineisextremelyflammableand the vaporsare childrenwill remainwhereyou last sawthem. explosive.Seriouspersonalinjury canoccur whengasolineis spilled • Keepchildrenout of the mowingareaand inwatchfulcare of a on yourselfor your clotheswhich can ignite.
General Service • Donot changethe enginegovernorsettingsor over-speed the • Never run anengine indoors orina poorly ventilated area. Engine engine.The governorcontrolsthe maximumsafe operatingspeed exhaust contains carbon monoxide, anodorless, and deadly gas. of the engine. • Before cleaning, repairing, orinspecting, make c ertain the Maintainor replacesafetyand instructionlabels,as necessary.
SAFETY SYMBOLS This pagedepictsand describessafety symbolsthat may appearon this product. Read,understand,and follow all instructions on the machine beforeattemptingto assembleand operate. READ THE OPERATOR'S MANUAL(S) Read, understand, and follow all instructions in the manual(s) before attempting to assemble and operate DANGER-- ROTATING BLADES Never carry passengers.
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15° Slope 15° Slope (OK) (TOO STEEP) '_. _ Figure 1 Figure 2 15° dashed line USETHISSLOPE GAUGE TODETERMINE IF A SLOPE IS TOOSTEEPFORSAFEOPERATION! To checkthe slope, proceedas follows: Removethis pageand fold along the dashedline. Locatea verticalobject on or behindthe slope (e.g. a pole, building,fence, tree, etc.) 3.
IM PORTANT: Yourtractorisshippedwith motoroil inthe engine.However, ShippingBraceRemoval youMUST check the oil levelbefore operating. R eferto the Service & Maintenance sectionforinstructions on Checking TheEngine Oil. Makesurethe ridingmower'sengineis off, removetheignitionkey, Attachingthe Battery Cables and set the parkingbrakebeforeremoving the shippingbrace. Refer jto the Operationsectionfor instructionson howto set the parking lbrake.
Figure 3 Figure4 Placethe steering wheel cap overthe centerofthe steering wheel and push downward until it "clicks" into place. Attaching The Seat If the seatforyourtractorwasnot attached at the factory,referto the following steps. NOTE: Forshippingreasons, the seatmayhavenot beenattached at the factory.In thiscase, f reetheseatfrom itsshippingpositionandproceed usingthe instructions below: Position the seatassembly overthe seatmountingbracket, a ligningthe holes...
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NOTE: A nyreference inthismanual t o the RIGHT or LEFT s ideof the tractoris IgnitionSwitch observed fromoperator's seatpositionfacingforwardtowardsthe front of tractor. DeckLift Lever PTO Lever ( BladeEngage) MeetsANSi S afetyStandards CupHolder Craftsman T ractors c onformto the safetystandardofthe American National BrakePedal Standards I nstitute(ANSI). Speed Control L ever...
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Parking Brake Neverleavea running machineunattended.AlwaysdisengagePTO, m ove Tosetthe parkingbrake, f ully depress t he parkingbrake pedal.Movethe parking shift lever into neutralposition, setparking brake,stop engine andremove brakeleverintothe ONposition.Release t he parkingbrakepedalto allowthe keyto preventunintended starting. parkingbraketo engage. Torelease the parkingbrake, d epress t he parkingbrakepedal a ndmovethe SeatAdjustmentLever parkingbrakeleverout of the ON positionandintothe OFF position.
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Donot overfill fueltank.Filltankto no morethan 1/2inchbelowbottomof ParkingBrakePedal& Lever filler neckto allowspace for fuelexpansion. Theparkingparkingbrakepedalislocated onthe left siderunning Neverremove gascapor addfuel whilethe engineishot or running.Allow boardofthe lawntractor.It isusedto bothsetthe parkingbrake engineto coolatleasttwo minutesbefore refueling. andto stopthe lawntractorin sudden situations. Ifgasoline isspilled,wipeit off the engineandequipment. M ovemachine to Theparkingbrakeleverislocatedonthe left sideof the tractor's anotherarea.Wait5 minutesbefore startingtheengine.
Safety interlock System Keep hands andfeetaway from the discharge o peningof the cuttingdeck. Thesafetyinterlock systemisdesigned forsafeoperationof the tractor.If this system shouldevermalfunction, d o notoperatethe tractor,immediately contact 1-800-4-MY-HOME to havethe system serviced. NOTE: Thedeckwheels areananti-scalp featureof the deckandarenot designed Thesafetyinterlocksystemprevents the enginefromstartingunless to supportthe weightof the cuttingdeck.Referto Leveling inthe Service a nd the parkingbrakeisengaged andthe PTO (BladeEngage) leverisin the Maintenance s ectionof thismanual f ormoredetailedinstructionsregarding various...
Setthe parkingbrakebyfullydepressing t he parkingbrakepedaland Stopping the Engine keepingit depressed w hileplacingthe parkingbrakeleverinthe ON position.Release t he parkingbrakepedal t o allowthe parkingbraketo engage. Ifyoustrikeaforeignobject,stopthe engine,disconnect the sparkplugwire(s) andgroundagainst t he engine.Thoroughly inspectthe machine foranydamage. Repair t he damage beforerestartingandoperating Before leavingthe operator's positionforanyreason, d isengage t he blades, p lace the speed controlleverin neutral,engage the parkingbrake, s hutengineoffand remove the key.
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Mowing MovingTheTractorManually Yourtractor'stransmission i sequipped with a hydrostatic reliefvalveforoccasions when it isnecessary t o movethe tractormanually. A ctivating thisvalveforces Tohelpavoidbladecontact o r athrown objectinjury, k eepbystanders, helpers, the fluid in thetransmission to bypass i ts normal r oute,allowingthe reartiresto I children andpetsat least75feetfromthe machine whileit isinoperation. S top "freewheel."Toengage the hydrostatic reliefvalve,proceed asfollows: [ machine if anyone entersthe area.
MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Beforeperforminganytype ofmaintenance/service, disengage allcontrols Follow the maintenance s chedule givenbelow.Thischartdescribes s ervice andstopthe engine.Waituntil all movingpartshavecometo acomplete guidelines only.Use the Service Logcolumn to keeptrackofcompleted stop. D isconnect spark plug wireandground itagainstthe engineto prevent maintenance t asks.Tolocate the nearest Parts & RepairServiceCenter or to unintended s tarting.Always wearsafetyglasses duringoperation o rwhile schedule service, simply contact1-800-4-MY-HOME _.
EngineMaintenance Changing the Engine Oil and Filter Checking the Engine Oil Onlyusehighqualitydetergentoil ratedwith APIservice classification S F, S G, If the engine hasbeenrecently run, the engine,muffler andsurrounding SH, o r SJ. S elect t he oil'sSAE viscosity gradeaccording to the expected operating metal surfaceswill be hot andcancauseburnsto the skin.
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Install the o il f ilter by hand until the gasket contacts the oil f ilter adapter, Tochangethe fuel filter: then t ighten the oil f ilter 1/2 to3/4 t urns. Usepliersto squeeze the tabsonthe otherclamp(theout-linesideof the Refill the engine with new motor oil u ntil the oil l evel on the d ipstick reads fuelfilter), thenslidethe clampawayfrom the fuelfilter.
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Air Cleaner Remove a ndinspectthe sparkplug.Check gapto makesureit issetat .030". See Figure 16. NOTE: Operating enginewith looseor damaged aircleaner c omponents c ouldcause premature wearandfailure.Replace all bentor damaged components. Electrode Porcelain NOTE: Paper e lement c annotbe blownout with compressed a ir. Loosen knobs andremove air cleaner c over, s eeFigure 15.
