Recommended Media, and Information Sources Configuration Summary ..................9 Specifications ....................... 10 Supplies and Accessories ..................10 Recomended Media ....................11 Information Sources ..................... 11 Contents D O C uCO lO R 242 / 252 / 260 Ev A luA tOR GuIDE...
FEATuRE SET DOCuCOLOR 242 / 252 / 260 DOCuCOLOR 242 / 252 / 260 STANDARD FEATuRES OPTIONAL FEATuRES • up to 40 ppm color, 55 ppm black-and-white • Choice of three finishing options delivering 50- and (DocuColor 242) 100-sheet stapling, hole punching, saddle-stitching with center fold, cover sheets, C- and Z-folding, •...
Canitkeepupwiththedemandsofmultiplejobsandclientdeadlines? IMAGE QuALITy Doesitproducecolorandclaritythatexceedtheexpectationsofcolorprofessionals? FLEXIbILITy Canitbecustomizedtothespecificneedsofyourbusiness? ThissectionoftheEvaluatorGuidewillexamineeachoftheseareasandsuggestwaysyoucan evaluatecolorprinter-copiersagainsttheserequirements.Dothisforallofthecolorprinter-copiers youconsider,andyou’llseehowtheDocuColor242/252/260printer-copierexceedsexpectations onallcounts. D O C u CO l OR 2 4 2 / 2 5 2 / 2 6 0 E v Al u At O R G u I D E...
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EvALuATE PERFORMANCE AND PRINT SPEED Forgraphicartsandlightproductionenvironments,overall system speed and performancearecritical considerations.Print speedsarecriticalinlightproductionenvironments,wherelongerprintjobsare regularlyproduced.Ingraphicartsandcolor-intensiveenvironments,processing speed and overall performancewillhelpavoidbottlenecksandquicklyprocesslargejobs.Lastly,considertheconsumables fortheprinter-copiersyouareevaluating,andwhethertheywillhelpyouavoiddowntime. hOw ThE DOCuCOLOR 242 / 252 / 260 EXCEEDS ThE PERFORMANCE AND PRINT SPEED REQuIREMENT: PRINT SPEED Everthinkyourprintercouldprintasfastincolorasitdoesinblack-and-white?TheDocuColor 242/252/260printer-copiercomesclose,whiledeliveringprintspeedsyouprobablyhaven’texpe- riencedbefore.TheDocuColor242featuresprintspeedsofupto40ppmforcolorand55ppmfor black-and-white.TheDocuColor252deliversprintspeedsofupto50ppmforcolorand65ppm forblack-and-white.TheDocuColor260bringstheperformanceoftheXeroxcolorproductline tonewheights,withcolorprintspeedsofupto60ppmandblack-and-whiteprintspeedsupto75 ppm.Withfirst-page-outtimes(FPOT)asfastas10.7secondsforcolorand4.3secondsforblack-...
SECTION 3 DocuColor 242 / 252 / 260 Feature Review Hole punching Decurling media Multiposition stapling Image transfer Folding Paper feed Fusing image Saddle stitching the DocuColor 242/252/260 printer-copiers enable the production of all types of documents and are ideal for a wide array of...
SECTION 4 Configurations, Specifications, Supplies, Support and Information Sources DOCuCOLOR 242 / 252 / 260 CONFIGuRATION SuMMARy Light- Convenience 2,000-Sheet Production Stapler Oversized Finisher High-Capacity Feeder 2,000-Sheet Base Unit with High-Capacity 5 Standard Trays Feeder Advanced Finisher Offsetting Professional Catch Tray Finisher ...
Xeroxoffersthebroadestportfolioofdigitallyoptimized paperandspecialtymediaunderonebrand,makingit easyforyoutomaximizethecapabilitiesofyourXerox DocuColor242 / 2 52 / 2 60printer-copierandgenerate newrevenueopportunities.Whetheryouneedtocreate andprintacustomizednewsletter,brochure,transparency, label,IDcard,ordurabledocument,Xeroxpaperand specialtymediaisyourbestchoice. INFORMATION SOuRCES TheDocuColor242 / 2 52 / 2 60TrainingandInformation wEb LINkS CD(packagedandshippedwiththeproduct)isan Xeroxprovidesmanyresourcestohelpyoulearnmore interactivemethodtoinstructtheuseronhowto aboutyourXeroxprinter-copierdevice.Usetheseweb mastercopyandprintoperations. sitestoobtaininformationaboutyourXeroxproduct: T olinktoproductandsuppliesinformation, SySTEM CONFIGuRATION PAGES •...
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NOTES D O Cu CO l O R 2 4 2 / 252 / 260 Ev A luAt OR GuIDE...
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NOTES D O C u CO l OR 2 4 2 / 2 5 2 / 2 6 0 E v Al u At O R G u I D E...
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® that these products meet the ENERGY StAR guidelines for energy efficiency. the ENERGY StAR name and logo are registered u.S. trademarks. terra Choice Environmental Services, Inc. of Canada has verified that this Xerox product conforms to all applicable Environmental Choice Ecologo requirements for minimized impact to the environment.