FrontA×les Drive the tractorto a level, c learspotonyourlawn,nearenough foryour gardenhoseto reach. Each endof the tractor'sfront pivot barmaybeequipped with agrease fitting. Lubricate with agrease gunafter every25 hoursoftractoroperation. Battery Makecertain the tractor's dischargechute isdirected AWAY from your house, garage, parkedcars,etc. Thebatteryis sealed andismaintenance-free. Acidlevels cannotbechecked. Always keepthe batterycables andterminalscleanandfreeof corrosive Disengage thePTO (Blade Engage), settheparking b rake and stop the...
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With the tractorparked on afirm, levelsurface, p lacethe decklift leverin Adjustments the second from the top notch(second highestposition)androtateboth blades sothattheyareperpendicular with the tractor. Neverattempt to makeany adjustmentswhile the engine is running, except Measure t he distance fromthe outsideofthe left bladetip to the ground wherespecified inthe operator'smanual.
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CuttingDecklemovai To remove the cutting deck, proceed as follows: Bow-Tie Clip Place the PTO (BladeEngage) l everinthe disengaged (OFF) p ositionand engage the parkingbrake. Lowerthe deckbymovingthe decklift leverinto the bottomnotchon the right fender. Remove t he self-tapping screw(A)thatsecures the belt-keeper r odfrom around the tractor'sPTO pulley,thenremove the belt keeperrod(B).See Figure 20.
Connect theotherend ofthecabletothe(positive +) postofthejumperbattery. Connect the second cable(negative -) to the otherpostof thejumper battery. Connect the otherendofthe negative cableto the engineblockofthe tractor,away from the battery.Attachto anunpaintedpartto assure agood connection. If the jumperbattery is installed on avehicle(,truck),do NOT start the vehicle'senginewhen jump starting your tractor. Startthe tractor(asinstructed earlierinthissectionof thismanual).
Toremove the blades, p roceed asfollows: Testthe blade'sbalanceusinga bladebalancer. G rindmetalfrom the Remove t he deckfrom beneath the tractor,(referto CuttingDeck Removal heavysideuntil it balances e venly. earlierin thissection)thengentlyflip the deckoverto expose its underside. NOTE: Whenreplacing the blade,besureto installthe bladewith the sideofthe Place a blockofwood betweenthe centerdeckhousing baffleandthe blademarked "Bottom"...
ParkingBrakeAdjustment Changing the TransmissionDrive Belt NO}E: Severalcomponentsmustbe removed and special tools(i.e. air/ impactwrench)in order to changethetractor'sdrivebelt. Contactthe Neverattempt to adjust the brakeswhile the engine isrunning. AMays nearest Parts & Repair Service Center to haveyour transmission disengagePTO(BladeEngageLever),moveshift leverinto neutral position, drive beltserviced. stop engine andremovekeyto prevent unintendedstarting.
Neverstore lawn tractor with fuel intank indoors or in poorlyventilated areaswhere fuel fumes may reachan openflame, spark,or pilot light ason afurnace,water heater,clothesdryer,or gasappliance. PreparingTheEngine DrainingThe Fuel IMPORTANT: Fuel l eft inthe fuel tankduringwarmweatherdeteriorates a nd Locate the fuel filter,whichis located onthe left sideofthe engine,andmay will cause serious startingproblems.
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Craftsman Model 247.288890 925-1649 Bulb Socket 783-06811-0637 Dash 683-04619A-0691 747-05371 Fuel Tank Support Hood Assembly 747-05326 710-04484 Screw, 5/16-18 x .750 Dash support 747-05398 Control 710-0599 Hex Washer Screw, 1/4-20 x .500 712-0292 951-04304 Fuel Tank Tin Clip Nut, 1/4-20...
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KohlerEngine Model No. SV620-3215 For CraftsmanMower Model No. 247.288890 25 173 33-S Cap, Masking 25 155 51-S Connector, Evaporative 25 326 08-S Hose, Evaporative 20" 20 094 06-S Kit, Air Cleaner Base 20 096 04-S Kit, Air Cleaner Cover 25 341 04-S...
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Look For Relevant Emissions Durability Period and Air index information On Your Engine Emissions Label Engines that are certified to meet the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Tier 2 Emission Standards must display information regarding the Emissions Durability Period and the Air Index. Sears Brands Management Corporation makes this information available to the consumer on our emission...
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(Thispage applicablein the U.S.A.and Canadaonly.) Sears Brands Management Corporation (Sears), the California Air Resources Board (CARD) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) Emission Control System Warranty Statement (Owner's Defect Warranty Rights and Obligations) EMISSIONCONTROL WARRANTY COVERAGEISAPPLICABLE TO CERTI- YEAR 1997AND LATERENGINES WHICHARE PURCHASED AND USED FIEDENGINESPURCHASEDIN CALIFORNIAIN 1995ANDTHEREAF- ELSEWHERE IN THE UNITEDSTATES (ANDAFTERJANUARY1,2001 IN...
FEDERAL and/or CALIFORNIA EMISSION CONTROL W ARRANTY S TATEMENT YOUR WARRANTY RIGHTS ANDOBLIGATIONS MTD Consumer Group Inc, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and, for those products certified for sale in the state of California, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) are pleased to explain the emission (evaporative and/or exhaust) control...
10. Add-on o rmodified parts t hatare not e xempted bythe AirResources Board m ay not b eused. The use ofany non-exempted add-on o r modified parts b ytheultimate purchaser willbegrounds fordisallowing awarranty claims. MTD Consumer Group I nc willnotbeliable t o warrant failures ofwarranted parts c aused bytheuse ofanon-exempted add-on o rmodified part.
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Congratulations on making a smart purchase. Your new Craftsman® product is designed manufactured for years of dependable operation. But like all products, it may require repair from time to time. That's when having a Repair Protection Agreement can save you money and aggravation.
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SERVlCIODEGARANT{A Paradetallesde la coberturade garantiaobtenerla reparaci6no reemplazo,Ilameal 1-800-659-5917 o visite el sitio web: Entodosloscasos,sisepartede la reparacbn o reemplazo e simposible, el equipo de equitacbn sereemplazar_, gratuitamente conelmismoo equivalente. Todos losde la anterior g arantia esnulasiseutiliza esteequipo de conduccbn mientras queproporciona s ervicios c omerciales o Sialquila a otrapersona.
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Esta rn_.quina r ue construidapara seroperadade acuerdocon La presenciade este sirnboloindicaque setrata de instrucciones las reglasde seguridadcontenidasen este manual.AI igualque irnportantesde seguridadque se deben respetarpara evitar concualquiertipo de equipo rnotorizado, u n descuidoo error por poner en peligrosu seguridadpersonaly/o materialy la de otras partedel operadorpuedeproducirlesionesgraves.Esta rn_.quina personas.Lea y siga todaslas instruccionesde este manualantes es capazde arnputarrnanosy piesy de arrojarobjetoscon gran...
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• Nuncadeje la rn_.quina e n funcionarniento s invigilancia.Apague • Vayaa bajavelocidad.ElijaunavelocidadIosuficienternente b aja, siernprelascuchillas, c oloqueel frenode rnano,detengael motory de rnodoque no tengaque detenerse o hacercarnbios rnientras retirela Ilaveantesde bajarsedel vehiculo. est,. sobrela pendiente. L osneurn_.ticos p odrianperdertracci6n sobrelaspendientes aQn cuandolosfrenosfuncionaran apro- •...
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• Paraevitaraccidentes al operaren rnarcha atr_.s, s iernpre desengan- • Apaguetodos loscigarrillos,cigarros,pipasy otrasfuentesde chelascuchillas antesde colocarrnarcha atr_.s. S iest,. instalado, cornbustidn. el "ModoPrecaucidn Marcha Atr_.s" ( hojasde operarla rn_.quina, • Nuncacarguecombustibleen la rn_.quina en un espaciocerrado. rnientras quelospaseosa la inversa) n o debeutilizarse cuandohay •...
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NO MODIFIQUE EL MOTOR • Reviselos pernosde montajede la(s) cuchilla(s)y del motora intervalosfrecuentespara verificarque est6n bien apretados. Paraevitarlesionesgraveso la muerte,no modifiqueel motorbajo Adem_.s, i nspeccionevisualmente la(s) cuchilla(s)en buscade ningunacircunstancia. S i cambiala configuraci6ndel reguladordel daSos(por ejemplo,desgasteexcesivo,abolladuras,rajaduras, motorel motor puededescontrolarse y operara velocidadesinsegu- etc.).
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SJlVlBOLOS DE SEGURIDAD Esta p&ginarepresenta y describela seguridadlos simbolosque puedenpareceren este producto.Lea,comprenda,y sigatodas instrucciones en la m_quinaantesprocurarpara reuniry operar. LEA EL MANUAL(S) DEL OPERADOR leido, entienda, y siga todas las instrucciones en el manual(s) antes de procurar montar y funcionar PELIGRO-- DE EL CORTE DE PIE Nunca transporte pasajeros.
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15° Pendiente I5 ° Pendiente (DEMASIADO ESCARPADO) (ACEPTAR) • Figura1 Figura 2 "'" USO DE ESTE PENDiENTE DE CALIBRE PARA DETERrvIINAR SlUNA PENDIENTEES DEIVlASIADO E SCARPADO PARA UNA OPEBACION SEGURA! Para comprobar la pendiente, haga Io siguiente: Borrar esta p_gina y doble a Io largo de la linea discontinua. Localizar un objeto vertical sobre o detr_.sde la pendiente (un poste, un edificio, una valla, un _.rbol,etc.) Alinee cada lado de pendiente de calibre con el objeto vertical (consultar Figura 1 and Figura 2 ).
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IMPORTANTE: Su tractor se envia con aceite para motor en el motor. E×tracci6n de la traba de seguridad Sin embargo, usted DEBEcontrolar el nivel de aceite antes de hacerlo funcionar. Consulte la secci6n Servicio y mantenimiento para obtener instrucciones sobre el Control del aceite del motor. Compruebe que el motordel tractor cortacesped estfi apagado, retire la ilavede encendido y ponga ei freno de mano antes de sacar ia traba de Colocaci6n...
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Figura29 Figura30 Coloquela tapadel volante encimadel centrodelvolantey empuje haciaabajohastaquehagaclical calzaren sulugar. Instalad6n del asiento Sisu tractor no traia el asientoinstalado de f_brica,consulte los pasossiguientes: NOTA:Por razonesrelacionadas con el embarque,esposible que no sehayainstalado el asientoen laf_brica. Enesecaso,libere el asientode su posicidnde embarquey contin0econ las instruccionessiguientes: Ubiqueel conjunto delasientosobreel soportede montaje del asiento, alineandolosorificios suministrados.Consulte"A"...
Page 70
Frenode mano Nuncadejelam_quinaenfuncionamientosinvigilancia.CortesiemprelaPTO, Para colocar e lfrenodemano, p resione a rondoelpedal d efreno.Mueva lapalanca d el muevalapalanca decambios a laposici6nNeutral(puntomuerto),pongael frenodemano hacia laposici6n ON. S uelte elpedal d efrenoparapermitir queelfreno frenode mano,pareelmotory retire laflare, paraevitar quealguienencienda demano engrane. acddentalmente el motor. Para soltarelfrenodemano, p resione e lpedal d efreno, s aque lapalanca delfrenode mano delaposici6n ON y ll_vela a laposici6n OFF.
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NoIleneenexceso e ldep6sito decombustible. Llene eldep6sito nom_sde1/2 Pedaly palancadei freno de mano pulgada pordebajo delabase delcuello de Ilenado para dejarespado para la Elpedal d efrenoest_ubicado s obre elestdbo lzquierdo deltractor expansl6n d elcombustible. cortac_sped. Se utlllzatantopara fljar elfrenodemano comopara Nunca saque latapadelcombustible n [agregue combustible m ientras elmotor detener e ltractorcortac_sped ensltuadones s orpreslvas.
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Sistema de bloqueo de seguridad El s istema debloqueo deseguridad e st_diseffado p araqueeltractorfuncione con Mantenga lasmanos y pies alejados d elaabertura dedescarga d elaplataforma decorte. seguridad. Si d ichosistema fundonamal,nosedebe hacer f undonar e ltractor, comun[quese deinmediato con1-800-4-MY-HOME para solicitar e lservicio delsistema. NOTA: L as ruedas d elaplataforma c onstituyen u n mecanismo paraelcuidado del Elsistema debloqueo deseguridad i mpide q ueelmotorarranque a menos que c_sped y nofueron diseffadas parasoportar e l peso delaplataforma decorte.Consulte...
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Detenci6n del motor Coloque e lfrenodemano presionando afondo elpedal d efrenoy mantenidndolo presionado mientras c oloca lapalanca d elfrenodemano enlaposici6n O N. S uelte elpedal d efrenoparapermitir queelfrenodemano engrane. Si g olpea contra algunobjeto extraffo, d etenga elmotor, d esconecte el(los) cable(s) de labujia y conecte e l motor a masa.
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Movimiento manual dei tractor Corte de c sped La transmisi6nde sutractor est_ equipadacon unav_lvula de descargahidrost_tica para ocaslones en las queesnecesar[omoverel tractor manualmente.AI actlvar Para tratardeevitarelcontacto conlascuch[llas o unalesi6n poralgOn objeto quesea esta v_lvula sefuerzaal I[quldo que est_en la transmlsi6na evltar suruta normal, arrojado, mantenga alos observadores, alosayudantes, ni_os y mascotas aleiados permlt[endo quelos neum_tlcostraseros"rueden Ilbremente".
PROGRAMA D EMANTENIMIENTO Siga el cronograma de mantenimiento que se presenta a continuaci6n. Antesdereaiizar c uaiquiertipo demantenimientooservicio, d esenganche t odos Estatabla s61odescribe pautas de servicio. Utilice la columna Registro loscontroies y detengaelmotor.Espere a quesedetengancompietamente t odas de Servicio para hacer el seguimiento de lastareas de mantenimiento laspiezas m6viies.Desconecte elcabledela bujiay p6ngalohaciendo masacontra completadas.
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Mantenimiento del motor Cambiode aceite de motor y filtro de aceite Control delaceitedemotor Usesolamente un aceitedetergentede aita calidadcuyaclasificaci6nde servicioAPIsea Si el motor ha estado en funcionamiento recientemente, el motor, el silenciador SF, S G,SHo SJ.Selecdoneel grado de viscosidadSAE del aceitesegunla temperatura y las superficies met_licas circundantes estar_n calientes y pueden causar de operad6nesperada.Sigalatabla que aparecea continuad6n.
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Llene pardalmente elffltrodeaceiteaproximadamente 3/4desucapaddad Para cambiar el filtro de combustible: conaceite limpioy nuevo. A ntes de instalar e lnuevo filtro deaceite, l ubrique Utflkepinzas paraapretarlasleng[Jetas de laotraabrazadera (elladofuerade ligeramente l ajuntadelffltrodeaceite conunpocodeaceite simplemente lineadelfiltro decombustible), luegodeslice laabrazadera alej_ndola d elfiltro mojando undedo enelaceite y pas_ndolo a lrededor delajunta.
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Vuelva ainstalar lacubiertadelpurificador d eairey sujete conlasperillas. Limpieel motor Diariamente o antes decadauso, l impie elc_sped, lagrasa olosresiduos acumulados enelmotor. M antenga l implos elvarillaje, l osresortes y loscontroles. Mantenga e l_irea q uerodea alsilendador y queest,1 detras delmismo fibre decualquier r esiduo combustible.
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Desperfectosde la bateda Nivelad6n frontal-posterior Algunas c ausas c omunes d efallade[abateffa son: El f rentede laplataforma decorteseapoya enunabarra estabilizadora quesepuede ajustar p aralaniveiaci6n f rontal-posterior delaplataforma. L apartefrontaldebe Actlvad6n [nlcial [ ncorrecta estarentre1/4y_8depulgada m_sbajaquelaparteposterior delaplataforma. D eser Sobrecarga necesado, reallce unajuste delasigulente manera: Congelamiento Con eltractor estadonado s obre unasuperfide firmey nivelada, coloque la Carga i nsuficiente...
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Equilibre lapiataforma conunallavepara girarelengranaje d eajuste(que se delavadlla guardacorrea. encuentra inmediatamente detr_s deltomillohexagonal queacaba deaflojar) Extraiga lacorrea ( C) d ealrededor delapolea delaPTO deltractor. V ea laFigura 2 0. enelsentido delasagujas delreloj/arriba o ensentido contrario alasagujas d el reloj/abajo. Laplataforma s eencuentra c orrectamente equilibrada c uando las dosmediciones quesetomaron anteriormente d esde laspuntas delascuchillas Evitelaslesionesporcompresi6m AIextraerlacorrea,nocoloquenuncalos soniguales.
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Neum ticos Mueva lapalanca d eeievaci6n d elaplataforma d entro delamuesca s uperior del guardabarros derecho p aralevantar l osbrazos d eelevaci6n d elaplataforma y sacarlos d elcamino. Extraiga elpasador dechaveta c onuni6ncurva quesujetalavafilla Runcaexceda lapresi6nm_ximade infladoqueseindica enloslateralesde estabilizadora alaplataforma D eslice lavafilladeelevad6n delaplataforma losneum_tkos.
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Paraafilar lascuchillasde corte deforma adecuada, e xtraiga cantidadesiguales de metal de ambosextremosde las cuchillasa Io largode los bordescortantes, paraleloal bordede caiday a un _ngulo de 25° a 30°. Afile siemprecadaborde Id'_nual de[operador d el de las cuchiliasde corte de forma parejapara mantenerun equilibrio adecuado I_tor.
Page 83
[MPORTANTE: Lacorrea e nVdesutractor est& espedaimente diseffada p ara Ajustedel freno de mano engranar y desengranar conseguridad. Una correa derepuesto (nodelfabricante original)puede setpeligrosa potnodesengranar completamente. Para tenetuna m_quina q uefunciona correctamente, usecorreas d elequipo id_nticas a lasindicadas enlasp_ginas delaspiezas deestemanual d eloperario. Nuncaintenteajustarlosfrenosconel motoren marcha.
Page 84
Nuncaalmacenetractor de c_sped con combustibleenel tanque en un espaciocerradooen _reasconpocaventilaci6n, dondelosgases del combustiblepuedanalcanzarelfuego, chispas o una luzpiloto comola que tienen algunoshomos,calentadoresde agua,secadores d e ropa oalgun otro dispositivoagas. Extraiga labujiay viertauna(1)onzadeaceiteparamotorporelorifido Preparad6ndei motor delabujiaeneldlindro.Haga girarel motorvariasveces paradistribuirel [M PORTANTE: El c ombustible quequedaen eltanquecuandohatecaiorse aceite.
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El motor no arranca Perilla de potencia de arranque (PTO) Coloque la perilla en la posici6n de desconexi6n conectada. (OFF). No est_ colocado el freno de mano. Coloque el freno de mano. Se ha desconectado el cable de las bujias. Conecte el cable alas bujias.
Page 86
Esta pagina se dej6 intencionalmente en blanco. Utilice esta pagina para tomar notas acerca de su tractor.
Page 87
Busque el periodo de duraci6n de emisiones importantes yla informaci6n de clasificaci6n de aire en la etiqueta de emisiones de su motor Los motores cuyo cumpiimiento con los estAndares de emisi6n Tier 2 de la Comisi6n de Recursos Ambientales de California (CARB) est6 certificado deben exhibir la informaci6n relacionada con el periodo de duraci6n de ias emisiones y la clasificaci6n de aire.
Page 88
(Esta p_.ginase aplica s61oen EE.UU. y Canada.). Sears Brands Management Corporation, el Consejo de Recursos Ambientales de California (CARB) y la Agencia de Protecci6n Ambiental de los Estados Unidos (EPA) Declaraci6n de garantia del sistema de control de emisiones (derechos y obligaciones de la garanfia de defectos del propi= etario)
Page 89
DECLARACION FEDERAL y/oDECALIFORNIA SOBRE GARANTJAS EN EL CONTROL DE EIVIISIONES SUS DERECHOS Y OBLIGACIONES EN CUANTO A LA GARANTJA MTDConsumerGroupInc, laAgencia de Protecci6nMedioambiental d e los EstadosUnidos(EPA),y para aquellosproductoscertificadosparasu ventaen el es- tadode California,el Departamento de los Recursosdel Aire de California(CARB)secomplacenen explicarla garanfiaque cubre al sistemade control (ECS)de emisiones(evaporativasy/o de escape)de su equipoy motor(motor de equipos de exteriores)de encendidopot chispa paratodo terreno,peque_o,de exteriores del a_o2006 y a_osposterioresEn California,losnuevosmotoresde equipos de exterioresdebenestar dise_ados,construidosy equipadospara cumplircon las estrictasnormasantipoluci6ndel Estado(en otrosestados,losequipos del a_o 1997y modelosposterioresdebenser estar dise_ados,construidosy equipados...
Page 90
8. Durante latotalidad del periodo de garantia del motor yequipo para todo t erreno arriba mencionado, MTD C onsumer Group Inc mantendr_ un suministro de piezas bajo g arantia suficiente para satisfacer lademanda esperada de tales piezas. 9. Cualquier pieza de reemplazo se podr_ usar para e lcumplimiento del m antenimiento olas reparaciones...
Page 91
Felicitaciones por haber realizado una adquisici6n inteligente. El producto Craftsman® que ha adquirido esta diseSado y fabricado para brindar muchos aSos de funcionamiento confiable. Pero como todos los productos a veces puede requerir de reparaciones. Es en ese momento cuando...
Page 92
Ilame el nt_mero abajo. 1-800-659-5917 Craftsman Help Line ® Registered Trademark / Trademark of KCD IP, LLC in the United States, or Sears Brands, LLC in other countries...
I:RnFrSMRN° LAWN TRACTOR 22 HP, Hydrostatic Drive 46" Deck Model No. 247.288890 • Espanol, P. 60 This product has a low emission engine which operates differently from previously built engines. Before you start the engine, read and understand this Operator's Manual.
Page 94
Withproofofpurchase, a newcastironfrontaxlewillbe supplied freeofcharge. WARRANTYSERVICE Forwarrantycoveragedetailsto obtainfreerepairor replacement, c arl1-800-659-5917 or visit the website: in all casesabove,if part repairor replacement i s impossible,the ridingequipmentwill be replacedfree of chargewith the sameor an equivalent model.
This machinewas builtto be operatedaccordingto the safeopera- This symbolpointsout importantsafetyinstructionswhich,if not tion practicesin this manual.As with anytype of powerequipment, followed,couldendangerthepersonalsafetyand/orpropertyof carelessnessor error on the partof the operatorcan resultin serious yourselfand others. Readand followall instructionsin this manual injury.This machineis capableof amputatingfingers,hands,toes beforeattemptingto operatethis machine.Failureto complywith and feet and throwingdebris.Failureto observethe followingsafety these instructionsmay resultin personalinjury.Whenyou seethis...
Page 96
SLOPE OPERATION • Slowdownbeforeturning.Operatethe machinesmoothly.Avoid erraticoperationand excessivespeed. Slopesare a majorfactorrelatedto loss of controland tip-over Disengageblade(s),set parkingbrake,stopengine and wait until accidentswhichcan result in severeinjuryor death.All slopes require the blade(s)come to a completestop beforeremoving grass extra caution.If youcannot back up the slopeor if youfeel uneasyon catcher,emptyinggrass,uncloggingchute,removinganygrass or it, do not mowit.
Page 97
CHILDREN SERVICE Tragicaccidentscanoccur ifthe operatoris notalert to the presence SafeHandlingof Gasoline of children.Childrenare often attractedto the machineand the mowing Toavoidpersonalinjury or propertydamageuse extremecarein activity.They do notunderstandthe dangers.Neverassumethat handlinggasoline.Gasolineisextremelyflammableand the vaporsare childrenwill remainwhereyou last sawthem. explosive.Seriouspersonalinjury canoccur whengasolineis spilled • Keepchildrenout of the mowingareaand inwatchfulcare of a on yourselfor your clotheswhich can ignite.
Page 98
General Service • Donot changethe enginegovernorsettingsor over-speed the • Never run anengine indoors orina poorly ventilated area. Engine engine.The governorcontrolsthe maximumsafe operatingspeed exhaust contains carbon monoxide, anodorless, and deadly gas. of the engine. • Before cleaning, repairing, orinspecting, make c ertain the Maintainor replacesafetyand instructionlabels,as necessary.
Page 99
SAFETY SYMBOLS This pagedepictsand describessafety symbolsthat may appearon this product. Read,understand,and follow all instructions on the machine beforeattemptingto assembleand operate. READ THE OPERATOR'S MANUAL(S) Read, understand, and follow all instructions in the manual(s) before attempting to assemble and operate DANGER-- ROTATING BLADES Never carry passengers.
Page 100
15° Slope 15° Slope (OK) (TOO STEEP) '_. _ Figure 1 Figure 2 15° dashed line USETHISSLOPE GAUGE TODETERMINE IF A SLOPE IS TOOSTEEPFORSAFEOPERATION! To checkthe slope, proceedas follows: Removethis pageand fold along the dashedline. Locatea verticalobject on or behindthe slope (e.g. a pole, building,fence, tree, etc.) 3.
Page 101
IM PORTANT: Yourtractorisshippedwith motoroil inthe engine.However, ShippingBraceRemoval youMUST check the oil levelbefore operating. R eferto the Service & Maintenance sectionforinstructions on Checking TheEngine Oil. Makesurethe ridingmower'sengineis off, removetheignitionkey, Attachingthe Battery Cables and set the parkingbrakebeforeremoving the shippingbrace. Refer jto the Operationsectionfor instructionson howto set the parking lbrake.
Page 102
Figure 3 Figure4 Placethe steering wheel cap overthe centerofthe steering wheel and push downward until it "clicks" into place. Attaching The Seat If the seatforyourtractorwasnot attached at the factory,referto the following steps. NOTE: Forshippingreasons, the seatmayhavenot beenattached at the factory.In thiscase, f reetheseatfrom itsshippingpositionandproceed usingthe instructions below: Position the seatassembly overthe seatmountingbracket, a ligningthe holes...
Page 103
NOTE: A nyreference inthismanual t o the RIGHT or LEFT s ideof the tractoris IgnitionSwitch observed fromoperator's seatpositionfacingforwardtowardsthe front of tractor. DeckLift Lever PTO Lever ( BladeEngage) MeetsANSi S afetyStandards CupHolder Craftsman T ractors c onformto the safetystandardofthe American National BrakePedal Standards I nstitute(ANSI). Speed Control L ever...
Page 104
Parking Brake Neverleavea running machineunattended.AlwaysdisengagePTO, m ove Tosetthe parkingbrake, f ully depress t he parkingbrake pedal.Movethe parking shift lever into neutralposition, setparking brake,stop engine andremove brakeleverintothe ONposition.Release t he parkingbrakepedalto allowthe keyto preventunintended starting. parkingbraketo engage. Torelease the parkingbrake, d epress t he parkingbrakepedal a ndmovethe SeatAdjustmentLever parkingbrakeleverout of the ON positionandintothe OFF position.
Page 105
Donot overfill fueltank.Filltankto no morethan 1/2inchbelowbottomof ParkingBrakePedal& Lever filler neckto allowspace for fuelexpansion. Theparkingparkingbrakepedalislocated onthe left siderunning Neverremove gascapor addfuel whilethe engineishot or running.Allow boardofthe lawntractor.It isusedto bothsetthe parkingbrake engineto coolatleasttwo minutesbefore refueling. andto stopthe lawntractorin sudden situations. Ifgasoline isspilled,wipeit off the engineandequipment. M ovemachine to Theparkingbrakeleverislocatedonthe left sideof the tractor's anotherarea.Wait5 minutesbefore startingtheengine.
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Safety interlock System Keep hands andfeetaway from the discharge o peningof the cuttingdeck. Thesafetyinterlock systemisdesigned forsafeoperationof the tractor.If this system shouldevermalfunction, d o notoperatethe tractor,immediately contact 1-800-4-MY-HOME to havethe system serviced. NOTE: Thedeckwheels areananti-scalp featureof the deckandarenot designed Thesafetyinterlocksystemprevents the enginefromstartingunless to supportthe weightof the cuttingdeck.Referto Leveling inthe Service a nd the parkingbrakeisengaged andthe PTO (BladeEngage) leverisin the Maintenance s ectionof thismanual f ormoredetailedinstructionsregarding various...
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Setthe parkingbrakebyfullydepressing t he parkingbrakepedaland Stopping the Engine keepingit depressed w hileplacingthe parkingbrakeleverinthe ON position.Release t he parkingbrakepedal t o allowthe parkingbraketo engage. Ifyoustrikeaforeignobject,stopthe engine,disconnect the sparkplugwire(s) andgroundagainst t he engine.Thoroughly inspectthe machine foranydamage. Repair t he damage beforerestartingandoperating Before leavingthe operator's positionforanyreason, d isengage t he blades, p lace the speed controlleverin neutral,engage the parkingbrake, s hutengineoffand remove the key.
Page 108
Mowing MovingTheTractorManually Yourtractor'stransmission i sequipped with a hydrostatic reliefvalveforoccasions when it isnecessary t o movethe tractormanually. A ctivating thisvalveforces Tohelpavoidbladecontact o r athrown objectinjury, k eepbystanders, helpers, the fluid in thetransmission to bypass i ts normal r oute,allowingthe reartiresto I children andpetsat least75feetfromthe machine whileit isinoperation. S top "freewheel."Toengage the hydrostatic reliefvalve,proceed asfollows: [ machine if anyone entersthe area.
Page 109
MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Beforeperforminganytype ofmaintenance/service, disengage allcontrols Follow the maintenance s chedule givenbelow.Thischartdescribes s ervice andstopthe engine.Waituntil all movingpartshavecometo acomplete guidelines only.Use the Service Logcolumn to keeptrackofcompleted stop. D isconnect spark plug wireandground itagainstthe engineto prevent maintenance t asks.Tolocate the nearest Parts & RepairServiceCenter or to unintended s tarting.Always wearsafetyglasses duringoperation o rwhile schedule service, simply contact1-800-4-MY-HOME _.
Page 110
EngineMaintenance Changing the Engine Oil and Filter Checking the Engine Oil Onlyusehighqualitydetergentoil ratedwith APIservice classification S F, S G, If the engine hasbeenrecently run, the engine,muffler andsurrounding SH, o r SJ. S elect t he oil'sSAE viscosity gradeaccording to the expected operating metal surfaceswill be hot andcancauseburnsto the skin.
Page 111
Install the o il f ilter by hand until the gasket contacts the oil f ilter adapter, Tochangethe fuel filter: then t ighten the oil f ilter 1/2 to3/4 t urns. Usepliersto squeeze the tabsonthe otherclamp(theout-linesideof the Refill the engine with new motor oil u ntil the oil l evel on the d ipstick reads fuelfilter), thenslidethe clampawayfrom the fuelfilter.
Page 112
Air Cleaner Remove a ndinspectthe sparkplug.Check gapto makesureit issetat .030". See Figure 16. NOTE: Operating enginewith looseor damaged aircleaner c omponents c ouldcause premature wearandfailure.Replace all bentor damaged components. Electrode Porcelain NOTE: Paper e lement c annotbe blownout with compressed a ir. Loosen knobs andremove air cleaner c over, s eeFigure 15.
Page 113
FrontA×les Drive the tractorto a level, c learspotonyourlawn,nearenough foryour gardenhoseto reach. Each endof the tractor'sfront pivot barmaybeequipped with agrease fitting. Lubricate with agrease gunafter every25 hoursoftractoroperation. Battery Makecertain the tractor's dischargechute isdirected AWAY from your house, garage, parkedcars,etc. Thebatteryis sealed andismaintenance-free. Acidlevels cannotbechecked. Always keepthe batterycables andterminalscleanandfreeof corrosive Disengage thePTO (Blade Engage), settheparking b rake and stop the...
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With the tractorparked on afirm, levelsurface, p lacethe decklift leverin Adjustments the second from the top notch(second highestposition)androtateboth blades sothattheyareperpendicular with the tractor. Neverattempt to makeany adjustmentswhile the engine is running, except Measure t he distance fromthe outsideofthe left bladetip to the ground wherespecified inthe operator'smanual.
Page 115
CuttingDecklemovai To remove the cutting deck, proceed as follows: Bow-Tie Clip Place the PTO (BladeEngage) l everinthe disengaged (OFF) p ositionand engage the parkingbrake. Lowerthe deckbymovingthe decklift leverinto the bottomnotchon the right fender. Remove t he self-tapping screw(A)thatsecures the belt-keeper r odfrom around the tractor'sPTO pulley,thenremove the belt keeperrod(B).See Figure 20.
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Connect theotherend ofthecabletothe(positive +) postofthejumperbattery. Connect the second cable(negative -) to the otherpostof thejumper battery. Connect the otherendofthe negative cableto the engineblockofthe tractor,away from the battery.Attachto anunpaintedpartto assure agood connection. If the jumperbattery is installed on avehicle(,truck),do NOT start the vehicle'senginewhen jump starting your tractor. Startthe tractor(asinstructed earlierinthissectionof thismanual).
Page 117
Toremove the blades, p roceed asfollows: Testthe blade'sbalanceusinga bladebalancer. G rindmetalfrom the Remove t he deckfrom beneath the tractor,(referto CuttingDeck Removal heavysideuntil it balances e venly. earlierin thissection)thengentlyflip the deckoverto expose its underside. NOTE: Whenreplacing the blade,besureto installthe bladewith the sideofthe Place a blockofwood betweenthe centerdeckhousing baffleandthe blademarked "Bottom"...
Page 118
ParkingBrakeAdjustment Changing the TransmissionDrive Belt NO}E: Severalcomponentsmustbe removed and special tools(i.e. air/ impactwrench)in order to changethetractor'sdrivebelt. Contactthe Neverattempt to adjust the brakeswhile the engine isrunning. AMays nearest Parts & Repair Service Center to haveyour transmission disengagePTO(BladeEngageLever),moveshift leverinto neutral position, drive beltserviced. stop engine andremovekeyto prevent unintendedstarting.
Page 119
Neverstore lawn tractor with fuel intank indoors or in poorlyventilated areaswhere fuel fumes may reachan openflame, spark,or pilot light ason afurnace,water heater,clothesdryer,or gasappliance. PreparingTheEngine DrainingThe Fuel IMPORTANT: Fuel l eft inthe fuel tankduringwarmweatherdeteriorates a nd Locate the fuel filter,whichis located onthe left sideofthe engine,andmay will cause serious startingproblems.
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Enginefails to start PTO/BladeEngageleverengaged. Placeleverin disengaged(OFF) position. Parkingbrakenotengaged. Engageparkingbrake. Sparkplugwire(s) disconnected. Connectwire(s)to sparkplug(s). Throttle/Chokecontrollevernot in correct PlaceThrottle/Chokeleverintothe FASTposition. startingposition. Chokenotactivated MovetheThrottle/Chokeleverintothe Choke position. Fueltank empty,or stalefuel. Filltank with clean,fresh (less than30 daysold) gas. BIockedfuel line. Replacethe fuel line and replacefuel filter. Faultyspark plug(s).
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Craftsman Model 247.288890 925-1649 Bulb Socket 783-06811-0637 Dash 683-04619A-0691 747-05371 Fuel Tank Support Hood Assembly 747-05326 710-04484 Screw, 5/16-18 x .750 Dash support 747-05398 Control 710-0599 Hex Washer Screw, 1/4-20 x .500 712-0292 951-04304 Fuel Tank Tin Clip Nut, 1/4-20...
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KohlerEngine Model No. SV620-3215 For CraftsmanMower Model No. 247.288890 25 173 33-S Cap, Masking 25 155 51-S Connector, Evaporative 25 326 08-S Hose, Evaporative 20" 20 094 06-S Kit, Air Cleaner Base 20 096 04-S Kit, Air Cleaner Cover 25 341 04-S...
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Look For Relevant Emissions Durability Period and Air index information On Your Engine Emissions Label Engines that are certified to meet the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Tier 2 Emission Standards must display information regarding the Emissions Durability Period and the Air Index. Sears Brands Management Corporation makes this information available to the consumer on our emission...
Page 148
(Thispage applicablein the U.S.A.and Canadaonly.) Sears Brands Management Corporation (Sears), the California Air Resources Board (CARD) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) Emission Control System Warranty Statement (Owner's Defect Warranty Rights and Obligations) EMISSIONCONTROL WARRANTY COVERAGEISAPPLICABLE TO CERTI- YEAR 1997AND LATERENGINES WHICHARE PURCHASED AND USED FIEDENGINESPURCHASEDIN CALIFORNIAIN 1995ANDTHEREAF- ELSEWHERE IN THE UNITEDSTATES (ANDAFTERJANUARY1,2001 IN...
Page 149
FEDERAL and/or CALIFORNIA EMISSION CONTROL W ARRANTY S TATEMENT YOUR WARRANTY RIGHTS ANDOBLIGATIONS MTD Consumer Group Inc, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and, for those products certified for sale in the state of California, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) are pleased to explain the emission (evaporative and/or exhaust) control...
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10. Add-on o rmodified parts t hatare not e xempted bythe AirResources Board m ay not b eused. The use ofany non-exempted add-on o r modified parts b ytheultimate purchaser willbegrounds fordisallowing awarranty claims. MTD Consumer Group I nc willnotbeliable t o warrant failures ofwarranted parts c aused bytheuse ofanon-exempted add-on o rmodified part.
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Congratulations on making a smart purchase. Your new Craftsman® product is designed manufactured for years of dependable operation. But like all products, it may require repair from time to time. That's when having a Repair Protection Agreement can save you money and aggravation.
Page 152
SERVlCIODEGARANT{A Paradetallesde la coberturade garantiaobtenerla reparaci6no reemplazo,Ilameal 1-800-659-5917 o visite el sitio web: Entodosloscasos,sisepartede la reparacbn o reemplazo e simposible, el equipo de equitacbn sereemplazar_, gratuitamente conelmismoo equivalente. Todos losde la anterior g arantia esnulasiseutiliza esteequipo de conduccbn mientras queproporciona s ervicios c omerciales o Sialquila a otrapersona.
Page 153
Esta rn_.quina r ue construidapara seroperadade acuerdocon La presenciade este sirnboloindicaque setrata de instrucciones las reglasde seguridadcontenidasen este manual.AI igualque irnportantesde seguridadque se deben respetarpara evitar concualquiertipo de equipo rnotorizado, u n descuidoo error por poner en peligrosu seguridadpersonaly/o materialy la de otras partedel operadorpuedeproducirlesionesgraves.Esta rn_.quina personas.Lea y siga todaslas instruccionesde este manualantes es capazde arnputarrnanosy piesy de arrojarobjetoscon gran...
Page 154
• Nuncadeje la rn_.quina e n funcionarniento s invigilancia.Apague • Vayaa bajavelocidad.ElijaunavelocidadIosuficienternente b aja, siernprelascuchillas, c oloqueel frenode rnano,detengael motory de rnodoque no tengaque detenerse o hacercarnbios rnientras retirela Ilaveantesde bajarsedel vehiculo. est,. sobrela pendiente. L osneurn_.ticos p odrianperdertracci6n sobrelaspendientes aQn cuandolosfrenosfuncionaran apro- •...
Page 155
• Paraevitaraccidentes al operaren rnarcha atr_.s, s iernpre desengan- • Apaguetodos loscigarrillos,cigarros,pipasy otrasfuentesde chelascuchillas antesde colocarrnarcha atr_.s. S iest,. instalado, cornbustidn. el "ModoPrecaucidn Marcha Atr_.s" ( hojasde operarla rn_.quina, • Nuncacarguecombustibleen la rn_.quina en un espaciocerrado. rnientras quelospaseosa la inversa) n o debeutilizarse cuandohay •...
Page 156
NO MODIFIQUE EL MOTOR • Reviselos pernosde montajede la(s) cuchilla(s)y del motora intervalosfrecuentespara verificarque est6n bien apretados. Paraevitarlesionesgraveso la muerte,no modifiqueel motorbajo Adem_.s, i nspeccionevisualmente la(s) cuchilla(s)en buscade ningunacircunstancia. S i cambiala configuraci6ndel reguladordel daSos(por ejemplo,desgasteexcesivo,abolladuras,rajaduras, motorel motor puededescontrolarse y operara velocidadesinsegu- etc.).
Page 157
SJlVlBOLOS DE SEGURIDAD Esta p&ginarepresenta y describela seguridadlos simbolosque puedenpareceren este producto.Lea,comprenda,y sigatodas instrucciones en la m_quinaantesprocurarpara reuniry operar. LEA EL MANUAL(S) DEL OPERADOR leido, entienda, y siga todas las instrucciones en el manual(s) antes de procurar montar y funcionar PELIGRO-- DE EL CORTE DE PIE Nunca transporte pasajeros.
Page 158
15° Pendiente I5 ° Pendiente (DEMASIADO ESCARPADO) (ACEPTAR) • Figura1 Figura 2 "'" USO DE ESTE PENDiENTE DE CALIBRE PARA DETERrvIINAR SlUNA PENDIENTEES DEIVlASIADO E SCARPADO PARA UNA OPEBACION SEGURA! Para comprobar la pendiente, haga Io siguiente: Borrar esta p_gina y doble a Io largo de la linea discontinua. Localizar un objeto vertical sobre o detr_.sde la pendiente (un poste, un edificio, una valla, un _.rbol,etc.) Alinee cada lado de pendiente de calibre con el objeto vertical (consultar Figura 1 and Figura 2 ).
Page 159
IMPORTANTE: Su tractor se envia con aceite para motor en el motor. E×tracci6n de la traba de seguridad Sin embargo, usted DEBEcontrolar el nivel de aceite antes de hacerlo funcionar. Consulte la secci6n Servicio y mantenimiento para obtener instrucciones sobre el Control del aceite del motor. Compruebe que el motordel tractor cortacesped estfi apagado, retire la ilavede encendido y ponga ei freno de mano antes de sacar ia traba de Colocaci6n...
Page 160
Figura29 Figura30 Coloquela tapadel volante encimadel centrodelvolantey empuje haciaabajohastaquehagaclical calzaren sulugar. Instalad6n del asiento Sisu tractor no traia el asientoinstalado de f_brica,consulte los pasossiguientes: NOTA:Por razonesrelacionadas con el embarque,esposible que no sehayainstalado el asientoen laf_brica. Enesecaso,libere el asientode su posicidnde embarquey contin0econ las instruccionessiguientes: Ubiqueel conjunto delasientosobreel soportede montaje del asiento, alineandolosorificios suministrados.Consulte"A"...
Page 162
Frenode mano Nuncadejelam_quinaenfuncionamientosinvigilancia.CortesiemprelaPTO, Para colocar e lfrenodemano, p resione a rondoelpedal d efreno.Mueva lapalanca d el muevalapalanca decambios a laposici6nNeutral(puntomuerto),pongael frenodemano hacia laposici6n ON. S uelte elpedal d efrenoparapermitir queelfreno frenode mano,pareelmotory retire laflare, paraevitar quealguienencienda demano engrane. acddentalmente el motor. Para soltarelfrenodemano, p resione e lpedal d efreno, s aque lapalanca delfrenode mano delaposici6n ON y ll_vela a laposici6n OFF.
Page 163
NoIleneenexceso e ldep6sito decombustible. Llene eldep6sito nom_sde1/2 Pedaly palancadei freno de mano pulgada pordebajo delabase delcuello de Ilenado para dejarespado para la Elpedal d efrenoest_ubicado s obre elestdbo lzquierdo deltractor expansl6n d elcombustible. cortac_sped. Se utlllzatantopara fljar elfrenodemano comopara Nunca saque latapadelcombustible n [agregue combustible m ientras elmotor detener e ltractorcortac_sped ensltuadones s orpreslvas.
Page 164
Sistema de bloqueo de seguridad El s istema debloqueo deseguridad e st_diseffado p araqueeltractorfuncione con Mantenga lasmanos y pies alejados d elaabertura dedescarga d elaplataforma decorte. seguridad. Si d ichosistema fundonamal,nosedebe hacer f undonar e ltractor, comun[quese deinmediato con1-800-4-MY-HOME para solicitar e lservicio delsistema. NOTA: L as ruedas d elaplataforma c onstituyen u n mecanismo paraelcuidado del Elsistema debloqueo deseguridad i mpide q ueelmotorarranque a menos que c_sped y nofueron diseffadas parasoportar e l peso delaplataforma decorte.Consulte...
Page 165
Detenci6n del motor Coloque e lfrenodemano presionando afondo elpedal d efrenoy mantenidndolo presionado mientras c oloca lapalanca d elfrenodemano enlaposici6n O N. S uelte elpedal d efrenoparapermitir queelfrenodemano engrane. Si g olpea contra algunobjeto extraffo, d etenga elmotor, d esconecte el(los) cable(s) de labujia y conecte e l motor a masa.
Page 166
Movimiento manual dei tractor Corte de c sped La transmisi6nde sutractor est_ equipadacon unav_lvula de descargahidrost_tica para ocaslones en las queesnecesar[omoverel tractor manualmente.AI actlvar Para tratardeevitarelcontacto conlascuch[llas o unalesi6n poralgOn objeto quesea esta v_lvula sefuerzaal I[quldo que est_en la transmlsi6na evltar suruta normal, arrojado, mantenga alos observadores, alosayudantes, ni_os y mascotas aleiados permlt[endo quelos neum_tlcostraseros"rueden Ilbremente".
Page 167
PROGRAMA D EMANTENIMIENTO Siga el cronograma de mantenimiento que se presenta a continuaci6n. Antesdereaiizar c uaiquiertipo demantenimientooservicio, d esenganche t odos Estatabla s61odescribe pautas de servicio. Utilice la columna Registro loscontroies y detengaelmotor.Espere a quesedetengancompietamente t odas de Servicio para hacer el seguimiento de lastareas de mantenimiento laspiezas m6viies.Desconecte elcabledela bujiay p6ngalohaciendo masacontra completadas.
Page 168
Mantenimiento del motor Cambiode aceite de motor y filtro de aceite Control delaceitedemotor Usesolamente un aceitedetergentede aita calidadcuyaclasificaci6nde servicioAPIsea Si el motor ha estado en funcionamiento recientemente, el motor, el silenciador SF, S G,SHo SJ.Selecdoneel grado de viscosidadSAE del aceitesegunla temperatura y las superficies met_licas circundantes estar_n calientes y pueden causar de operad6nesperada.Sigalatabla que aparecea continuad6n.
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Llene pardalmente elffltrodeaceiteaproximadamente 3/4desucapaddad Para cambiar el filtro de combustible: conaceite limpioy nuevo. A ntes de instalar e lnuevo filtro deaceite, l ubrique Utflkepinzas paraapretarlasleng[Jetas de laotraabrazadera (elladofuerade ligeramente l ajuntadelffltrodeaceite conunpocodeaceite simplemente lineadelfiltro decombustible), luegodeslice laabrazadera alej_ndola d elfiltro mojando undedo enelaceite y pas_ndolo a lrededor delajunta.
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Vuelva ainstalar lacubiertadelpurificador d eairey sujete conlasperillas. Limpieel motor Diariamente o antes decadauso, l impie elc_sped, lagrasa olosresiduos acumulados enelmotor. M antenga l implos elvarillaje, l osresortes y loscontroles. Mantenga e l_irea q uerodea alsilendador y queest,1 detras delmismo fibre decualquier r esiduo combustible.
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Desperfectosde la bateda Nivelad6n frontal-posterior Algunas c ausas c omunes d efallade[abateffa son: El f rentede laplataforma decorteseapoya enunabarra estabilizadora quesepuede ajustar p aralaniveiaci6n f rontal-posterior delaplataforma. L apartefrontaldebe Actlvad6n [nlcial [ ncorrecta estarentre1/4y_8depulgada m_sbajaquelaparteposterior delaplataforma. D eser Sobrecarga necesado, reallce unajuste delasigulente manera: Congelamiento Con eltractor estadonado s obre unasuperfide firmey nivelada, coloque la Carga i nsuficiente...
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Equilibre lapiataforma conunallavepara girarelengranaje d eajuste(que se delavadlla guardacorrea. encuentra inmediatamente detr_s deltomillohexagonal queacaba deaflojar) Extraiga lacorrea ( C) d ealrededor delapolea delaPTO deltractor. V ea laFigura 2 0. enelsentido delasagujas delreloj/arriba o ensentido contrario alasagujas d el reloj/abajo. Laplataforma s eencuentra c orrectamente equilibrada c uando las dosmediciones quesetomaron anteriormente d esde laspuntas delascuchillas Evitelaslesionesporcompresi6m AIextraerlacorrea,nocoloquenuncalos soniguales.
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Neum ticos Mueva lapalanca d eeievaci6n d elaplataforma d entro delamuesca s uperior del guardabarros derecho p aralevantar l osbrazos d eelevaci6n d elaplataforma y sacarlos d elcamino. Extraiga elpasador dechaveta c onuni6ncurva quesujetalavafilla Runcaexceda lapresi6nm_ximade infladoqueseindica enloslateralesde estabilizadora alaplataforma D eslice lavafilladeelevad6n delaplataforma losneum_tkos.
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Paraafilar lascuchillasde corte deforma adecuada, e xtraiga cantidadesiguales de metal de ambosextremosde las cuchillasa Io largode los bordescortantes, paraleloal bordede caiday a un _ngulo de 25° a 30°. Afile siemprecadaborde Id'_nual de[operador d el de las cuchiliasde corte de forma parejapara mantenerun equilibrio adecuado I_tor.
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[MPORTANTE: Lacorrea e nVdesutractor est& espedaimente diseffada p ara Ajustedel freno de mano engranar y desengranar conseguridad. Una correa derepuesto (nodelfabricante original)puede setpeligrosa potnodesengranar completamente. Para tenetuna m_quina q uefunciona correctamente, usecorreas d elequipo id_nticas a lasindicadas enlasp_ginas delaspiezas deestemanual d eloperario. Nuncaintenteajustarlosfrenosconel motoren marcha.
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Nuncaalmacenetractor de c_sped con combustibleenel tanque en un espaciocerradooen _reasconpocaventilaci6n, dondelosgases del combustiblepuedanalcanzarelfuego, chispas o una luzpiloto comola que tienen algunoshomos,calentadoresde agua,secadores d e ropa oalgun otro dispositivoagas. Extraiga labujiay viertauna(1)onzadeaceiteparamotorporelorifido Preparad6ndei motor delabujiaeneldlindro.Haga girarel motorvariasveces paradistribuirel [M PORTANTE: El c ombustible quequedaen eltanquecuandohatecaiorse aceite.
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El motor no arranca Perilla de potencia de arranque (PTO) Coloque la perilla en la posici6n de desconexi6n conectada. (OFF). No est_ colocado el freno de mano. Coloque el freno de mano. Se ha desconectado el cable de las bujias. Conecte el cable alas bujias.
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Esta pagina se dej6 intencionalmente en blanco. Utilice esta pagina para tomar notas acerca de su tractor.
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Busque el periodo de duraci6n de emisiones importantes yla informaci6n de clasificaci6n de aire en la etiqueta de emisiones de su motor Los motores cuyo cumpiimiento con los estAndares de emisi6n Tier 2 de la Comisi6n de Recursos Ambientales de California (CARB) est6 certificado deben exhibir la informaci6n relacionada con el periodo de duraci6n de ias emisiones y la clasificaci6n de aire.
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(Esta p_.ginase aplica s61oen EE.UU. y Canada.). Sears Brands Management Corporation, el Consejo de Recursos Ambientales de California (CARB) y la Agencia de Protecci6n Ambiental de los Estados Unidos (EPA) Declaraci6n de garantia del sistema de control de emisiones (derechos y obligaciones de la garanfia de defectos del propi= etario)
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DECLARACION FEDERAL y/oDECALIFORNIA SOBRE GARANTJAS EN EL CONTROL DE EIVIISIONES SUS DERECHOS Y OBLIGACIONES EN CUANTO A LA GARANTJA MTDConsumerGroupInc, laAgencia de Protecci6nMedioambiental d e los EstadosUnidos(EPA),y para aquellosproductoscertificadosparasu ventaen el es- tadode California,el Departamento de los Recursosdel Aire de California(CARB)secomplacenen explicarla garanfiaque cubre al sistemade control (ECS)de emisiones(evaporativasy/o de escape)de su equipoy motor(motor de equipos de exteriores)de encendidopot chispa paratodo terreno,peque_o,de exteriores del a_o2006 y a_osposterioresEn California,losnuevosmotoresde equipos de exterioresdebenestar dise_ados,construidosy equipadospara cumplircon las estrictasnormasantipoluci6ndel Estado(en otrosestados,losequipos del a_o 1997y modelosposterioresdebenser estar dise_ados,construidosy equipados...
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8. Durante latotalidad del periodo de garantia del motor yequipo para todo t erreno arriba mencionado, MTD C onsumer Group Inc mantendr_ un suministro de piezas bajo g arantia suficiente para satisfacer lademanda esperada de tales piezas. 9. Cualquier pieza de reemplazo se podr_ usar para e lcumplimiento del m antenimiento olas reparaciones...
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Felicitaciones por haber realizado una adquisici6n inteligente. El producto Craftsman® que ha adquirido esta diseSado y fabricado para brindar muchos aSos de funcionamiento confiable. Pero como todos los productos a veces puede requerir de reparaciones. Es en ese momento cuando...
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Ilame el nt_mero abajo. 1-800-659-5917 Craftsman Help Line ® Registered Trademark / Trademark of KCD IP, LLC in the United States, or Sears Brands, LLC in other countries...